what does your babies' food pyramid look like?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by lovelylily, Apr 17, 2009.

  1. lovelylily

    lovelylily Well-Known Member

    I'm confused on how to balance our babies diets. What do they need the most of? I pretty much just feed them veggies, fruits, cereal, and BM/formula right now. But my baby food book talks about introducing protein like beans, tofu and dairy items. My DH and I eat primarily meat and veggies/fruit with about half as much carbs. No dairy because of my DD. What do you all do with your babies?
  2. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    Im doing the same as you. The meats mine get are in their veg puree and I alternate between white fish, chicken and beef in that. The veg puree has 4 or 5 different veg in it and I occasionally throw in a boiled yolk of an egg. They also eat fresh fruit puree that has 4 fruits in it. DD has yoghurt mixed into hers (as she wont eat it alone) but DS will eat a yoghurt separately. They both have 2 bottles on top of that with a spoon of cereal (I FF) but dont always finish them. Oh and they eat some biscuit for their morning snack. It sounds like you´re on track. Im hoping our pedi will guide me a bit more (he wont allow table foods till 18 months) food-wise otherwise Im going to have to take matters into my own hands!
  3. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    It sounds like you are doing well. We introduced meats by doing stage 3 foods that are veggies and meat mixed. Do you make your own food? I used to make chicken and apples (blended chicken and applesauce) that the boys liked for a while. I have really picky eaters and they will love something for a week or two then be done with it. I guess I'm the same way so I can't be too hard on them! :) Also, yogurt has protein in it and if I don't feel like they have had enough protein during the day, they get yogurt instead of a fruit at dinner.
  4. lovelylily

    lovelylily Well-Known Member

    I do make my own baby food, I guess I'll just start introducing the protein next!
  5. SMax

    SMax Well-Known Member

    We started proteins around 8 months...whole-milk yogurt (which won't work for your DD), hard-boiled egg yolks, and tofu pieces (I use the soft texture). A good friend serves black beans cut in half as finger foods.

    I opened a jar of the Earth's Best turkey vegetable dinner the other day...and couldn't stomach the smell. Instead, I plan to try shredded chicken and ground meats at some point, too.

    As far as our "pyramid," I try and focus on the fruits and veggies. Mine aren't big cereal eaters...so they don't get a lot of carbs (except DS who is really into the puffed rice/Oatios). I plan to try bread/pasta soon...I just can't seem to get my head around the idea of giving them these more complex food items!!

    I am in the "confused" category, too :D

    ETA: I am also looking ahead and using this site for where will be in a few months!
  6. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We did not start meats until 9 months. Ours did not like the pureed meats and we would have to offer teeny tiny cut pieces of chicken, turkey, beef for them to eat at that time. Our diet was mainly fruits, veggies and carbs at the time (besides formula).
  7. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I cook mixed cereal (oats, barley & millet) and they get that in the morning with a hard boiled egg yolk and sometimes a pureed vege - like spinach. I also give them finger foods of cooked vege or fruit pieces.
    At other meals I try to do a yogurt/lentil mixture and then more veges, I also started grilled cheese this week, so I did that at lunch time. I also do tofu and want to start another legume like black beans. I'm vegetarian so the babies are too... and I'm not doing meat so I'll rely on the legumes, tofu, and other veges for proteins etc.

    My dr. told me 2 fruits & 2 veges ... not sure if that was "a day" or "a meal"... in any case, I like variety so I usually give them 3-4 things at each meal... even if the veges are repeated at the next meal.
  8. Alaskangirls

    Alaskangirls Well-Known Member

    Well the ladies are healthy eaters. They are EBF and get sit down meals offered a mon of three times a/day.
    We make our own baby food and our menu consits of

    Rice cereal
    yogurt (whole milk)
    sweet potatoe
    bagels (stale are good teethers)

    yah it's late brain function failing...anywho we use rice cereal as a staple and mix it with purees of fruits and vewggie to change up texture and keep it on the spoon. It helps alot as the girls are self feeders in the chair. We mix up the combination of ite,s weekly as they get sick of one thing or the other for awhile. They like variety. We were gluten free until 9 1/2 months when my pumpkin literally stole my toast, so we started to introduce wheat. Planning on adding egg yolk this week and on the meat thing, no not until they are a year. And jared baby food scares me :)

    best wishes

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