What do you do during vacations/week ends?

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by Fran27, Jan 4, 2015.

  1. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I swear all the other moms I meet always seem to be so busy, but it's the complete opposite here. It's horrible. Kids are bored, I'm bored, and I'm overly excited that the kids are back in school tomorrow.
    But seriously... what do you all do with the kids all day? We play some games, but someone always ends up being frustrated after 20 minutes. It's too cold or rainy to go outside more than 10 minutes, so there's that... The kids play with their toys some, but still end up getting bored. We've done some baking but I'm trying to lose more weight (well, mostly not to gain it back at this point) and can't resist baked goods. I go to the gym most days but typically they don't want to come (and my husband was home too so I didn't make them). So every morning by 8am they come and ask me 'what are we going to do today?' and I'm just stumped.
    Probably should have asked this 2 weeks ago, but yeah...
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    This holiday season we were busy, today is the last family party.  Besides the holidays, we have the kids birthday and today is my husband's aunts birthday.  Typically, we are not people who are on the go.  Most weekends we are home doing stuff around the house.  My kids usually draw, play with their toys, play games, make up games , sometimes we put a movie on for them, and when the weather is nice we take them to the playground.
  3. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Sometimes the boys will invite some friends over.  When they complain that they are bored, I usually have them find a book to read or something else to do.  I will play with them, but at the same time, they have to learn how to entertain themselves.  One has spent many hours building Legos :)
  4. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    My kids play together a lot without me getting too involved. I think this may be the age as it's definitely gotten easier for me to stay out of their way as they've gotten older. They love crafts and have free reign to all their craft stuff. If they make a huge mess they (with my help) clean it up after.

    We got together with some of their friends twice over the break, and they also got to play with our sitter's niece and nephew who were in town for the holiday. Having other kids around definitely helps them play nicer with each other.

    Oh and my girls will play outside in almost any weather, but we are fortunate to have a backyard that I can send them out to while I stay warm inside. Yesterday it was rainy/sleeting/snowing and they put their snow pants on to go play on the playset for awhile. They were soaked when they came inside but it was great they got outside!
  5. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    When my kids ask me what we're going to do today, I remind them that it's not my responsibility to entertain them, that that is their job. Some of their best games have come after a long period of boredom. It's a great catalyst for creativity. When they whine about being bored, I empathize and then remind them that it's up to them to change it.

    Considering that it's snowing and below freezing approximately 10 months out of the year here, not going outside in "bad" weather isn't an option. For us, the key is making sure our outdoor gear is adequate to the weather. My kids will play happily outside for hours in all kinds of weather if dressed appropriately.

    We also plan play dates as a number of their school friends are within walking distance and there's nothing more entertaining than a new face in the group. :)
  6. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Haha I wish, but my kids complain that it's too cold even if they have gloves, sweater, hats, boots and coats on.
    Playdates seem to be impossible to organize here, it's sad. Seems everyone else is too busy for playdates (or they're sick, or I don't have their number, or the house is a mess and the kids won't pick up their stuff so I say we're not inviting anyone over). I guess it doesn't help that I don't know many of the parents of their friends (except one from a friend from last year and we get together one a month), and that none of the parents I know ever approach me about playdates either. And I admit I don't do well with contacting people so it's hard for me to take the first step, especially when I never hear back the first time...
  7. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We also get outside every day, unless it's dangerously cold outside like today. I also plan outings to kid friendly places like the farmers market where there is a terrific play area, and they pop over to the neighbours frequently or to a friend's house from school. They also have certain spaces that are "theirs", including a play room and an art table. I don't get too fussed if it's not clean every day, but they know it has to be cleaned up for certain occasions. I will help them with projects when they ask, or buy get them materials for things, but they almost always initiate projects on their own because they know I won't, and if they ask me it's going to be chore time. But honestly, the majority of their day is imaginative play.

