What does your schedule look like with one nap?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by JoannaD, Aug 7, 2011.

  1. JoannaD

    JoannaD Well-Known Member

    My twins are getting close to dropping down to one nap. I'm just curious to know what everyone's schedules looked like once their twins were down to one nap.

  2. dreamer185

    dreamer185 Active Member

    Our schedule goes like this.
    7 am-wake
    930-morning snack
    1215 or 1230-nap
    usually they sleep until between 2 and 230
    300-afternoon snack
    645 or 700- bedtime

    When we first switched to one nap, which was about 15 months, they would eat an earlier lunch (around 11) and pretty much be ready to nap right after. Sometimes they fell asleep at the table. Then they would be ready for bed a little earlier at night. But it has all backed up over the months and I really like where they are at 22 months now, and they seem to also!
  3. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    Our schedule is:
    7-8am wake (this REALLY varies from day to day)
    8:30 breakfast
    11:30 lunch
    1pm nap (lasts until 2:15-2:30 most days, sometimes as late as 3pm)
    5:30 dinner
    7:30 snack
    8pm bed

    Like the pp said, when we first switched (around 14 months), it was rough going. They would be really, really tired by about 11am, so we would have lunch around 11am, and nap around 12:15 or 12:30, and bedtime around 7:30. It took some time to get adjusted to where we are now. Thankfully it was spring when we did this, and we would usually take them outside to play and keep them going until after lunch.
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Our schedule was this (around 15-16 months)
    7:30 am-wake
    8:00 am-breakfast
    8:30-11-play, tv, errands, etc.
    11:00 lunch
    12:00-play,reading, etc.
    1:00 until 4:00 (most days) nap
    4:30 dinner

    When the kids first made the transition, I did have to put them to bed earlier because they were starting off with really short naps (45 minutes) and once the naps started going longer, I put them to bed their regular time. Good luck!
  5. mommylaura

    mommylaura Well-Known Member

    6 am wake
    7am breakfast
    snack at some point
    11:30 lunch
    12-2 nap
    2 - snack
    5:15 dinner (early! I know!)
    7:15 bed
  6. SC

    SC Well-Known Member

    Ooohhh, the elusive 'one nap-one schedule'.
    This is what I had hoped:
    7-7:30 - wake up, bottles
    8:30-9 - breakfast
    12ish - lunch
    12:30-1 to 2:30-3 - nap
    5 - dinner
    7-7:30 - bedtime routine
    Throw some snacks in there and, of course, all of the daily activities.

    We started transitioning months ago and have never hit a good stride like we had with our two nap schedule. For the longest time (which I still do many days), I put the boys down around 10-10:30 because DS1 is simply exhausted. Usually they'll both sleep, but sometimes for as little as 30 minutes (DS2 may not be very tired, will wake early, and will wake DS1). We've also done the after lunch nap, but by this time DS1 is sometimes so overtired he won't sleep at all. On some occasions if DS2 has had a poor morning nap, I have put him back down again in the afternoon. Sometimes he sleeps, sometimes not.

    Bottom line for us is that DS1 and DS2 want different nap schedules. DS1 wants the morning nap and DS2 wants the afternoon nap. We happened to be home all day today, so they took separate naps and slept beautifully. Problem is, it's not very practical to have separate schedules and no break during the day for even a shower.

    I'd say just experiment with the schedule you want and hopefully your LOs will adjust. Give it some time. But, also know that there is a chance that you'll have to be flexible and even do separate naps sometimes if you're running into a lot of resistance.
  7. southernmommy

    southernmommy Well-Known Member

    Our current schedule is

    9ish wake up and eat banana
    10ish breakfast
    between 11-12 its nap time
    2-3 wake up and then lunch
    snack between 4-5
    dinner anywhere from 6-8
    8ish bedtime

    now that school is about to start they will have to get up by 6:50 so I can take the older kids to school and I'm sure it will take a little bit to get into a new routine.
  8. Anneke

    Anneke Well-Known Member

    That's good! They weren't the greatest of sleepers too, right? My girls are the same and since they've been on one nap they sometimes even sleep for two whole hours. They never did, not even if I added all of their naps in one day.

    Our schedule on an average day?

    09.00: wake up, nurse, breakfast
    12.00: nap (usually one hour, but as mentioned before, sometimes up to two hours straight)
    lunch and play outside if possible
    16.00: snack
    19.00: dinner, bath, nurse, bed
    01.00: wake up, nurse, go back to bed
    07.00: repeat
  9. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    Our schedule is similar to everyone else's.

    7am wake, breakfast, play, 1130-12 lunch, nap following. Sleep b/w 1-2 hours, snack, play, dinner around 5, play, 7p bedtime.
  10. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    Yes, that is right. They were terrible sleepers until we switched to one nap. When they were on one nap, I was lucky to get two 45 minute naps. Now they regularly go 1.5 hours, sometimes 2. One day they even slept 2.5 hours! Switching to one nap has been a GREAT change for us!

