What do you do for snacks?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Gilbert_Mommy, May 7, 2007.

  1. Gilbert_Mommy

    Gilbert_Mommy Well-Known Member

    My babies are almost 1 so I'll be using this board more often now.... I've gotten in the routine of giving them graham crackers and easy stuff (non-healthy) like that for snacks because it's just, well, easy. But I am wondering what others do for snacks? They're eating all the food we eat at meal times, so they can pretty well eat anything if it is soft enough or small enough. Any suggestions for healthy snacks?
  2. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    We mostly eat carbs for snacks -- muffins, crackers, goldfish... I do make bran muffins and pumpkin bread and stuff like that, so it's not just carbs, but it's primarily carbs. It's just much easier to prepare, and snacks tend to be eaten very fast (like 3 minutes), so it hardly seems worth spending a lot of time on.
  3. kstar

    kstar Well-Known Member

    My girls have the goldfish, crackers, etc., but I also cut up fruit. I just cut up a few strawberries, raspberries, or a banana....they love their fruit.
  4. rheamay

    rheamay Well-Known Member

    mine eat a lot of fruit, cheese and crackers for snacks. Fruit, I do bannanas, strawberrys, grapes (a big favorite), blueberries etc. I also like the gerber graduate cheese crackers (they are yummy) and cut up cheese. Sometimes if I have pasta in the fridge, they get that too. I am not real strict on it - they get what ever I come across in the pantry :D
  5. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Some combo of a fruit, carb, and protein. Examples:

    cheese, strawberries, graham cracker
    turkey bologna, mandarin oranges, goldfish crackers
    cheese, grapes, cracker

    I always give Grace milk with her snacks as well. I give Lily milk with her morning snack and 1/2 juice 1/2 water with her afternoon snack (she loves juice, Grace doesn't).
  6. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    We do pretty much the same as above but yogurt sometimes as well.

    This is messy, but mine love graham crackers with Polaner Allfruit spread on and broken into bite-size pieces.

    I give a water sippy with snacks since they do so well with milk at every meal.
  7. sharon_with_j_and_n

    sharon_with_j_and_n Well-Known Member

    Whole grain cheerios were a favorite, and there are some rice cake type things we always gave them at that age called Baby Mum-Mums (can't remember the brand name). Those are good for fibre. We did a lot of berries and cut up fruit (bananas, apple, grapes--all cut up small; also canned peaches in their own juice and pears are good as well). I also grated cheddar cheese on the smallest size to make little "cheese worms" for them. Our grocery store also had mini muffins and they still love their carrot muffins. Lots of good ideas on this thread!
  8. cabonnell

    cabonnell Well-Known Member

    Welch's Fruit Snacks (or as they are known in my house "squishies")

    Keebler Bug Bites (thin, flat graham crackers in the shape of bugs)


    yogurt (yoplait makes some thick, stick-to-the-spoon kind)

    cinnamon-raisen bread

    bananas, grapes, canned mandarin oranges, apples

    apple sauce
  9. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We do crackers, cheese, cereal, cereal bars. Mine really like the Club cracker sticks.
  10. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    Maybe I'm lazy, but for snacks I like stuff that I can give them & don't have to feed them. So we do a lot of:


    cut up avacado


    low sodium crackers

    mandarin oranges, or any orange segments



    frozen yogurt popsicles (I make them myself, but they are messy!)

    cut up sandwich meat
  11. rosie19

    rosie19 Well-Known Member

    We often do snacks "on the run"... outside, in the stroller, in the car, etc. So, I usually prepare a bag (those snack-sized ziplocs) of a trail mix sort of thing... raisins, whole grain cheerios, graham crackers, rice cakes... anything on hand that I can toss in the bag. I've been trying less processed/more natural snacks lately and have found some great things at Whole Foods and Trader Joes. My kids have gotten into soy crisps and veggie chips lately.

    Also, someone on here mentioned that they give their kids bagels and that keeps them busy for awhile if they are snacking while shopping. I tried that and it went over really well. I got some whole grain cinnamon raisin bagels from a local bakery and my kids loved picking them apart and eating them.

    If we are home, I try to do fruit and/or yogurt as a snack since they get a lot of carbs during other snack times. Cheese is hit-or-miss at our house... but I try to offer it regularly.
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