What does your 1 year old feeding schedule look like? How did you transition?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by infinity62202, Jan 30, 2008.

  1. infinity62202

    infinity62202 Well-Known Member

    Ok...so mine are only 10 1/2 months but I having a hard time thinking about going cold turkey and just switching from form to meals with milk.
    Tell me how you did it.
    My kids seem to eat every hour now. What does your schedule look like? What do they eat??
    This is my schedule now.
    Doe sit get less often. Should I be working at that now???
    7:15 bottle-6 oz
    8:30 breakfast-cereal fruit
    9:30-11:30 nap
    11:30 bottle-6 oz
    12:45 lunch(split a yogurt or fruit)--snacks--puffs and cheerios
    1:30 nap
    3:30-bottle-6 oz
    5pm(maybe a cat nap)
    5:45 dinner-meat/veggie/finger food
    7pm bottle-6 oz
    7:30 bed
  2. Stinkpea

    Stinkpea Well-Known Member

    Seems pretty similar to mine. I started a thread about the same thing last week - might have to look back a page or two. But right now my schedule is:

    6.30-7.00 Wake up

    7 am Bottle – 8 oz.

    8 am Breakfast

    9 am Nap

    11 am Snack – Sippy cup – 4 oz.

    12.30 pm Lunch

    2.00 pm Nap

    3.30/4.00 pm (depending on wake up) Snack – Bottle – 8 oz.

    5.30/5.45pm Supper

    7.00 pm Bathtime

    7.30 pm Bottle – 8 oz.

    8.00 pm BED

    I am trying to transiiton to sippy cups now - going to also switch that afternoon bottle to a sippy soon - and then cut back and switch to a snack of cheese or biscuits or something. Breakfast for us is usually oatmeal and fruit. Lunch is usually 2 veggie finger foods - a veggie puree - and a fruit. Supper is all finger foods - fish or chicken with potato or rice and a veggie.

    I also need to start introducing whole milk but am holding off as they are having a reaction to something - not sure if wheat or dairy or both. They drink soy formula.
  3. jcs

    jcs Well-Known Member

    We just went through this, and it is going well.
    My schedule was very similar to yours, then we dropped from 4 bottles to 3 almost automatically.
    I dropped the 11 o'clock bottle and just went straight to lunch, since their morning nap is a little later and a little longer now. Their afternoon nap is getting shorter...

    Now we do:

    6:30 7 oz bottle (used to be formula, now all whole milk. I started with 2 oz milk, 5 oz formula and slowly increased the milk over 2 weeks. They never even noticed.)

    8:00 breakfast (oatmeal, fruit and cheerios)


    9:30 or later, nap until 11:15
    [this is where we dropped the bottle after the nap]
    11:30 lunch. Sippy with water.

    time for errands, play time

    1:30ish snack & sippy because lunch is so early

    2 or 2:30 nap (if I'm lucky, or chit chat in the cribs if I'm not)

    3:30/4 7 oz bottle (we will probably be dropping this or switching it out for a sippy soon)

    play time

    5:00 dinner, sippy with water

    6:00 bath, bottle (7oz) bed.

    My pedi said bottles don't have to be phased out until 15 months, so we are going to keep the morning and night bottles for a while. If mine lose the afternoon nap, I will probably do a sippy with milk and a snack mid-afternoon. Right now, they are getting their last two bottles very close together, so I don't think it is really necessary.
  4. sitkamom

    sitkamom Well-Known Member

    Not sure about bottles to milk becasue we still nurse 5-6 times every 24 hours, we put water in their sippies and I only use milk to make cereal more creamy or in cooking. But on a typical day:

    7:30-8am Wake and Nurse (if they want to or haven't nursed too recently....they still wake twice a night to nurse)
    8:30 Breakfast - Hot cereal with some kind of canned fruit cut up, Cheerios/Kix, straw sippy with water
    10am Nurse and 'lay' down for a nap
    11am They are usually BOTH asleep by now
    12pm-ish Wake and lunch soon after and sippy cups with water - snack stuff/finger food that I don't have to spoon feed too much
    Play or run errands
    2:30-3pm Nurse for nap/'lay' them down
    4pm They are usually BOTH asleep by now
    5pm Wake
    6-6:30pm Dinner - varies tons
    7:30pm Nurse for bed

