What do you put on a diaper rash?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Tif3, Sep 1, 2007.

  1. Tif3

    Tif3 Well-Known Member

    So my 17 month old son has an ear infection. He went on meds so of course her comes the poops. He is also getting his 2 year old molars in. So he got a really bad diaper rash, most of it has cleared up except two open sores. I tried putting desitin on him but he just screams till I clean it off. I have been using medicated baby powder but it doesnt really seem to be getting better. Is there something else that I should use since there are open sores that would be better? I just feel so bad for him it has got to really hurt.

  2. Chillers

    Chillers Well-Known Member

    Ouch! Poor little guy!

    Maybe since it's open, bacitracin or neosporin type ointment? Or just plain vaseline, the desitin you have to work to get off, so that might be irritating it more.

    Hope he feels better soon!
  3. indy2all

    indy2all Well-Known Member

    My DS had really bad diaper rash like that last week and I put Aquaphor on it every time I changed his diaper. It got better in a little over 24 hours.
  4. swiertel

    swiertel Well-Known Member

    What works best for us is Triple Paste, but if he's not tolerating the thicker stuff, maybe just Aquaphor or A&D. Hope he feels better.
  5. micmose

    micmose Well-Known Member

    Poor little guy! My oldest had those types of rashes all the time.
    Maybe since it's open, bacitracin or neosporin type ointment? Or just plain vaseline

    I agree, if it's open I think Neosporin is the best way to go!
  6. Tif3

    Tif3 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(mommyto1+2 @ Sep 1 2007, 07:28 PM) [snapback]389392[/snapback]
    Poor little guy! My oldest had those types of rashes all the time.

    I agree, if it's open I think Neosporin is the best way to go!

    I didnt even think of neosporin. Thank you guys all so much I will give that a try.
    Is Auquafor an ointment too. I think I have only seen it as a soap?

  7. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    Don't use the diaper rash stuff on an open sore it's not going to help...I think it actually says it on the tube. Dip his tush in cool water a few times a day, pat dry, slather on some vaseline and apply some baby powder with cornstarch to protect. My son gets very bad rashes when they have the occasional diarrehea, certain wipes and neither have ever been able to use OTC diaper rash creams. HTH!
  8. Cheesecake

    Cheesecake Well-Known Member

    Triple paste. Its for the nastiest of rashes. It has everything in it that everyone will mention. But lots of washing helps and of course air drying.
  9. shanm

    shanm Well-Known Member

    Buttpaste works wonders for us. We use that if it is bad and never get through a whole tube. If it is a little we use generic vasiline.
  10. doubledownmom

    doubledownmom Well-Known Member

    When both of my girls had hand/foot/mouth disease they had the WORST diarrhea/diaper rashes....one of my girls still has scars on her bottom from the open wounds.....

    Our pedi prescribed Nystatin ointment for the wounds (it combats and prevents additional bacteria growth); then, on top of that, as a protective barrier, we put Desitin on top of that(the thick, overnight Desitin; there is another kind called "creamy Desitin" and it does not stay on as long or protect as well.)

    Also, our pedi recommended giving motrin for the pain b/c the sores are painful....just another little FYI!!

    I hope it clears up soon!!
  11. New Mom

    New Mom Well-Known Member

    After trying what seemed like everything on my DD, finally A&D worked. Not the cream, but the ointment. It cleared up in a day or so. She can get them pretty bad and it always helps.
  12. BellaRissa

    BellaRissa Well-Known Member

    Nudity & Triple Paste is what dh recommends. If he has open sores, I would take him to the pedi to have it looked at. Poor little guy!
  13. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't use any of the creamy formulas just the vaseline type ones. Really you just want to form a barrier between the sores and the poop. Vaseline would be fine too. The wipes might be stinging his tush too. Maybe rinse them off first or use sensitive ones.
  14. EMc2

    EMc2 Well-Known Member

    If he was on an antibiotic for his ear infection the med will kill of ALL bacteria in his body both good and bad. The good flora on his skin isn't able to fight against the yeast. So you might be looking at the effects of a yeast infection. I'd ask the pedi, you probably need some Nystatin and then like pp have stated, putting that on first and then a barrier cream over the top of that. Only use water to clean his bottom, the alcohol, even in the ones that say 'alochol free' are still irratating and very drying to his skin. Tyleol too for the pain should help him have some relief.
    Good luck and hope he feels better soon.
  15. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Triple Paste, works every time!!
  16. erinmichelleb

    erinmichelleb Well-Known Member

    Try letting him sit in a shallow bath and rinsing his bottom for a few seconds after each change - that really helps. It's annoying, but it really does work. Also, apply a barrier ointment like Desitin. But, my son's got this bad and I just asked for a prescription... it cleared up OVERNIGHT. GL!
  17. TTTSMiracleMom

    TTTSMiracleMom Well-Known Member

    My kids have very sensitive skin and can go from clear butt to bleeding in an hour. Here is what works for us (and it is what we used when I worked in the NICU also):

    After cleaning them off, use a blow dryer on high but holding the cold shot button so it is cool air. Dry their bottom for as long as you can get him to hold still. DO NOT USE THE HEAT -- that can burn them. But the oxygen to their bottom does wonders.

