What do you do when ...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Minette, Jan 19, 2008.

  1. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I'm sure this just shows my utter cluelessness at what it's like to be home with toddlers a lot, but.... It's not like you can read a book or work on your scrapbooking or clean the bathroom while they're playing -- at least I don't seem to be able to do anything I can't drop at an instant's notice. I wind up just perching at the dining room table reading a magazine or something, which isn't very productive. What do you do at those times?
  2. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    My house is small so it is pretty easy to do whatever needs to be done without worrying about them. Their playroom is our family room and when I am in the kitchen I can see them. So, I can do any type of cleaning or organizing that needs to be done. I spend most of my time on TS! I have a laptop so as they are playing I am in the same room with them. I have been saying this forever that I need to start reading again but I dont know if I would be able to focus enough on a book yet while they are awake.
  3. bkimberly

    bkimberly Well-Known Member

    Hmmmm, maybe I am a bad momma, but I do whatever I need to get done. Our playroom is upstairs, along with their bedrooms. If I need to keep them occupied I turn the TV on up there too. I will check on them every so often, but I can usually hear them LOUD AND CLEAR! If I don't hear them for awhile I go and check....
  4. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    Another notebook computer addict here...

    I do a lot of fractured cleaning also (little bits here and there basically following them around as they play). It's horribly inefficient but that's the only way anything will get done.
  5. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I'm on my laptop. :blush: This is why you see me signed onto TS all day! I'm not really on it all day, but I hop on and off, sometimes try to do something productive on the computer, like organize pictures, write my column for the Mom's Club newsletter, stuff like that. I also try to do some housework, but I can't really do anything that once you start, you can't stop, like cleaning the bathroom. I'll run upstairs and grab a load of laundry, a quick task like that. There are times when I feel like "why am I here?" but then there are other days when they are crawling all over me.
  6. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    On my laptop too all day long too! If we go anywhere other then a doc appt. in the morning we don't really go anywhere until after naps and lunch which is about 1pm by then and they get up around 6am everyday. I will run downstairs and throw a load of wash in when they are sitting occupied eating a snack, other then that my laptop is my friend.
  7. Stacy A.

    Stacy A. Well-Known Member

    I read. I am a total bookworm. So, I love to sit in the room while they play and read a light book.
  8. tracymcg

    tracymcg Well-Known Member

    I just recently started letting them hang out in the kitchen/dining room with me. Before that they had free run of the living room and their bedroom only (which are adjacent) and since both are pretty well baby-proofed I would do little jobs around the house and keep checking in on them. Now that they come in the kitchen with me though, I can actually cook and clean which is great! They have their own drawer stocked with baby-friendly kitchen stuff. And we work on some discipline (like not touching the oven)--yeah, we're still "working" on that one..
  9. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    While they are playing together, I try to clean the kitchen -- do dishes, wipe everything down, plan the next meal or snack. Sweep the floor. Get the twins to swiffer. I do this kitchen clean up 2-3 times per day! Sometimes I let them "do dishes". I will sort a load of laundry and throw it in the machines. I only get on the computer when they are sleeping. Also during nap time, i try to come up with one or 2 crafts per week for them to do. we sit together and do the craft. They play in the play room which is right around the corner from the kitchen, and I can hear everything they are up to. I also try to plan the weekly family night. Then I also get them to put away their toys before dinner.

    In the mornings, i am trying to get them to take care of themselves better, so that we can get out the door sooner than 2hrs after wake up time. So we are working on new morning routines right now. Things like brushing their teeth, dressing self, making their bed, going potty.

    We just moved, so I am still trying to figure out our daily routine, and I am also realizing that the girls jus don't need me holding their hand playing with them every minute of the day. I am going to try to start some sewing projects and let them sew/lace while I sew on the machine. We'll see how that works.
  10. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    Could someone please tell me how you manage to be on a laptop all day with toddlers around? Miine are soooo obsessed with it that I have to keep it up on top of the kitchen counter where they can't get to it if I want to check email (or waste the day on TS :blush: )...and even then they are hanging on my legs.