    The biggest thing that I have noticed being at home is that they often absorb my attitude about things... If I am grumpy and bored because of the weather, they start to get ratcheted up too. There was a couple days over Christmas where we were cooped up and I was literally dragging screaming kids out the door, and then as soon as we were all out and feeling more relaxed we had a fun time. This also applies to making friends.. I have left notes in backpacks and chatted up parents if the boys express an interest.

    If you can't do baking, you can get them to help cook something. If there's a babysitting centre at your gym, take them there anyway for a change of scenery. What are they interested in? That usually helps to figure out activities you might get them into.
  8. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Oy. To stay home lol. But even then, when we are home, I want to be out. Go figure.

    Our life is now soccer. Second session for indoor has started, of which dh coaches N. So they play soccer games every Saturday. Then, his club team, has just started winter practices. Those are Saturday, Futsal on Sunday(indoor soccer on a court vs turf), and Tuesday. Annabella does it as well, and she is Sunday's and Monday's. And we also have CCD on Mondays for the boys, Anthony will be taking art classes from Jan-March one night a week.

    So our weekends are go go go. Annabella has dance on Saturday mornings as well. Add in birthday parties...

    So when we are home...the kids have a playroom and they run jump and play. They will watch tv as well, but I also make sure the boys add in reading too. Tonight we had supper club(friends from high school and their kids) so that was a good chunk of time. My kids rarely say they are bored, and if they do, I've got loads of stuff for them to do!
  9. FGMH

    FGMH Well-Known Member

    Mine can play for hours on their own, they build Legos, do crafts, imagine role play etc. IIf the mess gets out of hand I will call for 10 minutes for tidying up (and help them) and a clear space usually gives them more ideas than chaos with all the toys pulled out.
    While the baby naps we play board games and read the more precious books which the baby is not allowed to handle. We also sing or put music on and dance.
    We also do lots of stuff in the kitchen together, not just baking but a lot of cooking too. For example, DS is very good at thinking up salads, cutting the ingredients, mixing dressings (with a bit of help), and it really helps too because his salads will serve as a side for lunch or supper and I have one less component to prepare.
    Whatever the weather we go out every day, often twice. Yesterday is was sleeting and really dismal from an adult point of view but as they were getting restless I suggested the garden and they ran and bundled up and played happily for more than an hour, and then we all went for a walk together. We often combine running errands and a walk, it does not always have to be the playground.  I probably spend more money on good outdoor clothing for the kids than for the rest of their clothing put together to ensure they are always warm and dry. Playing out of doors is a habit I think - the kids learn how good it feels to be out in all weathers, to burn their energy, to move if we do it regularly with them and if we have fun out of doors too.
    Our winter break ended today and we had many plans for outings or playdates but the kids were so content without them that we all enjoyed the unstructured time together as a family.
  10. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    Mine play a lot on their own. We have cultivated the 'entertain yourself' since they were very young...not that we don't play with them, but as PP stated- " Not a parents job to entertain you and/or pay to run around to keep you entertained". 
    We tend to be homebodies and once or twice a month do something special (out to eat, museum, zoo, event, etc) but for budgetary reasons we do a lot at home. We spent 90% of break at home due to illness and then entertainment was holiday presents. 
    My girls play well together most of the time and spend hours and hours with Lego, making barbie stories with dolls, reading, playing games, art projects, or other open-ended activities. They are used to having whole days with nothing planned out.
    If we get too busy they complain they don't have enough 'play time'.  We also are a very low media house--- TV is for special occasions, when you are ill, and/or occasional shows not daily or for hours. ipad is limited time and if abused/argued about, it is not an option.
    We are busy with dance several nights a week & Sat mornings. We really really try to leave a lot of unplanned time to decompress and enjoy the toys/things they do have. They do playdates a few times a month, but they are hard to schedule due to differing schedules/routines (we are early to rise early to bed people).
  11. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Mine play well on their own...maybe because they are both girls?  It was harder when they were little, but now I never really have to plan much for days off.  I work from home and they play, craft, etc.  They did have some play dates here and went to other people's houses for play dates during the break.  Again, everyone plays nicely and reasonably quietly so I can work while there are kids here playing.  They do have a couple friends I will not have over for a play date while I try to work because they are a little overly active and loud.
  12. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I thought we'd be busy but it turned out to be really uneventful which I'm ok with. My boys did get interested in some active video games which has been wonderful while it's nasty/snowy/cold outside. I have a whiner, too, who will be completely bundled up and want to come in in 2 minutes. Come to think of it, I *may* have been like that as a kid....
  13. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    I have been known to respond to complaints of boredom with, "You're bored? Good, I'll find something for you to clean." It's amazing how inspiring that is. ;)
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  14. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    We are fighting those same things here. My big two get 3 weeks off for the holidays. And the first two weeks we were pretty busy going places and visiting family. But now in the third week, cabin fever is setting in. Most of their friends are either back to school (in another district) or in day camp while their parents go back to work. So here we are. I'm so ready for them to be back to school! 
    I do what Ruby does too. If they tell me they are bored, then I make a list of things they can clean. Sometimes they actually like that idea! 
    Our weekends are much different. They have friends in the neighborhood that are home then and they usually leave in the morning and I don't see them again until lunch. They play outside a lot (but we have mild weather) and take turns playing at friends' houses or over here. 
  15. LoveMyTwinkies

