what do you store all their CARS in??

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by 3sweetps, Feb 12, 2007.

  1. 3sweetps

    3sweetps Well-Known Member

    My older son's hot wheel collection is getting out of hand. It doesn't help that family/friends are always getting him some. He's outgrown a hot wheel box that holds 48 cars so now I'm looking for something else. Any suggestions? I really want to find a clear storage box that has little slots for each car, KWIM? The babies are ruined for baby toys because all they want are cars to play with...especially the movie Cars ones. They say "car" every time they see one. Oh, and how in the world does he know exactly which car he wants and where it is???? Amazing!
  2. 3sweetps

    3sweetps Well-Known Member

    My older son's hot wheel collection is getting out of hand. It doesn't help that family/friends are always getting him some. He's outgrown a hot wheel box that holds 48 cars so now I'm looking for something else. Any suggestions? I really want to find a clear storage box that has little slots for each car, KWIM? The babies are ruined for baby toys because all they want are cars to play with...especially the movie Cars ones. They say "car" every time they see one. Oh, and how in the world does he know exactly which car he wants and where it is???? Amazing!
  3. Sue1968

    Sue1968 Well-Known Member

    I just toss them all together in a plastic storage bin. I'd go crazy trying to keep them all separated. If you really want to keep them in compartments, check out a craft store like Michael's or Joann's. They sell all sorts of containers like that.
  4. jacob+twinsmom

    jacob+twinsmom Well-Known Member

    I agree that trying to keep them seperated would be enough to make me looney!!! We have a clear three drawer storage container. The top drawer are toy tools/nails/screws etc., the middle drawer are small toy tractors (my twins favorite word "trac-ta") and the bottom drawer are tons of hot wheels/matchbox cars. We have a storage tub next to it that stores hotwheels track.
  5. jxnsmama

    jxnsmama Well-Known Member

    I would estimate that we have 300+ hot wheels cars, almost all purchased by my FIL. They are in BIG Rubbermaid bin.
  6. Jill R.

    Jill R. Well-Known Member

  7. 3sweetps

    3sweetps Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by Sue1968:
    I'd go crazy trying to keep them all separated.

    trying to keep them seperated would be enough to make me looney

    I can't imagine trying to put them into individual compartments

    [​IMG] I'm cracking up because now I know I am definately obsessive. Every few days ALL the toys get put in their spots...I'm even turning my son into a mini me. Oh well, whatever keeps me sane around here!
  8. reaganslp

    reaganslp Well-Known Member

    I would check the hunting and fishing dept. of Academy or some other such store. They have clear plastic containers that are set up to hold individual fishing items. They would hold some hotwheels cars but not all.


  9. LLA

    LLA Well-Known Member

    We just got a really neat hotwheels case that stores 72 cars frmo Target. It is in the shape of a tire. Both me and my DH has ones similar to this when we were kids, with the exception of the ones we had growing up only had one side.

    There is a plastic store near us that sells plastic storage containers that are perfect for cars (another little boy we know uses this, and he has LOTS of cars). The price of the container is not too much. If you have a plastics store I would check there.

    Good luck.

  10. LisaGoeke

    LisaGoeke Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Originally posted by jxnsmama:
    I would estimate that we have 300+ hot wheels cars, almost all purchased by my FIL. They are in BIG Rubbermaid bin.

    Pretty much sounds like us. Makes cleanup a LOT easier to be able to just throw them in the bin.
  11. MellysLittleBoos

    MellysLittleBoos Well-Known Member

    Well seeing as my son has a serious collection of hotwheels (Over 400. It's all he ever wants for birthdays, etc.) we had this issue a lot lol. I finally bought him this Under the bed playbox Although that one is cuter. His is grey/black and he has so many that the lid will not fit on it anymore LOL. But it holds a ton of cars and fits under his bed.
  12. matwetwins

    matwetwins Well-Known Member

    We also have hundred's of cars and they are stored in a rummermaid like bin.
  13. Moms2NTwins

    Moms2NTwins Well-Known Member

    I bought one of the flat storage bins, it is maybe 5 in deep (give or take) I know he has around 300 cars in it. I just put them in there and it slides right under his bed [​IMG]
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