What in the world is this?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by megkc03, Mar 15, 2009.

  1. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    So the boys have had a runny nose for a week +. They had their MMR/Chx pox vaccine on Feb 24th. Anthony got the fever...then the rash-at exactly the 10 day mark.

    Today I go and change Nicholas' diaper and this is what I find:

    This one is better:

    What in the world is that? I know last time I called about Anthony(and his rash was ALL OVER his belly/back) the nurse said it could be from the cold virus. But this one on Nicholas is different. I mean-the big rash looks like a map of the U.S. Has anyone seen something like this? I think I am going to have to put a call into the pedi. I just don't know what it is. It's not anywhere but his belly. We did play with sand yesterday for the first time-but he certainly didn't have this when he went to bed. And he's not scratching at it or anything. No fever either...
  2. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    I don't think I am going to be any help as I don't know what it is either. Has he had any new foods at all? Or are you using a different laundry detergent? I would definitely call the pedi and see what they say! :hug:
  3. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't hesitate to call the Dr. Are there other red bumps on his belly? It's hard to tell from the pic.
  4. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    No new foods...No new detergent...And yes-there are other red bumps on his belly.

    Time to wake dh! :)

    I'll keep ya posted!
  5. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    Is it hives? Sofie got hives when she was fighting a virus a few weeks ago, no other symptoms but a fever.

    Hope you get it figured out!
  6. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I just called pedi...nothing they can really do for a rash-he has NO other symptoms! I did notice it has spread to his arm/armpit. But there is nothing they can really do now. She said to watch for fever, irritability, lack of appetite, etc. And if it's spread in the am, to call and I will bring him in.

    I guess the good thing is he is clueless!
  7. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(cohlee @ Mar 15 2009, 09:03 AM) [snapback]1228959[/snapback]
    Is it hives? Sofie got hives when she was fighting a virus a few weeks ago, no other symptoms but a fever.

    Hope you get it figured out!

    I agree that it looks like hives. If you have any Benadryl on hand, I would try and see if that helps before calling the dr on a Sunday morning, especially if they don't seem to be bothering him.
  8. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(cohlee @ Mar 15 2009, 10:03 AM) [snapback]1228959[/snapback]
    Is it hives? Sofie got hives when she was fighting a virus a few weeks ago, no other symptoms but a fever.

    Hope you get it figured out!

    Ohhhh...hives! You could be right!
  9. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have no idea what that is! Does it seem to be bothering him?
  10. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    Poor guy! That looks awful. Sorry I can't be of any help, but I do hope it clears up for you soon!
  11. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I don't know. I hope it doesn't start to bother him. :hug:
  12. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Nope...it's not bothering him one bit! Whatever it is...I hope it goes away SOON!
  13. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    I'd try the Benadryl and see if it goes away. Glad it's not bothering him.
  14. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member

    DS had something similar last year, not itchy, a fever that was a couple days before. no other symptoms - it is called Roseola, you can google and see. It is basically a virus, a form of herpes simplex 6 I think.
  15. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    Oh poor little bugger!!! Hope it clears up soon!!

  16. kellytwinmom

    kellytwinmom Well-Known Member

    I was going to suggest Roseola as well. One of mine had this without having a high fever, just the rash. If this is it the other one may or may not get it (A never got it). Once you see the rash it is on the tail end of the virus.
  17. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I hope it clears up! I would definitely continue to monitor it and if you don't like how it looks I would definitely try to get the pedi to see him tomorrow. Poor little guy!
  18. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(itsnancycozzi @ Mar 15 2009, 12:45 PM) [snapback]1229133[/snapback]
    I hope it clears up! I would definitely continue to monitor it and if you don't like how it looks I would definitely try to get the pedi to see him tomorrow. Poor little guy!

    Thanks everyone. I just put him down for a nap and it looks like it is clearing up a bit(I didn't give any medicine or anything). I'll recheck him after nap-but most bumps seem to be gone as well as the redness associated with it. I'll still keep an eye out for it-as well as on his brother!
  19. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    Glad he seems better. To just throw out there, our roseola rash looked completely different....it was like pinpoint dots. The road map of the US is quite puzzling since it's SOOOO big. Maybe he did have a bit of a reaction to the sand that just occured overnight?

    Glad it's not bugging him!
  20. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(nurseandrea02 @ Mar 15 2009, 03:52 PM) [snapback]1229311[/snapback]
    Glad he seems better. To just throw out there, our roseola rash looked completely different....it was like pinpoint dots. The road map of the US is quite puzzling since it's SOOOO big. Maybe he did have a bit of a reaction to the sand that just occured overnight?

    Glad it's not bugging him!

    Well-I spoke too soon! He is still feeling fine and acting fine(besides the fact that neither of them took a nap today!). However-it's spreading-to his face, arms, side, and on his belly. I am just perplexed. I will be calling pedi in the am and see if he can be seen. I am not sure there is anything they can do for him though. Should I give benadryl? He really doesn't even know he has it-so I don't know if the benadryl will help or hurt! I took new photos-it's hard to take photos of a 16 month old who wants NOTHING to do with his parents lifting his shirt and taking a photo! LOL!

  21. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    I would take him in! If it's not bothering him, it's probably nothing major, but if it's spreading, I'd want to make sure.

