What do you miss since becoming pregnant?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by mes_00, Jul 13, 2009.

  1. mes_00

    mes_00 Well-Known Member

    I've got a list going of things that I miss bigtime.

    1. Not having to pee all the time!
    2. Having a glass of wine or beer once in a while.
    3. Bending over.
    4. Having some stamina again. I wear out so fast!
    5. Dr. Pepper!
    6. Shaving. I can't manover around this stomach.
    7. Laying on my back. I'm a turtle. Get me on my back and I'm done for.
    8. Just going and doing things without back aches, swollen feet/fingers/tummy, aching feet, or just feeling like crap.
    9. Lifting. I had to leave my factory job with 12hr shifts. I'm going nuts with inactivity.
    10. Sex!

    A few things that this surprise pregnancy has taught me is not to take alot of things for granted. I look at how my mom and others did things when I was a kid. It amazes me and has given me a whole new respect for some mom's.

    I felt horrible that I'm misrable all the time considering how mom had it. She was 32 with her third kid, but I was 8yrs later than the others. No AC, poor sunscreen, two little boys, a farm, a huge farm house, no babysitters, nobody to help with the housework, and she rode an open air tractor during the day in the field. Not to mention she was around 300lbs when she carried me.
    She just looks at me and says,"I wasn't carrying twins either."

    So, anyhow. What foods, activities, movements, or whatever do you miss? If you've had to give anything up that is! Lucky gals that don't! :banana:
  2. sparkle77

    sparkle77 Well-Known Member

    I miss my double Grey Goose and tonic with a twist of fresh lime. Mmmmmmm, I wish I could have one right now. :gah:
  3. pittmane

    pittmane Well-Known Member

    11. All of the above, plus being able to sleep on my stomach.
    12. Being able to see my feet without having to contort myself to do so.
    13. Putting on socks without grunting.
    14. Not having gas or heartburn
    15. Being able to ride my horse!!! I MISS riding my horse, though she probably loves being a pasture potato and doesn't miss me a tiny bit. (By the way, she's pregnant now, too - I figured if I have to be pregnant, so does she).
  4. arkie

    arkie Well-Known Member

    16. Having a girls night with some wine on the balcony
    17. Enjoying the sun and the heat
    18. Being able to stomach spicy food
    19. Feeling overwhelmed about the future and how life with be with 3 kids under the age of 3
    20. Sleeping the entire night and even having a sleep in
  5. jvanmourik

    jvanmourik Well-Known Member

    Ditto to all the above!
    The ability to get up easily
    Sitting forward in a chair
    My kids being able to sit in my lap
    Fully cuddling my hubby
    Stretch marks on my belly not killing me
    Nice hot bath!
  6. Surrodoula

    Surrodoula Well-Known Member

    I'm looking forward to:
    • sleeping all night after delivering (one of the perks of being a surrogate!)
    • caffeine
    • feta cheese
    • being able to paint my own toenails again
  7. tiff12080

    tiff12080 Well-Known Member

    I'm done but here's what I missed

    Alcohol (any kind lol)
    cold cuts
  8. profjsg

    profjsg Member

    Being able to easily shave my legs!
  9. Double Vision

    Double Vision Well-Known Member

    wine, bending over and less peeing.
  10. amymc72

    amymc72 Well-Known Member

    Frozen margaritas. Even though they are 800 calories a pop.
  11. acjb2004

    acjb2004 Well-Known Member

    Glass of white wine and morning coffee. Being able to play with my daughter to the fullest, I am sick and tired of hearing myself saying "sorry honey but mommy can't run, or jump." :gah:
  12. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    Oh boy, so many of those above! I really miss being able to do much of anything, like many have said I have no stamina! I miss cold cuts too. I miss being able to shop all day LOL! And oh so much more!

    IVF TWINS Well-Known Member

    I really miss being able to keep up with my DD.
    I also miss sleep. I dont think I've had a good night sleep in 16 weeks.
    I really miss NOT having headaches all the time!

