What happened? PT was going great?!?!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by marijanad, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. marijanad

    marijanad Well-Known Member

    Okay, well, I posted over the weekend about starting PT with my one daughter, I used a pullup for nap and bedtime, but otherwise over the course of four days she has gone from several accidents to only two small ones yesterday, otherwise yesterday she was letting me know everytime, it was amazing! Well-today (Day 5)seems to be a new day. For some reason, she has had nothing but accidents all morning even though I have been RIGHT beside her, asking her if she is dry, and reminding her to tell me when she needs to go. Every accident I was patient and cleaned her up and tried to talk to her about it, etc. We tried a short walk, before which I managed to get her to pee, but she wet herself after about 15 minutes outside. So we all went back inside to change and she jumped on me and peed again! ALL OVER ME!
    So...my sister's advice is to just push on through and keep her in the undies and don't look back...just not sure why the sudden regression!!! Plus I am just so bloody tired. I've been feeling like I wasted the whole weekend with this. The last pee on me was the final straw and I threw all their playdoh in the garbage, it is literally all over the walls, floor, and everything else today.
  2. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    It could just be that the novelty of it has worn off. Do you give a reward (sticker/small treat) for using the potty? Could you have someone she likes come over so that she can show off how clever she is at using the potty? I would not give up yet because she had been doing well, one bad day doesn't mean that it will get worse from now on.

    It might be that you are not giving her enough independence in deciding when to go (you said you were asking and reminding her a lot). I think that by day 5 you should be able to leave it almost entirely up to her. If she has not been for an hour or two or if she's showing obvious signs of needing to go then you could remind her that when her pee needs to come out she has to go to the potty, otherwise don't mention it.
    It can feel a bit counter-intuitive to do that but quite often, once a child has got the hang of using the potty, if you ask and ask them about it they will either rebel against using it or stop paying attention to the feeling of needing to go because they expect you to tell them.

    It's important not to show any negative emotions if she does have an accident, easier said than done I know! Depending on how old she is you could have her help to clean up. Not as a punishment, just to teach her that there are consequences to not getting to the potty (that's more effective if you think she's having accidents because she can't be bothered to use the potty/doesn't want to stop playing).

    I hope today was just a blip and she's back on form tomorrow.
  3. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I'd be climbing the walls there with you. :hug: How old are they? My almost three year old was doing pretty good a couple months ago with asking to use the potty chair with every diaper change and he was successful 100% of the time, even if it was just a little tinkle. He got sick and hasn't looked back. Refuses to sit on there and everything. Good luck. I'd hate to think that you'd have to start all over.

    eta: When we potty trained the kids we used a nickel for every time they went on the potty. After a while we stopped giving the money. it worked. They were 3 and didn't really know the value, but knew it was something cool.
  4. marijanad

    marijanad Well-Known Member

    Hmmmm...good point twin nanny. I had been asking her a lot. And come to think of it, talking about it a lot. I do praise her all day, and we call my mom and tell her, and my husband,
    that kind of thing, but maybe it's been too much. She is a very independent little munchkin (dare I say stubborn?), like she refuses to let me empty the potty with her, wants to put
    her underwear on ALL BY MYSELF! and perhaps she is feeling a bit confined and pressured by my constant asking.
    Well, I calmed down a bit and had her pee before her nap, which she did, so we'll see how the afternoon goes. Thanks for your advice too JicJac, I do give her the
    infamous Smartie or M & M and she has been happy with it so far but maybe I could change the reward up a little bit for variety.
    I somehow decided in my head that once she got it, she got it and we would cruise along with a few accidents here or there. Haven't I learned
    that children, especially twins, aren't always predictable???!!!
    Thanks for your posts ladies.
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