    They have been pushing both naps back by playing their cribs for at least an hour or so...it's driving me nuts...not sure if I should try to switch them to one nap yet but it has pushed bed time back by about a half hour or more everyday.
  5. Cindy123

    Cindy123 Well-Known Member

    I transitioned to milk gradually. When they were 11 months I substituted 2 oz formula from each bottle with milk, then the next week 2 more oz until they were on all milk by 12 months. I think we were at 3 bottles then, so I dropped the middle bottle and added a snack and put milk in sippies instead of water for all meals + snack.
  6. bridgeport

    bridgeport Well-Known Member

    First we transitioned to three bottles with meals, even when we were still doing all formula. So they had a bottle of formula with breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Sometimes morning and afternoon snacks in between with just finger foods and sippies with water.

    Then we transitioned the bottles from formula to milk. We started with half formula/half milk and gave them about two weeks on that. They didn't have a reaction and never noticed a difference. Then we went to quarter formula, three quarters milk. We're still in that phase now. They are 30 weekers, and we're not in a rush to do these one year transitions!

    Next we'll get to all milk, probably next week. Once we've got them to all milk, the plan is to then transition the milk from bottles to sippies. They'll already be getting full servings of milk with meals three times a day, so the only thing different will be what they drink it out of! They already get sippies with snacks, and after they are finished with their bottles with their meals, so hopefully it won't be too difficult a transition.

    My dilemma is how to get them to cold milk. We try every few days, but they still refuse to take cold bottles of milk. So we're still giving in and warming them. I think we're just going to have to go cold turkey, and switch to cold milk in sippies rather than warm milk in bottles. Maybe they just associate bottle with warm, so it's more about the bottle than it is the milk?
  7. kimj

    kimj Well-Known Member

    I haven't transitioned from formula to milk yet. They are just one on the 27th. And I have a ton of formula. I'm thinking of starting next week though. I will try what other Moms on this site have done and do 1/2 formula 1/2 milk at first. This is what the girls eat / drink now.

    6am - wake (sometimes they want a 3oz bottle)
    7:30 - 8 - breakfast - cereal (oatmeal, cheerios, nutrigrain bar, toast etc.) and a fruit - either tub baby food - or cut up real stuff

    9am 6 oz bottle nap until 10:30 - 11am (my daycare has been giving them sippys instead sometimes - she's all for weaning early)

    11-12 lunch - finger foods - chic nuggets, grilled cheese (varies) cut up veggie and fruit - puffs, cheerios, gold fish crackers etc. sippy w/ water

    1:00 - nap - 6 oz bottle or sippy

    3:00 - snack - crackers - puffs - yogurt etc. and sippy w/ water/juice mix

    5:30 dinner - Mostly finger foods - they are eating just about everything (no peanut butter yet - this weekend maybe) I made beef stew last evening and they loved it.

    6:30 - bath, pj's, brush teeth (this is new and they love it!) bedtime - 6 oz bottle.

    They are still waking around 2-3 am for a bottle too. no CIO here - I'm a wimp and they seem hungry. I give them 4-5oz bottle in bed. They drink the whole thing most nights and go right back to sleep. I don't pick them up or anything.

    Good Luck!!
  8. kajulie

    kajulie Well-Known Member

    We have had the same schedule since about 1 week before the girls first birthday. at our 9 month well baby visit we were at 5 bottles a day. The doc said to drop one and we did. When they turned 11 months we dropped another so we were at 3 bottles a day. a week later we dropped another. a week later another. and one week before they turned 1 we dropped the final bottle. When we dropped bottles we did not substitute them with a sippie of something. We upped the amount of food they got at meals, adn as they adjusted they ate more. We also began offering them sippies of water all the time. Here is our current schedule. Please note that my girls get small amounts of milk due to bad constipation... Lily gets 6-8 oz a day and Mia gets about 10 oz a day...

    7am wake up and 4-5 oz of milk in sippy..
    8am breakfast and finish milk
    12pm lunch and water
    3pm snack and water
    6pm dinner and 4-5 oz of milk in sippy
    7:15pm bed

    My girls are peanuts, always have been but continue to grow steadily and remain on their growth curves. They are good eaters as far as what they will eat, but they don't eat a ton quantity wise. Sometimes if they are hungry or lunch is going to be delayed we will have a mid morning snack, but if i give it to them regularly it makes them not eat much lunch...

    ETA: All of their foods and meals are finger foods except for yogurt, pudding, etc...
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