    I do whatever housework needs to be done....they "Help" me by following me around from room to room. Here are a couple things "we" scratched off today's to-do list:

    *They played on our enormous, usually-off-limits king-size bed while I cleaned our master bathroom. Then, they played on the bed while I changed the sheets (not an easy task, btw).
    *I moved them into Nick's room and folded clothes and put them away.
    *I vacuumed and they got their toy vacuums out to 'help'
    *I put them in their high chairs after nap and give them a small snack while they help me cook. Today we made pork chops and cranberry bread. They have special kid-size cooking utensils and pots that I only let them play with while in their chairs.
    *Spent 45-minutes organizing the garage (okay, so they actually just un-organized all my dry food storage area...the point is that I was able to get some major reorganizing in the garage done that I otherwise would have had to reserve for nap/bedtime).
    *I cleaned the sink/toilet of the other bathroom while they were taking a bath, then tackled the tub after passing babies off to DH.
    *I did a 'fake mop" in the kitchen with a bucket of hot sudsy water and a rag. I gave them a rag soaked with just water to 'help clean'. They LOVED it. They were scrubbing my cabinets, my appliances, etc. Sure, they don't actually get the spots off, but it keeps them occupied while I get something done without breaking up fights or worrying about them climbing the 6' cat tree when I'm not looking (yes, they actually do this). :rolleyes:
  11. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    When the kids are playing, I am either:

    1) Playing with them
    2) Picking up toys, clothes, dusting, etc.
    3) Messing around on TS (laptop stays on the kitchen counter, where I can see the family room)
    4) Reading

    Usually, if they are happy and not trying to strangle each other, I tend to do my own thing. It think it is healthy for them to learn to play without mom right there in the thick of things.
  12. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(SweetpeaG @ Jan 20 2008, 12:03 AM) [snapback]580525[/snapback]
    Could someone please tell me how you manage to be on a laptop all day with toddlers around? Miine are soooo obsessed with it that I have to keep it up on top of the kitchen counter where they can't get to it if I want to check email (or waste the day on TS :blush: )...and even then they are hanging on my legs.

    My girls LOVE the laptop too. I can't do too much on it unless they are otherwise occupied. A lot of times, they ask to see "pictures" so we look at pictures of them. They love seeing themselves on the computer. I also show them videos on YouTube - clips of the Muppets, Charlie Brown cartoons, other babies and toddlers doing cute things, Signing Time, stuff like that. I can also get some TS surfing in by pointing out the avatars and they like seeing "other kids". Sometimes though, I do just have to close the laptop and put it away because they keep touching the keys.

    Another note - We're really not home a whole lot. On Tues and Thurs, they have preschool in the morning. The other days, I try to have a morning activity. I get antsy being in the house too much.
  13. angie7

    angie7 Well-Known Member

    I always playing with them. Sometimes I'll throw in a load of laundry or spend about 15 mins or so on the computer, but most of the time, I'm on the floor playing with them or at least watching them. I love to watch them play!
  14. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    chores, like folding laundry. emptying dishwasher (which they like to help with), straightening up,
    putting on makeup or doing my hair (rare occasions since they were born!)

    talking on phone with family/friends that are aware that i may have to put them on hold or hang up at a moments notice.
  15. Erykah