    If you want to try Bendadryl, it won't hurt him -- and if it clears up, you'll know it's an allergic reaction of some kind.
  22. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    Oh yikes...poor Nicholas! Lucky it's not bugging him...whew! Now that I've seen more pics, it does look a little like Conner's roseola rash & I have heard that you can get the rash without the fever. Regardless, I'd get it checked out. There are too many contagious rash type things out there in little kid land & I'd want to know what I was dealing with.

    In fact, we've got a spreading rash going on around here, too. It started with Aiden on Monday of last week, right around his diaper area. We just assumed it was some sort of a diaper rash & watched it. It's spread onto his belly, but then just kinda stayed put. However, during bath tonight, I noticed it's spreading up the back of his butt, he's got a few spots on his face/feet/legs/hands & now Conner has some random spots sprouting up. I'm wondering about Hand, Foot, & Mouth (because of the spots on his feet & hands) but if it is, it's not the same as our other HFMs have been. Unfortunately, I NEED to know what ours is because they're supposed to go to daycare on Tuesday, so if it's nothing, I need a note to say so...otherwise they'll get sent home!

    SO, we'll be off to the Ped tomorrow for a rash check, too. You'll have to keep us posted! I hate not knowing what's up with my kids, don't you????
  23. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Yeah-I called the pedi yet again...The answering service and a nurse called me back. She asked about other symptoms(none) and then asked if he had a cold or anything. I said he's had a runny nose for the last week(sneezing, coughing). She said it sounded like the virus was saying goodbye(which I think Nichole you said one of your girls had last week). So...She said I could give him benadryl but it won't do anything. If he were to spike a fever-I am to call right away. She said it should be gone in 24-48 hours. He's now fast asleep and I hope he stays that way!

    I just hope it's gone by the morning-I so hate not knowing what is wrong with them!
  24. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(nurseandrea02 @ Mar 15 2009, 06:56 PM) [snapback]1229542[/snapback]
    Oh yikes...poor Nicholas! Lucky it's not bugging him...whew! Now that I've seen more pics, it does look a little like Conner's roseola rash & I have heard that you can get the rash without the fever. Regardless, I'd get it checked out. There are too many contagious rash type things out there in little kid land & I'd want to know what I was dealing with.

    In fact, we've got a spreading rash going on around here, too. It started with Aiden on Monday of last week, right around his diaper area. We just assumed it was some sort of a diaper rash & watched it. It's spread onto his belly, but then just kinda stayed put. However, during bath tonight, I noticed it's spreading up the back of his butt, he's got a few spots on his face/feet/legs/hands & now Conner has some random spots sprouting up. I'm wondering about Hand, Foot, & Mouth (because of the spots on his feet & hands) but if it is, it's not the same as our other HFMs have been. Unfortunately, I NEED to know what ours is because they're supposed to go to daycare on Tuesday, so if it's nothing, I need a note to say so...otherwise they'll get sent home!

    SO, we'll be off to the Ped tomorrow for a rash check, too. You'll have to keep us posted! I hate not knowing what's up with my kids, don't you????

    What does yours look like? Alice and Royce (and me too) all have impetigo. . .
  25. nadana77

    nadana77 Well-Known Member

    Poor Guy :( Hope he rests well tonight and gets some sleep.
    Hope it goes away soon!
    Take Care & Have a Good Night!
  26. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    Oh no, poor Nicholas! At least its not bothering him, it didnt seem to bother Sof either. Hopefully he wakes up in the morning rash-free!
  27. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    Hope the Benadryl works!

  28. stefwebb

    stefwebb Well-Known Member

    DS had something similar rash once and the doc said the same thing yours did. It was at the end of a cold too. His lasted about 24 hours and went away on its own. Hope it's gone already!
  29. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    My boys just got their chicken pox vaccine today and on the info sheet it says this under the "risks" section:

    "Mild rash , up to a month after vaccination (1 person out of 25). It is possible for these people to infect other members of their household, but this is extremely rare."

    It also said:

    "Note: The first does of MMRV vaccine has been associated with rash and higher rates of fever than MMR and varicella vaccines given separately. Ras has been reported in 1 person in 20 and fever in 1 person in 5."

    Anyway, I thought of you and thought I'd share!
  30. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(mommymeg @ Mar 16 2009, 08:01 PM) [snapback]1231616[/snapback]
    My boys just got their chicken pox vaccine today and on the info sheet it says this under the "risks" section:

    "Mild rash , up to a month after vaccination (1 person out of 25). It is possible for these people to infect other members of their household, but this is extremely rare."

    It also said:

    "Note: The first does of MMRV vaccine has been associated with rash and higher rates of fever than MMR and varicella vaccines given separately. Ras has been reported in 1 person in 20 and fever in 1 person in 5."

    Anyway, I thought of you and thought I'd share!

    Thanks! I didn't know it was a month! Yikes!

    I was going to post an update this morning-but thought I would jinx myself! The rash is MUCH better and just about gone-thank goodness! And believe it or not-so is his runny nose! Let's hope we are done with illnesses-for the YEAR!
  31. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Glad its better! My girls have both had rashes associated with illnesses before too and it totally freaked me out.
  32. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    So glad the rash is so much better. That is great :)

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