What does your nanny do for you?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by CHJH, Feb 9, 2009.

  1. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    Hi there. We just hired a nanny to come 2 days per week to help me with the boys. I'm pregnant and have had horrible NVP (I'm on anti-nausea medication now) and fatigue so it's been hard for me to keep up with the kids and the house. We are in the process of renovating our basement and packing in preparation for moving in the spring. Today is the nanny's first day and she seems lovely. I was just wondering what other people's nannies do for for them. I'm in a unique situation in that I'm actually here, not at work. If I were at work, I guess she'd just be a replacement ME, but since I'm home, she's more of a helper in a way. I feel really blessed to have this help, it's as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders (but I feel kind of guilty too). Anyway, I'd love to see anyone else's "nanny job description".
  2. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    When I first started working with Naomi and Luke (they were 9 weeks old) their mum was still at home. I went in every day but only for 4 hours in the afternoon. I don't think my job was that different with her being home, I was still a 'replacement' her. Most of the time (especially at the begining) she would go up to her bedroom and rest, sometimes she went and did shopping or another errand. I did general baby care-feeds, naps, baths-and then light baby-related chores like steralising and preparing bottles, tidying toys away and the kids laundry.
    If you've hired a nanny (not a mothers helper/babysitter) I think it's fine for you to expect her to do whatever she would do if you were working. After all if the reason you hired her was so you could rest then that's what you should do-go and rest (buy ear plugs if you need to) and leave her to handle the kids. Also don't feel guilty, I'm sure many women would love to be in your position, there's nothing wrong with having a little help a couple of days a week so enjoy it!
  3. allboys

    allboys Well-Known Member

    My nanny watches the twins while I work. During their naps, she tidies up the kitchen, loads/unloads the dishwasher, does the children's laundry and tidies up the playroom.
  4. plattsandra103

    plattsandra103 Well-Known Member

    i also have a nanny and am a SAHM--she, as PP said, does anything kid related: watches them while i shower or am out, changes diapers, and when they nap or while i enjoy some time with them, she cooks what they will be eating, and folds their laundry. she also helps me with feedings (which i'm always there for as well), and cleaning up (dishes, wipe down high chairs, sweep) when they are done. if it has to do with the kids and their activities, it's fair game.
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