    Oh and sex that doesn't start with the words "Watch out for the belly or don't squash the twins!" lol (oh so romantic!)
  14. kristenlee5

    kristenlee5 Well-Known Member

    I have been on bedrest the last 6 weeks so..
    everything that everyone else has mentioned
    going to church
    going shopping
    going out to eat
    riding my bicycle
    taking my niece and nephews (and now twins) to the park
    not spilling everything I eat on my clothes because I can't lean over the plate
    taking my dogs for a walk
    turkey sandwich from Monty's
    going to cookouts and pool parties and birthday parties (I've missed a lot of them in 6 weeks)
    wearing clothes that fit (only thing that fits now is my husband's t-shirts)
  15. mes_00

    mes_00 Well-Known Member

    For the clothes stains I fixed that for my hubby. I bought scotch guard fabric spray and did all my clothing! It sure saves the guilt when you get stuff all down the front. I am the worlds most klutziest person so I got prepared for that part.
  16. samimax

    samimax Active Member

    Many of the above and..

    sleeping on my stomach with ONE pillow.

    my feet- haven't seen them in a while

    my legs not being so sore and swollen that I can barely lift them

    a glass of wine or a vodka and club with a lot of lime

    my husband ending up in the guest room because of all the noises I make (and then I cry when I wake up and he's not there- then he feels bad...ugh)

    what to eat for lunch every day- I want a turkey sandwich!

    my annoying neighbors commenting on my size- SHUT UP!

    working out- I feel so huge, out of shape and verey ugly. I am worried that I'll never lose the weight I gained and have to go on the Biggest Loser!
  17. angieb1979

    angieb1979 Well-Known Member

    I miss:

    Seeing my toes
    Sleeping on my back
    Sleeping on my belly
    Oh and sleeping in general!!
    A glass of wine whenever I want
    My hot tub
    Easily being able to move around (took this for granted, never will again)
    And since I'm on bedrest too, I totally miss just being able to leave when I want, I actually miss work and grocery shopping.
  18. kbaldwin

    kbaldwin Well-Known Member

    raw fish

    (My first dinner after returning home with my newborn son was a plate of tuna sashimi and a glass of Syrah....)
  19. kristinpa

    kristinpa Well-Known Member

    I miss Sushi, cocktails, and Botox! I also miss my nice clear skin...no acne but I have developed all of these red broken blood vessels all over my face and chest. Now that I am on best rest I also miss work, exercising and going out to dinner.
  20. ohd1974

    ohd1974 Well-Known Member

    I miss not being worried all the time.
  21. AmyH

    AmyH Well-Known Member

    I love this!
    A glass of wine.. oh how I want a glass of wine.. Or since it's summer and bbqing season I really wish I could enjoy a cold beer while the hubby is grilling dinner..
  22. chicagomama

    chicagomama Well-Known Member

    I miss having more energy for my 21 month old. After I recover I want to be able to play with her--take her on a bike ride or run around the park. I hate being a loaf while she is so active.
  23. opalbarb

    opalbarb Well-Known Member

    I miss lots of the above. not mentioned:

    Bacardi and diet
    TUNA (I love ahi tuna salads... too bad you can't eat while BF either)
    not belching like a disgusting person
    not peeing all the time (did anyone mention this? this is a big one ladies!)
  24. nadana77

    nadana77 Well-Known Member

    I miss alot of what all the pp's said!
    I just told DH yesterday I wanted a drink after this baby is born.
  25. kerala

    kerala Active Member

    Oh I also miss a lot of the above, especially:

    Glass of wine/ ice cold beer
    blue cheese (or any stinky cheese for that matter lol)
    sleeping on my belly (or back!)
    not peeing every half hour
    wearing nice clothes and of course shoes
    being able to sit comfortably at a table while eating

    What I'll miss from this pregnancy:
    feeling babies kick
    thick shiny hair that never sheds
    my bump as a table lol
    never thinking about what I'm going to wear haha
  26. ljmcisaac

    ljmcisaac Well-Known Member

    I miss going 3 hours without eating...I miss actually enjoying my food and not just hoping it won't come back up again...I miss sleeping through the night without getting up to pee...I miss having a beer on the patio!
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