What if one baby seems to need less naps than the other one?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by christineinhk, Feb 2, 2008.

  1. christineinhk

    christineinhk Well-Known Member

    OK so my girls are 15 months old today. Our routine has been like this for the last month

    6:30am wake up
    7:15am bottle
    8am breakfast
    9:30am nap 1
    10:30am wake them up
    12 noon lunch
    1:15pm nap 2
    3:30/3:45pm bottle
    6pm dinner
    7:15pm bedtime

    For nap 1, Chloe has been talking all the way through it, often Ashley sleeps but then
    she often keeps Ashley awake too.

    There's no room in our flat for them to nap in different rooms.

    What would be the best course of action? Just let Chloe talk through nap 1?
    Make them both drop nap 1?? Wont Ashley suffer from this?
    Bring Chloe out (then I feel like I'm encouraging her to talk to be brought out?)
    Just put Ashley down for a nap (not tried that and unsure how they would react, their
    beds are touching)

  2. CapeBretoner_123

    CapeBretoner_123 Well-Known Member

    Sounds like shes ready to drop to one nap. I know at this age I changed mine over to one.
    Its easier to make the change then be tortured by two overtired babies. She'll keep the other one awake .
  3. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    My girls changed to one right around this age too, and I had a similar scenario. Emma would most often sleep through both naps, Lauren would be awake for one. Once I transitioned them to one nap, Emma would sleep longer than Lauren on some days so once Lauren wakes, I sneak in and get her and let Emma sleep as long as she needs to.
  4. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Mine also changed to one nap at around that age. One thing that helped us over the hump of the transition, was to get out and about in the mornings, and do an early lunch--like closer to 11:15, and then gradually move lunch back to noontime.
  5. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    Justin goes down to 1 nap per day while Rianna still take 2 nap but the afternoon nap are shorter (30 mins). It is nice to get some down time with one on one with each child. Sometimes, Rianna is up early in the AM and I would whisk her out and let Justn sleep in for another 15 to 20 mins (he get up fairly early too).

    Diana w/Rianna and Justin (16 mos) (Yay! I was testing to see if my photo will work. please let me know if you can open this file).

  6. Cindy123

    Cindy123 Well-Known Member

    We just dropped a nap last week. Keira was only taking the second nap one day a week, while Maisy was usually taking both. We moved lunch time to 11:00, then nap, then snack when they woke. Since then (5 days ago) we have been able to move lunch to 11:30 and nap to 12:30 and will try to keep moving them back. Both girls seem to be taking to it fine, but there is some fussiness before nap and before bedtime which we have had to move up a bit too. I was initially worried that Maisy wouldn't do well because she was still taking both naps, but so far, so good, and this mommy can't really deal with two babies with two seperate schedules! ;)
  7. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    Syd hated 2 naps even before their 1st bday. I tried everything. Then I tried the only thing left (the thing everbody told me not to do yet). I put them both on nap per day from 12-3. Been working for us for over a year. Sam adjusted fine. And a much, much happier mommy. I get a nice long break. We have more time in mornings and evenings to go out and/or do activities. I'm a BIG supporter of 1 nap per day!
  8. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    Arwen dropped nap 1 when she was 12 months old. Lorien didn't drop that nap until she was 14 months. So it's deffinately possible that one is ready and the other one not. When they were on seperate naps it was deffinately hard on me. It took a while but I had to keep pushing Lorien's 1st nap later and later and eventually I was able to get them to both go down for a nap by 11:30. It has actually been so much nicer with only 1 nap. Now I can schedule play dates and get togethers in the am or in the pm. Everything seems to just fit better. I try to nap with them when I can but lately Arwen has been fighting her one nap and I'm just not ready to let that happen.
  9. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    That's when we started transitioning to one nap. My dd didn't want to take the morning nap anymore. I don't think Ashley will suffer from going down to one nap. My ds pretty much sleeps the same amount of hours, only clumped together. Plus, around this time is when they usually do start transitioning, so it sounds like Chloe might like only one nap. Good luck.
  10. christineinhk

    christineinhk Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone, I'm going to give it a try tomorrow (MOnday) and keep them awake til 12 noon and then put them down. I will take them out what USED to be first nap time and see what happens.. There's a part of me that will miss having two naps a day......
  11. christineinhk

    christineinhk Well-Known Member

    I have been unable to shift them to one nap as now it appears for the last 2 days, they are both sleeping at nap one and nap two....! Go figure! :D Twins!
  12. 1girltwinboyz

    1girltwinboyz Well-Known Member

    could be a phase too. my boys each went through no nap phases around that time. but i still but them down in their cribs for quiet time. after a week or more they both started napping again. but only 1-2 hours. and only one nap. then at 2.5 zach gave up naps all together. josh will nap in the car or sometimes just fall asleep on the couch while watching tv. i watch for his signs and plug in handy manny and off to zzzzzzzzzz land. then i can spend some 1 on 1 time with zach.

    HTH i think they are too young for no naps but average age for going from 2 to 1 naps.
  13. christineinhk

    christineinhk Well-Known Member

    thanks for advice, sometimes its hard to know if its a phase!! I'll keep monitoring them. I know that at SOME point they will turn into one nap a day girls..
  14. Erykah

    Erykah Well-Known Member

    Nevan is a better sleeper and some days he's napping and Norah is up. I take her with me to do whatever it is I need to do. I give her 10 - 15 minutes to settle before I give up though.
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