What do you do while your babies are napping

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by blessedwith3, Jun 12, 2007.


What do you do while your children are napping?

  1. cleaning

    0 vote(s)
  2. resting such as t.v. or a nap

    0 vote(s)
  3. TS time

    0 vote(s)
  4. Something else that is productive

    0 vote(s)
  5. Other, please explain

    0 vote(s)
  6. They don't nap anymore or atleast not together

    0 vote(s)
  1. blessedwith3

    blessedwith3 Well-Known Member

    I'm just really curious of what other moms are doing while their children are napping. I feel like the majority of time that I get a chance to get a break, I always waste it. I never really do anything productive. Just like now :p gotta love TS though.
  2. my2littlebubbas

    my2littlebubbas Well-Known Member

    I think I do something different everyday. Watch my soaps on T.V., surf the internet, clean, pay bills, read amagazine. Usually something quiet though.
  3. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Well I typically do all those things, but I voted for TS. That is my main TS time. But I also eat lunch, watch Days of Our Lives, clean, do a load of laundry, and if there is time, read a little. I try to relax during their nap time so that I have loads of energy for L O N G afternoons together.
  4. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    I voted TS time, but I also try to eat lunch and do any kind of quiet cleaning that might need to be done.
  5. noahandjacobsmom

    noahandjacobsmom Well-Known Member

    I do a little of all your choices. In the morning, I do take a nap when they do if possible. In the afternoon, if I am well rested I am watching a little TV, TS surfing or crocheting.

    Cleaning...I do that when the boys are up so noise will not be an issue. I just put them in their walkers if I am not in the main room area and they hang with me while I do my stuff.
  6. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    I tell myself I am busy with household things but the bottom line is I am on TS!!!!!
  7. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Mine are in daycare M-F, so this pertains to weekends only....

    I voted resting. Sometimes I do something productive (usually errands out of the house, while DH stays with them), but mostly I eat lunch and then go "aahhhhhh...." and crash on the couch with the cat on my lap. I always think I'm going to read, but that couch has magic powers and I usually wind up asleep in 20 minutes.

    We do most of our "productive" chores after the girls are asleep. And I do all my TS and other internet stuff at work.
  8. firemedic

    firemedic Well-Known Member

    I do a combo of everything but mostly working on my Pampered Chef business.
  9. twindependent

    twindependent Well-Known Member

    I nap myself!

    Lately I'm just so tired and I can't seem to make it through that late-afternoon whiny-time if I haven't had a little extra rest myself!
  10. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    Mine haven't napped in a looooong time but when they did that was totally 'me time'. I would watch tv, read or come onto TS. I miss nap time. :cray:
  11. twingirls52905

    twingirls52905 Well-Known Member

    I didn't vote b/c I do different things, which is a combination of the things listed. I clean, watch tv, make hairbows (my work from home business), check email and message boards, etc.
  12. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    During the week, I work (work FT from home with a nanny here). On the weekend I get something productive done around the house.
  13. Tracy623

    Tracy623 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(blessedwith3 @ Jun 12 2007, 07:37 PM) [snapback]289546[/snapback]
    I'm just really curious of what other moms are doing while their children are napping. I feel like the majority of time that I get a chance to get a break, I always waste it. I never really do anything productive. Just like now :p gotta love TS though.

    I workout 5 days a week for an hour and then spend the other hour cleaning or making dinner.

  14. JustUs4

    JustUs4 Well-Known Member

    I voted 'other' because I do different things. Morning nap--take shower, put myself together, surf the 'net if there's time. Afternoon nap--dishes, straighten the house, surf the 'net if there's time :D
  15. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    Well, they are with my parents during the weekday naps since I work. But on the weekends I usually try to relax and catch up on my Tivo shows or do a load of laundry or clean.
  16. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I'm either napping or on the computer generally.
  17. heathernd

    heathernd Well-Known Member

    I work full-time, but I did stay home for the 1st year, and during the morning nap I would workout and take a shower. During the afternoon nap I cleaned the house and watched tv (something other than kiddie programs). They are 5 now and do not nap on the weekends.
  18. CandRMom

    CandRMom Active Member

    [SIZE=14pt]I had marked "other" since it varies from day to day. I do any of the following: (usually more than one) workout/shower, clean, read, garden, computer time (TS, emails, etc...).[/SIZE]
  19. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    Since I'm a WOHM I need to get housework done on Saturdays and Sundays during the nap. It's usually my time to clean the floors, weed whack, or something else I can't do while they are awake. But I also probably check TS in that window.

    And sometimes I get lucky :)
  20. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    I eat, pee, pick up a little bit (dishes, etc.) and then TS :)
  21. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    When the girls go to naptime I work. I usually make t-shirts or pack shipments for our business.
  22. annabell

    annabell Well-Known Member

    I focus on my work. I work out of the house and when they nap I get down to business and try to get as much done as possible in the short amount of time they are asleep. I also make my business calls since my kids have radar and anytime I try to make a serious call when they are up they scream their head off and I end up apologizing or laughing.
  23. Amanda+2

    Amanda+2 Well-Known Member

    I do a little of everything. Usually during the morning I hurry and clean and then get on the net. During the afternoon I cook dinner and maybe watch TV, surf the net, read, make phone calls, etc. My hubby works nights and sleeps during the day so sometimes I will go snuggle up with him and take a nap.
  24. RRTwins

    RRTwins Well-Known Member

    Naptime is when I do laundry, clean, paying bills, and other household duties. When that is done, I log onto TS and a few mins of "me" time when I can fit it in. When the babies are awake, I am 100% focused on babies. When they nap, I focus on non-baby stuff, but I almost never have time to just "relax"!
  25. chris629

    chris629 Well-Known Member

    I voted Other.
    I do scrapbooking, cleaning, yard work, painting, stripping paint off of wood, organizing, catching up on tivo'd shows, gardening, shower if I need to and can, workout etc.
    I do anything that needs to be done that day or I just feel like doing.
  26. WEME

    WEME Well-Known Member

    I work at home as we run our own business. So, I run to my computer and answer all my emails and input calls and payroll, etc. etc.... boring stuff. Once in a while, I'll watch something stupid on TV and eat some junk food and waste 30 mins or so.
  27. bridget nanette

    bridget nanette Well-Known Member

    [SIZE=10pt]I run around cleaning like crazy when they are napping. I especially try to do the floors and iron because I don't want them to pull down the iron and burn themselves or run all over my wet floors and slip.

    I'm a teacher, so sometimes I do lesson plans and reports for school.

  28. mom i am

    mom i am Well-Known Member

    They don't take naps any more. :cray: I miss my 1.5-2 hours mid-day break.

    Once upon a time; I use to come to TS, create graphics in PhotoShop, upload photos of the boys, clean some here and there, make phone calls. I did a little bit of everything.
  29. lilymadison

    lilymadison Well-Known Member

    I either work out, clean, and sometimes nap myself.
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