    LoveMyTwinkies New Member

    The twins and I have a season pass to Knott's Berry Farm so we go there. If we don't go there we bake at home (cupcakes, donuts, etc..), go on a little hike, stay home and do some crafts, go to Toys R Us or just play with Legos. Lately, all they want to do is play Minecraft though but I still manage to do the other things I listed since I don't want them just playing video games all day even though my major is game design :)
  16. ECUBitzy

    ECUBitzy Well-Known Member

    I don't do a ton of entertaining. The girls play together (inside or out) and we may run errands, but that's about it.
  17. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah, 4 day week end coming up. Ugh.
  18. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Coloring, crafts, movies/popcorn, tablets, hide and seek, go to the museum, or bundle up and go on a hike, go visit grandparents, they help out with whatever we need to get done etc... just some ideas
  19. BRMommy

    BRMommy Well-Known Member

    I have some chores they have to do on the weekends, like clean their rooms, help me unload the dishwasher, help me fold laundry, etc.  Nothing major but something that will take 30 minutes to an hour.  But when I ask them to do the chores, it inevitably takes all day because they get so distracted with other things.  When you are forced to clean your room, you get the sudden urge to re-read your favorite book or to finish that half-finished drawing from last week or give that board game another try even though you thought it was boring last time you played it.  Lol!    And they usually leave me alone because they know I'll assign some other chores if they seem bored.   
  20. Mark Black

    Mark Black Member

    Usually, my kids just play together, and I don't need to worry that they're not entertained. Sometimes we go outside, and it can last for a few hours, so I don't really have problems with the lack of activities for them.
  21. BillShiphr

    BillShiphr Well-Known Member

    I have two children as well, and I know that they're having fun together, so all I have to do is to watch over them every 10-15 minutes while they're playing in the backyard. We have this playground https://www.kickstarter.com/project...d77866&utm_source=goodevas_gl&utm_medium=post there, and since we bought it, it became their favorite way of getting entertained. But I can't even imagine what I would do if I had only one kid because then we'll have to rely only on each other. Also, I don't know any entertaining games for kids because my sons usually come up with something by themselves.
  22. alex.bobrrikov

    alex.bobrrikov New Member

  23. Alina_25

    Alina_25 Member

    дре що зараз є розвивашки та ігри для дітей;)
  24. Alina_25

    Alina_25 Member

    Під час канікул ходили з дітьми в басейн. Як на мене це найкраще заняття влітку! Діти дуже задоволені та активно проводять час. Але перед відвідуванням треба оформити довідку. І щоб не ходити по лікарнях я просто купила довідку для басейну на цьому сайті https://medcenter.net.ua/ua/kupit-spravku-v-bassejn-kieve

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