What factors go into setting a c/s date?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Meximeli, Oct 26, 2009.

  1. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    My EDD per last menstral period is Feb 12th. I had an ultrasound Saturday and those measurements gave the machine a probably due date of Feb 5th. I will be having a scheduled c/s and I agree with the doctor who says it would be best if I did not go into labor. I had an emergancy c/s with the twins and had a verticle insicion under general anesthesia. I have a blood type that is locally rare (though not really globally rare) so we want to do everything possible to not need a transfusion as this is a small town and the blood bank is three hours away. That all sounds terrible, but really if I have a scheduled c/s before going into labor it should be no problem. But I'm just wondering, what should the date that be based on. I had the twins at 35 weeks 4 days. And they were fine, both over 5 lbs, breathing on their own. I'd like to keep this guy inside for as long as possible, but I really don't want to go into labor on my own like I did with the twins (water broke in the middle of the night). So how much before the 12th should we be thinking? I know it's still months off. But how much did ultrasound size play into the scheduling process? And what other factors were used--cervix measurements?

    Oh I forgot to say, the nearest NICU is also three hours away, so that's why I'd really like to think we'd wait until 39 weeks to do the c/s.
  2. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    Thinking out loud and rambling a bit.....

    When I had the boys, we scheduled just after 38 weeks. I think with a singleton just after 39 is good. However, I also think you should consider what happen with your last pregnancy. 36 weeks is a little early; probably average for twins, but I think I'd always have it in the back of my head that I could go into labor early again. The problem with those ultrasound measurements is that they can be way off--Mark was supposed to be 7+lbs.

    I think the cervix issue matters more than the projected size. That's the biggest sign of impending labor (well how would I know since nothing ever happened with my cervix :laughing: ).
  3. busymomof3

    busymomof3 Well-Known Member

    My scheduled C section was at 37wks with a singlton but that was because of blood pressure issues. What does your doctor say? I wouldn't go by the ultrasound at this point as it is pretty late in the game. Did you get a due date from an earlier ultrasound? From what I understand it is suppose to be more accurate from the earlier ultrasound. Best of luck
  4. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    I think 39 weeks is a very conservative, healthy date to schedule the c/s at. Most repeat c/s momma's I know IRL have their c/s scheduled then even without any other factors which make it undesirable for them to go into labor. I think a doctor especially nervous over you going into labor could even schedule the c/s for 38 weeks and the odds would be very much in your favor for a very healthy baby. I think to schedule prior to 38 weeks would be irresponsible unless there were other factors to consider which would reduce the health of the baby inside or evidence signs of mother's health being in great jeopardy. But obviously, all of this is just my opinion based on my own accumulated knowledge of birth stories!
  5. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    Well they say term is 40 weeks +/- 2 weeks. Most babies are born sometime between 38-42 weeks.
    If I were in your shoes (based on the circumstances you stated) I think I would choose 38 weeks but only you & your doctor can decide :)

    Best wishes in your decision!!!
  6. Valyre

    Valyre Well-Known Member

    One factor that can influence a c/s is lung development. We had an amnio done at 36wks 3days to check it. The boys were ready so we scheduled a c/s the next day.
  7. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    Ugh, they don't do amnios here. Sort of on principal, since termination is not a legal option, so there are not facilities to have an amnio done.

    I haven't decided which doctor to go with. One I have to pay for or one I don't. The private doctor, was saying 38 weeks. I won't see the state doctor again until Nov. 29th.
  8. mom23sweetgirlies

    mom23sweetgirlies Well-Known Member

    I found this information online. When to schedule c/s

    I just asked my OB about this at my last appointment because my mom is planning to come up from Oregon. She told me that they plan the date by which Dr. you pick to have do the surgery out of the doctors that will be available around your 39 week. She said almost all of the scheduled c/s are planned for 39 weeks to be safe. I should be getting a call from them sometime this week to set my date.

    So they apparently won't be doing an amnio, ultrasound etc. to base the date off of. I guess my previous ultrasounds were enough combined with the fact that all my measurements are right on for the EDD.
  9. mom23sweetgirlies

    mom23sweetgirlies Well-Known Member

  10. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I had my boys via c/s(Baby B was breech) at 38 weeks exactly. When I was pregnant with Annabella and we were talking about dates, my ob said absolutely not before 39 weeks. There was new data out(isn't there always something 'new' out???), saying that c/s before 39 weeks was ____________(I honestly can't remember-maybe the babies has more breathing problems/fluid?). So-I was scheduled for exactly 39 weeks.

    That said-and with your previous pregnancy, I don't see why 38 weeks wouldn't be fine. My boys were well over 6lbs when they were born at 38 weeks.
  11. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    Chelsea, thanks for posting the links.
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