    Erykah Well-Known Member

    Another one on the laptop but I do scrapbook too... scrapbooking can be done fragmented! Trust me, layouts sit uncompleted for weeks on my desk. I also clean, you can drop what your doing in the middle of cleaning and run (one of the reasons I clean with gloves!)
  16. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    Like a pp stated, my girls have always been quite loud so I've never had any trouble knowing what they are up to. At that age, I read a lot of magazines and books while sitting on the couch and I occasionally got on TS. I figured it was good for them to see mama reading anyway because it makes it look fun. :D Basically, I've always let them run their own playtime.
  17. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    We keep the girls on the first floor during the day which is where everything but the bedrooms are. They have their playroom (our living room) which is right next to the family room. Our house is pretty much a circle from living room to family room to kitchen to dining room and back to living room. The computer/laundry room is right off of the kitchen. I do not keep an eye on them every second of the day. My house is so completely childproofed that I don't have to worry about them getting seriously hurt. Even if I was right on top of them, I can't always stop them from falling or bumping into each other or what have you. I keep a very close ear on what's going on and check on them from time to time. I used to run in to the other room if I heard anything that sounded like an accident but after doing that a million times, I got to the point where I hear a boom, I stop and listen to hear if there is a cry following and if not then I know they are ok. Now and then even without a cry I will check on them just to make sure.
  18. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    I do some fractured cleaning, or have them help, or can take a few minutes to be on th laptop. And I even have started getting some of my photos organized for scrapbooking when they are playing by themselves. I'm not sure I will get to actual pages when they are awake, but I'm getting closer to finding out.
  19. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    The hardest part is being a deaf Mom to my twins who are hearing. We live in a small single home with no living room but the family room is a bit small for them to really run around to the dining area. We create a small play room one part of the room for all of their toys. I can't really leave them more than 15 minutes in the family room because they are always looking for something they shouldn't do even it has been child proof. They already learned how to pull off the cushion from the couch! They are now learning to climb and partly because of their class at "My Gym". If I wanted to clean upstairs or take a quick shower I would put them in their crib. They usually play good in their crib, thank god! Other than that I do play with them on and off and let them play with each other as well. If I want to use the computer they do a little down time by watching Leap Frog Letter Factory, Baby Signing Time Vol. 1 and 2, or Elmo "Pet".

    Diana w/Rianna and Justin (almost 16 mos)
  20. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Well, FWIW, today I managed to water my orchids -- though I still had to defuse one fight because Amy wanted to stand on a stool and watch me water them, but didn't want Sarah to be allowed to watch too. :rolleyes: So in the end, neither of them watched. But I got half the orchids watered (we have about 15) while they were happily coloring on index cards on the train table (and only occasionally on the train table itself -- I made Amy clean that up with a wipe, although she enjoyed it so much that the lesson might have backfired).

    I also cleaned up from all their meals while they were still awake (rather than waiting till naptime), which would not have been possible 6 months ago. And I spent some time on the computer -- though, like Sweetpea and Kelly said, knowing that I'm on the computer makes them come running. I don't have a laptop, and the computer is in our home office, which is NOT a good place for them to play. So they always want to be in here, sitting on my lap and looking at pictures of themselves.

    Anyway, thanks for all the feedback! I guess that is pretty much what I've been doing too (laundry, tidying, food prep and cleanup). Reading an actual book doesn't seem feasible yet, though.
  21. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    I'd say getting half of your orchids watered along with the regular tidying is very good. There is NO WAY I could read a book or scrapbook... and forget about being able to leave a half-finished project or a sewing machine out where they could reach it. Goodness, it's a challenge keeping them from tearing up the laptop (it's missing a key, BTW, another key has major tooth marks, and they've all been removed and reinstalled at least once). It's DH's work-provided laptop so he has to work there now until it becomes obsolete and gets replaced :rotflmbo:

    T&T can get into some big trouble in a hurry so there isn't any "remote observation" going on here. I have to have visual contact at all times or I'll have a bigger mess than the moment of peace was worth.

    QUOTE(Minette @ Jan 21 2008, 09:21 PM) [snapback]583267[/snapback]
    Well, FWIW, today I managed to water my orchids -- though I still had to defuse one fight because Amy wanted to stand on a stool and watch me water them, but didn't want Sarah to be allowed to watch too. :rolleyes: So in the end, neither of them watched. But I got half the orchids watered (we have about 15) while they were happily coloring on index cards on the train table (and only occasionally on the train table itself -- I made Amy clean that up with a wipe, although she enjoyed it so much that the lesson might have backfired).

    I also cleaned up from all their meals while they were still awake (rather than waiting till naptime), which would not have been possible 6 months ago. And I spent some time on the computer -- though, like Sweetpea and Kelly said, knowing that I'm on the computer makes them come running. I don't have a laptop, and the computer is in our home office, which is NOT a good place for them to play. So they always want to be in here, sitting on my lap and looking at pictures of themselves.

    Anyway, thanks for all the feedback! I guess that is pretty much what I've been doing too (laundry, tidying, food prep and cleanup). Reading an actual book doesn't seem feasible yet, though.

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