what have you done with all of their outgrown clothes?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by foppa2102, Oct 13, 2009.

  1. foppa2102

    foppa2102 Well-Known Member

    i will start this by saying that i'm a major packrat! i have problems throwing things away, mostly because i find some sentimental connection to it. i haven't gotten rid of ANY of my girls' clothes from birth, and truth be told, i don't want to. i know that's not realistic. they have some really awesome clothes, stuff i wish i could wear myself... lol. some pretty expensive stuff that was only worn once, some items never worn. i'd like to at least get some money for this stuff if i'm gonna get rid of it. i've considered consignment shops and garage sales, but they have SO many clothes, i cant imagine rewashing, ironing, getting all of it in good sale condition. what are some things you've done with your lo's outgrown clothes?

    edited because i finally remembered the word 'packrat'... lol
  2. Momof2wonders

    Momof2wonders Well-Known Member

    I've always kept most of all my boys' clothes, just the really nice ones, and there is a lot of them, i can't get rid of them either, they are too cute!!They are all stored away by size and maybe one day, i'll pass them on to my grandkids[​IMG] [​IMG]
  3. ejradcliffe

    ejradcliffe Well-Known Member

    I'm guessing you're done having children? :rolleyes: With each of my first two, I knew I still wanted more so I happily packed them away hoping to use them again. Then we had the twins and are positive we are done! I have been happily giving away everything as they outgrow it... I'm done storing clothes!

    My point is, hopefully you'll get to a point where you're ready to part with them and then you can sell them or donate them, either to someone you know or to the many worthy causes out there that would love nice children's clothes. I do have one last trip down memory lane as I sort and organize the clothes, plus they mostly go to my neices so I see the clothes again! I actually have a stockpile of boys clothes b/c I don't know anyone that has had a boy since my younger DS has outgrown his, so I am still holding on to everything in hopes I can pass them along to someone I know.

    Good luck deciding!
  4. hsuter

    hsuter Well-Known Member

    Personally we kept some of our favorites from the first yr and my MIL is turning them into a quilt. The rest we are going to sell at our garage sale next yr.
  5. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    I donated their 0-6 month clothes to a couple who are expecting twins this month. If they want the rest I'll pass them along.

    I was just at a resale store today (Once Upon A Child) and they are not excepting any clothes at this time and they also now only give store credit. I feel they price their clothes too high so I would not bring my clothes to them.

    I'm thinking of having a garage sale next year and maybe I can sell a bunch then.

    I just listed their winter coats from last year on craigslist and no one has been interested. I price things low, but there is so much out there it's been really hard to sell things lately.
  6. *Sully*

    *Sully* Well-Known Member

    Do you have any kids consignment sales near you? There are about four different sales in my area. I've sold things and done well. You have to be realistic about pricing and organized. If you've shopped one you should have a good idea of how to prepare the merchandise. If you have options, ask around and see who shops one or another the most or thinks it's the best.

    I'm also in a clothes circle with some friends with kids different ages. I have one good friend that saves all her boy stuff for me and we use it, add to it and then give it back to her clean and ready to be shipped to her friend that has a DS a year younger than mine. I was also passed down all my nieces clothes that were in decent shape (those 4 girls were rougn on clothes!). I try to give some of them away to new parents that need help and some go to goodwill because they're in bad shape.
  7. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    I kept it, kept it all, almost 4 years of clothes. Ty is wearing someone of it now but hes outgrown I just washed and put in totes in the closet. I just cant sell it:(
  8. june07girl

    june07girl Well-Known Member

    If you don't want to get rid of them, how about turing them into a quilt? You could cut the clothes into squares and make them into a really nice keepsake blanket for each of them??
  9. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    The quilt idea is very nice. :wub:

    I save only the special occasion outfits and if it was something special for me :pardon: The rest I donate.
  10. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My DD's clothes have been given to my BF who had a baby girl over the summer and DS's clothes go to my other BF who has a boy 6 months younger then the twins. Since she has three boys, we've done a clothing exchange, she gives me clothes that will fit my DS and I will give her the clothes he's grown out of plus any of her clothes he's grown out of. She offered to give me my clothes back but I told her to keep them because we are not planning on more children.
  11. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I joined my twin mom club and sold some at the sales. I donated what didn't sell. I've put some on freecycle and when we moved, I gave all the clothes I had left in storage to the Salvation Army (they come to your house). I'm going to give most of the boy clothes DS outgrows to my neighbor, who has a son one year younger... I'll try to sell DD's stuff at my club's next sale.

    Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not such a nice person, I'm just too lazy to wash, iron, hang and put everything on ebay, or I'm guessing I would have made a lot of money, although I mostly have cheap/second hand clothes.
  12. sharerc

    sharerc Well-Known Member

    I give one set to my niece who is a year younger than the girls. The other set is going in the garage sale in March. I missed the one this weekend because we were in Disney. I plan on putting all the clothes in a container by size and selling each outfit for $1 or $.50. I want the stuff gone. What I don't sell will be donated. I keep nothing.
  13. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    I'm lazy also and don't have the time/energy to get clothes ready for sale so I give stuff to some of my coworkers that want it and if they don't it goes to the salvation army or goodwill
  14. ohjojo

    ohjojo Well-Known Member

    i have only saved a few special outfits and the rest i have given to friends that have had babies after me. we were so lucky and got so many things given to us that i really just want to pay it forward. it makes me feel great to know that i am helping someone out like others did for me.

    i do like the quilt idea though, i am planning on making quilts out of all the flannel receiving blankets we have.
  15. trudyhm@att.net

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    Don't do like I did and "assume" that the twins were the last, after ten years of trying and IVF, and give away all of your 0-6 month things and then turn up pregnant! Luckily for me I gave a lot to my sister-in-law, so she's giving things back to me as her baby outgrows them.

    I worked out a great deal with a good friend who has three girls older than mine. She gives me all of her outgrown things (clothes/toys/gear) and I give her a gift card to Target for what I'd pay for them at a consignment shop or garage sale. That way, she can go buy more things that I'll end up with down the road :) I get nice things for a very low cost and she saves the hassle of selling them, so we are both happy.

    I've had good luck selling some things on ebay also.
  16. SMax

    SMax Well-Known Member

    Just a comment...do not assume that your kids will want their outgrown clothes for their OWN kids someday!! :rolleyes: My mom keeps bringing tons of my baby clothes when they visit (she is the definition of "pack-rat!") and I hate to say it, but my goodness they are horrible! Maybe it was just the fabric choices of the late 70s (lots of polyester!), but I don't even want to touch some of them...they are rough and scratchy and...gross. :wacko: And the styles are definitely outdated! I just pass these items along to Goodwill (without her knowing, of course!) and assume that they *may* find a better home. Granted, there are a few cute dresses that I have taken the requisite picture of DD in, but nothing that is really usable for them.

    My mom also brings all my old toys...but that would be a whole other post on safety!!
  17. snowmom

    snowmom Well-Known Member

    I was keeping baby clothes and equipement because we were planning on another baby, but since that isn't going to happen, I've kept a couple( as in 2 -5 outfits) that were our favorites from the first year. We kept their very first preemie outfits, and a couple that were very sentimental. I have a small box and if it doesn't all fit in their, I get rid of it. I had a garage sale and sold some, I've consigned some, donated some. Craigslist is a good place to sell them. I keep empty diaper boxes in their room and when I find something that doesn't fit, it goes in the box right away. I used some of my favorite receiveing blankets and made stuffed letters to spell their names that will hang on the walls when they go into their own rooms. Good baby gear is consigned, older stuff(stuff that was given to me) is donated.

    For me, getting rid of the stuff is part of accepting that I will have no more children. Like a previous poster, we had infertility for 9 years, then IVF to have the twins. Going that route again is not going to happen. So as part of my healing, I'm passing it on out of my life, accepting that these two are my last.

    AND, if gives me TONS of space when it's gone.:)
  18. Juj

    Juj Well-Known Member

    We are done having kids and my house is WAY too small to keep all of their clothes.

    The cute matching twin outfits go to my girlfriend who has boy/girl twins.
    The girl clothes go to my neighbor/friend who has a 3 year old girl.
    The boy clothes go to a friend who has a 2 1/2 year old boy.
  19. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    i donate about 80% of them, and give away anotehr 10%. the remainder are all my favorite things and i keep them in our "hall of fame:)."
  20. suzrod

    suzrod Well-Known Member

    Some of these suggestions were probably already said so I apologize for duplicating....

    You can sell some of the nicer sets on Ebay or at a Twins consignment sale. I've given most of my girls' clothes and shoes to people who have younger twin girls. I've been so blessed by things people have given me, I know they feel the same way. I don't know how you feel regarding being attached to their clothing because I'm a "purger." I love getting rid of stuff! :)

    I hope with all the other suggestions and mine you are able to do what's best for you. For me personally, I love blessing other people so keeping stuff packed away isn't an option. (now that I'm done having kids I mean).
  21. ljmcisaac

    ljmcisaac Well-Known Member

    I can top that--my MIL has offered me cloth diapers (considering my DH is the oldest of 4, and is currently 45 years old....AHHHH!) (I nicely told her I want the modern kind that you don't have to pin).
  22. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    OOO what a nice idea!! I don't sew, and I don't even know how to use a sewing machine, but that could be a nice project. I'm one of the last in my immediate family to have kids, and I have sooo many clothes. Some I will be keeping to pass on to my boys for their kids or keepsakes. There are a lot that I don't want to let go of but just can't keep everything.

    Thank you! I was trying to think of something to do for them. It's something my family likes to do....make something to hand down to their kids. I had no idea what I could do for them.
  23. marcymiller

    marcymiller Well-Known Member

    We are not planning on having another baby, but we are also not doing everything in our power to prevent it... so, I kept one tote of the best (and most gender neutral) 0-6 month stuff and a little less of the 6-12 month stuff just in case. I'll probably stop saving any of their clothes once they turn two so that I won't have a TON to store. The rest I give away, sold at our yard sale for dirt cheap, or donate.
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