    It also made a big difference when we made their room pitch-black my taping cardboard over their window (in addition to blackout curtains). They started sleeping an hour longer most mornings.
  11. stephsoss

    stephsoss Well-Known Member

    I have LOVED my two being on one nap. They are so much more rested now. Our evening witching hour is gone (except on days when we're off schedule). Here's our schedule:

    6:30-7:00 wake up
    8:00 breakfast
    10:00 snack
    12:00 lunch
    1:00-4:00 nap
    4:00 snack
    5:45-6:00 supper
    7:00 bed
  12. Kludelhoven

    Kludelhoven Well-Known Member

    Mine looks pretty similar to everyone else...

    6-6:30 wake up
    6:30-7 breakfast
    7-9am play inside some tv
    9-11am usually play outside, playground or pool, snack usually around 9ish
    11-11:30 Lunch
    1:30-2:30 they will wake up from nap and have snack
    5:00 Dinner
    7:00 Bed

    Had fun seeing you Thursday night, hope to see you again soon, i know school starts soon but i'm available most weekends for playdates!
  13. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    This is mine:

    6:30 - Wake up
    7 - Breakfast
    9 - snack
    11 - lunch
    11:30 - nap
    3 - wake up and snack
    5 - supper time
    6:30 - bath
    6:45 - 7 - bed
  14. JoannaD

    JoannaD Well-Known Member

    Thank you girls! We tried one nap this past week and it seems like they're not ready just yet. They can make it until 12 before putting them down, but were so cranky by the evening. We're going back to two naps for a little while. At least we know we can skip the morning nap here and there if we need to.

    I had fun on Thursday night too! We'll definitely have to plan a playdate for September- and I won't cancel this time LOL!
  15. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Wow so many are on 1 nap schedule. We are still on 2 naps though. My kids nap 4-5 hrs/day and 11 hrs at night. I still feel like they eat sleep eat sleep all day long
  16. JoannaD

    JoannaD Well-Known Member

    I thought my guys were ready for one nap since they weren't sleeping during the second nap. But when we tried it, they were sooooo cranky by early evening! So we're going back to two naps, but I'm only letting them sleep for an hour for the first nap. Otherwise, they'd sleep for 2 hours and thats when they weren't sleeping for the second nap since I had to put them down so late in the afternoon. The past few days, they've done a one hour morning nap and 2-3 hour afternoon nap. I did just read somewhere else that 18 months old are usually still on two naps, so I think we're both ok.
  17. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    I think you have to do what works for you and your kids. I WISH my kids would sleep that much. We switched to 1 nap at 14 months because they were completely refusing their morning nap most mornings, and when they would sleep, it was only 30 minutes, and they were only taking a 30-45 minute nap in the afternoon, too. Switching to one nap, we now get one solid nap of around 1.5 hours and they are MUCH happier.
  18. mandywellman

    mandywellman Well-Known Member

    I am reading all of you alls schedules, wondering, when my babies will go to one nap and if they will! ha. THey sleep SO much. Right now.

    Wake 7-8 (varies)
    Nap 9:30 or 10 and sleep til about 1130
    Nap again 2:30 or 3:00 and sleep between 4:30 and 5
    bed times at 8

    I cant imagine them going to one afternoon nap, they are SO tired by 930 in the morning!

    They sleep pretty much a total of 4 hours for naps during the day. do you think they sleep too much?

    when should i startt going to one? bc i dont see that being any time soon!
  19. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    I don't think you have to worry about them sleeping too much. Kids are like adults - some need more sleep than others. I would be in heaven if my kids napped 4 hours a day, but they just don't. I consider myself lucky if we get 1.5-2 hours of napping and 11 hours at night.

    If your current schedule is working, don't change it right now. There is no reason your kids "need" to be on one nap versus two naps. Most of us have switched when our kids start fighting one of their naps and/or naps start interfering with bedtime. After my boys refused their morning nap three days in a row, I knew it was time to try the switch. (their naps were also getting shorter and shorter). If you are happy and your kids are happy right now, if isn't broken, don't fix it!!
  20. JoannaD

    JoannaD Well-Known Member

    Yes, if its working for you, don't change it! Secretly, I'm glad they still want to nap twice a day. Mama needs the break! :lol:
  21. juliannepercy

    juliannepercy Well-Known Member

    Mine nap a lot too... up at 7am, down by 9:15 'til 11:15, down again at 1:45, up anywhere from 3:15 to 3:45 AND they sleep 12 hours at night. They take awhile to fall asleep and play quietly when they wake so I'm not sure exactly how long they are sleeping but I have to say I love the break. I'm not going to rush it at all. Mine are 14.5 months!
  22. JoellePotter

    JoellePotter Well-Known Member

    Our schedule has been about the same for a little less than a year, so about how old your kiddos are now :)

    Wake: 8am (Some days it's later, some days it's earlier, but on average it's about 8!)
    Breakfast: 8:15am
    Snack: 10:15am
    Lunch: 12:15am
    Nap: 12:30pm-2:30pm (at your point it was about 3 hours long!)
    Snack: 3:15pm
    Dinner: 5:15pm
    Bedtime: 8pm
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