What does your house do

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by corriner, Feb 8, 2010.

  1. corriner

    corriner New Member

    I am sure this is posted somewhere so you can point me to it. I am a stay at home mom to 6 3 are in school the other 3 ages 3 and twins 19 mos are home during the day. What do your schedules look like I never feel like i get any thing accomplished. I maybe mistaken but didn't on this websight the have sample schedules on the (wiki?) Thanks in advance glad I a m not alone out here.

  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    There is schedules posted in the FY handbook for parents with twin infants.
    I have trouble getting things done during the day with two children so I cannot imagine 6!
    My schedule loosely, is like this:
    7:30-8: kids wake up, change diapers, milk & breakfast
    9-I do dishes, clean kitty litter, study...kids might be drawing, playing or watching Sesame Street, Nick Jr.
    11:30-lunch time for the kids, I try to have lunch at the same time because if I don't, mine will want whatever I am eating
    12:30-quiet time for naps, we read, have a snack if the kids are hungry
    1-4: nap time! My favorite part of the day! This is when I usually pick a room to clean, read, catch up on a TV show, or study/do a workout
    4:30-5- dinner
    7:30-8 bedtime for the kids
    After the kids go to bed, I do some chores around the house, relax, catch up on a TV show, or do a workout.
  3. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    I'm with you and can't seem to get much done around the house either.
    This is our schedule for the twins.
    7am wake up -- play in cribs for 45 minutes changed diapers and clothes
    8am -- milk/snack in the playroom, watch a show and play
    10:30 -- breakfast and clean up
    11-2/3 -- nap time -- I work out and take a shower.
    3pm -- lunch and then craft time. Paints or coloring, or puzzle time
    5:30 is dinner then bath (every other night)
    6:30-7 bedtime.

    Along with this I have an almost 1 year old and this is his schedule:
    He's on the same schedule until 11am he only naps for maybe an hour.
    11:30-3 play
    3-4 lunch and then nap time
    I have to make sure he's up by 5 in order to go down at 7pm.

    It's hard when you have kids at different ages on different schedules. I get 1 hour from 11am till 12p to myself. Everything else is done after the kids go to bed or when dh is home to help in the morning or weekends.
  4. sjohnson813

    sjohnson813 Well-Known Member

    I won't be much help as I only have twins, no other ages. Here is our schedule (same as daycare uses):

    5:10 wake up ( was 4:30, I am gradually getting them to sleep later using th tot clock)

    5:30 milk and cereal

    7:15 breakfast

    11:00 lunch

    11:30-2ish nap

    2:30 snack

    6:00 supper

    7:30 bath
  5. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    Mine sleep from 7-7 and nap from 1-3ish. They usually have their milk and a banana when they first wake up and watch a show. I usually give them something else for breakfast around 9 or 10. Lunch is at noon and dinner is around 5ish. I try to throw a load of laundry in here and there. I load the dishwasher while they are eating, so they don't try to play in it. Other than that, it's so hard to get anything done. I try to eat and shower while they sleep. I also try to pick up their toys throughout the day, but that's just a waste of time.
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