What do you have as flooring in your playroom?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Momto1now3, Dec 4, 2006.

  1. Momto1now3

    Momto1now3 Well-Known Member

    For those who have hardwood floors, what do you have for flooring in your playroom? We are in the middle of converting our spare bedroom into a playroom. My oldest took the spare bedroom furniture and now the room is empty. We thought we would use the opportunity to change it into a playroom. Anyway, we are trying to decide. We definately want something in there, at least in the middle of the room to give them something softer than wood to be one. What have you used - area rug, mats?
  2. Momto1now3

    Momto1now3 Well-Known Member

    For those who have hardwood floors, what do you have for flooring in your playroom? We are in the middle of converting our spare bedroom into a playroom. My oldest took the spare bedroom furniture and now the room is empty. We thought we would use the opportunity to change it into a playroom. Anyway, we are trying to decide. We definately want something in there, at least in the middle of the room to give them something softer than wood to be one. What have you used - area rug, mats?
  3. 4jsinPA

    4jsinPA Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I just put berber shag in my playroom so we don't need mats but I do like those soft foam alphabet letters that connect and make a big mat. The kids loved to play with those and since they were soft they were easier on them. We have also bought some of those big area rugs made for kids (my son loves the one that has a track on it for him to drive his trucks on the road).

    Hope that helped!
  4. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Our "playrooms" are their bedrooms. We too have big shag rugs down on the hardwood floors (one pink and one blue). My friend added some carpet padding under hers and it made a huge difference. I just haven't taken the time to do the same.
  5. tracyob

    tracyob Well-Known Member

  6. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have regular foam mats under the superyard in my living room, but mostly because I had them already.
  7. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    Our playroom was the sunroom before we moved in so it has concrete floors. About 1/3 of it is now covered with the interlocking rubber mats and the other 2/3 is covered with two large rugs. We moved in here at 15 months (right before the girls started walking) and both types of flooring have worked fine.
  8. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    We don't have a playroom, but under the superyard (which takes up most of our dining room), we put the interlocking rubber mats over the hardwood floors.
  9. cabonnell

    cabonnell Well-Known Member

    Are you kidding?? My WHOLE house is a play room. We have 12" tile throughout except for in the bedrooms. I bought a 8'9"x12' area rug and laid it down in the living room and this weekend we're getting a nice thick carpet pad for underneath. The girls are climbing onto the sofa now as of this past weekend and Amber rolled off today I was told so it's time to cushion the rug for when she does it again.
  10. stinabina

    stinabina Well-Known Member

    we don't have a playroom, but we have hardwood floors throughout... we just use nice area rugs. the kids are okay with them...

    we got a nice round braid rug from a Home Goods store, it was less than $200 and is durable under the kids play, offers some protection from the hardwood floor but still allows them to stack blocks, play cars etc... plush is nice, but it's not as play friendly.

    do you have an ikea close? they would have lots of options...

    sisal rugs are nice too...

    we got a chenille braided rug from jcpenney for the nursert... it's softer than the other one, but it holds more lint and is harder to clean.
  11. mammaducky

    mammaducky Active Member

    We use those interlocking rubber mats for our hardwood floor playroom. We got them at our Sam's Club. Pretty cheap. They have a colorful side, or flip them over for plain black.
  12. Ange2k25

    Ange2k25 Well-Known Member

    Ditto the pp-the rubber mats from Sam's Club are great!

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