Now that it is long sleeve weather, their sleeves are becoming a mess during meals. How do you deal with this? Do you just let them become a mess and stay like that all day? Or do you push them up? Or do you have another solution? I have just been letting them stay a mess because it is very hard to change 2 one year olds 3 times a day (not including in and out of pjs) and also, who wants to do that much laundry! But I hate bringing them out a mess, so I am just wondering what others do.
I roll them up, and if they happen to fall down and get dirty then I change their shirt. Rolling works pretty well though. I do take their shirt off if it is something really messy.
I have always rolled or pushed their sleeves up. If we are eating anythign involving sauce I take their clothes off.
I roll their sleeves up and put bibs on them. I would like to find a bib however that is long and covers their lap as well.
We roll them up. My kids often have their sleeves rolled up anyway, because they inherited short arms from both DH and me! However, at daycare they rarely roll up sleeves and they never wear bibs -- so the kids often come home covered in food. <_<
If we aren't going out in the morning I just leave them in their pjs till after nap and lunch - that way I don't care. If we go out and they are dressed I usually take off their sweater and roll up the sleeves.
Rolled up sleeves and Bumkins JR bibs. I think my stain-o-phobia has rubbed off on them because they roll their own sleeves up and say "shirt not get dirty!".
Ours stay a mess. My girls refuse to allow me to roll up their sleeves. They throw an absolute fit! They must have their sleeves touch their wrists or all you know what breaks loose. So, fine by me, they stay a mess. I will change them if we go out or get super sloppy. But, they just wear what they wear! We go through bottles of Shout.
Either roll them up or not have one on them at all. We hardly go anywhere, so really around the house they are either shirtless or have short sleeves on.