    Keep him out of a diaper as much as you can so that the moisture is not there to help advance the rash.

    Hydrocortisone to areas that are not open, Triplepaste or another thick protectant when you have diapers on.

    Whatever you choose to do, I hope this clears up fast for your little one. Poor baby!
  18. Rachel&Emily

    Rachel&Emily Well-Known Member

    The "lil noses" brand makes a spray that has worked better than anything we've ever used. I thought Triple Paste was a waste of money and think that the $4 tube of regular (40% zinc oxide) worked better than that stuff.

    Best of luck and hope everyone feels better.

  19. kristie75

    kristie75 Well-Known Member

    If he's on antibiotics it could be a yeast infection. This has happened to us several times. Try putting a little Lotrimin on it and see if that helps.
  20. ErickaK

    ErickaK Well-Known Member

    He could actually have a yeast infection. DS had a nasty diaper rash while in the Special Care Unit after he was born. They tried Aveeno Diaper Rash (horrible stuff, even the nurse said so), regular zinc oxide (did nothing for him), Triple Paste (again did nothing), heat table since his tush was so red and open sored (dried it for the few hours he was under, but the next day it was back just as bad) and finally they ordered Nystatin for him. It cleared him up in one day, they never said it was yeast infection (he wasn't on any meds) but others have told me that is what it's prescribed for.

    Take him to the ped and let them look at it, you don't want to irritate it further with all other types of ointments and such. If he needs the Nystatin it will clear up quickly and a little goes a long way really (we still have the same tube he got in the Special Care almost a year ago)
  21. ~rosie~

    ~rosie~ Well-Known Member

    Bag balm if it's not a yeast infection. It's vaseline like with a neosporin like mild antibiotic ingredient. Wesley has had ONE bad diaper rash and it cleared it up in one day. =) Miracle stuff. My pedi likes it for that kind of thing.
  22. Tif3

    Tif3 Well-Known Member

    Thank you guys all so much!!! I put the neosporin on the open areas and then butt paste on the rest. The open areas are almost gone already!! YAY!!!!!!!!
    Thank you guys all so much for your help!!!

    :clapping: THANK YOU!!!! :clapping:

  23. Lilpark

    Lilpark Well-Known Member

    try aquafor.....it worked like a trick for us
  24. The dr can give you a great prescription, but if that doesnt work, I love LOVE Dr. Smiths
  25. perfectangeltwins

    perfectangeltwins Well-Known Member

    This sounds bad but its called butt paste. It really works well.

  26. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Neosporin and full strength desitin (not creamy). Lots of warm baths and diaper free time if possible! I hope it clears up soon!
  27. erinmichelleb

    erinmichelleb Well-Known Member


    - is a GREAT resource I just found. Of course, after this post, DS got a bad one! They recommend that the child go diaperless for a couple of hours a day for the skin to breathe, and not to put diapers on too tightly. That must be part of my problem... I really sinch it down. GL!
  28. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    Sounds like he's doing better (yay!) .....I thought it sounded like a yeast infection, too. Next time they have to have antibiotics, make sure they're eating lots of yogurt while they're on it; that'll help to prevent a yeast infection.

    I don't think anybody mentioned this brand, but I use the Burt's Bee's diaper ointment. It's a bit spendy, but it works soooooo well. Normally I only have to put it on for just 1 day & then it's gone.

    I'd also let him have a little "naked time" - but watch him carefully!! :) I did this the other day with ds, who was getting a little red, but I spaced it & wasn't paying attention....next thing I knew, he was sqatting on the carpet & pooped in my bedroom. It's really good for their bottoms, though, to just be naked for a few minutes.

    I almost forgot; but my dd had a really bad rash one time & would cry if I put any ointment on her......so I used just some baby powder (the pure cornstarch kind) and it seemed to soothe her.
  29. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    I've also read a mixture of Maalox and Eucerine cream works wonders
  30. tdemarco01

    tdemarco01 Well-Known Member

    sounds to me it's a yeast infection - your Dr can prescribe desitin with nystatin in it.. that should clear it up

    you shoudl stop using wipes with alcohol on it though they are drying and will exacerbate the problem. Use non-alcohol wipes or paper towels and water.

    Good luck -- it should clear up if you get nystatin.

    Teri D
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