What do they call their blankets?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by bridget nanette, Apr 14, 2007.

  1. bridget nanette

    bridget nanette Well-Known Member

    [SIZE=10pt]Mikayla has my pink ROBE! I don't know how she adopted this as her blanket, but she is obsessed with it. We call it Woobie. Michael has a blue and white knitted blanket that he calls BLANKIE. He drags it around and sucks his thumb like Linus! :laughing: Do your kids have a special blanket? If so, what do they/you call it?

  2. HolyScrap!

    HolyScrap! Well-Known Member

    Not very original but my call theirs thier blankies.
  3. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    We call Ainsley's blanket "tabby", it's a Taggie blanket and DH kept calling it tabby instead of taggie, and it stuck. She just says "tah" and makes the sign for blanket. Ainsley points to her mouth and says "dit" when she wants her binky. She also is attached to her winter hat and says and signs "hat" when she wants it.

    Bea also signs blanket and hers doesn't really have a name, it's just blanket. She says "bah-k" something like that. Bea says "bap" for binky and points to her mouth. She recently became attached to a Christmas ornament and has named it "doll", which she says and signs.
  4. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Mine don't seem to call theirs anything yet, but we call them Bunny and Ducky (because that's what they are). Amy is also attached to little terrycloth drool bibs (not any one of them in particular) and seems to say "Bee!" when reaching for them, but that would also be consistent with "bib" in Amy-speak, so maybe she's just saying "bib." I'm anxiously waiting to see what Bunny, in particular, is going to be called, once Sarah is verbal enough to have a name for it. (I always think of it as a him -- I guess that's probably sexist of me! But I always thought my lovey in childhood was male too.)
  5. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    My girls have blankets that were knit by their "Bubbe" (DH's step-mother). They are beautiful and they've had them since birth -- they are their "Bubbe Blankets." They also have quilts made by a family friend -- they are the "Big Blankets."

    Since giving up the pacis last week, BTW, Jade drags her "Bubbe Blanket" with her pretty much everywhere. That and her "Beach Hat" (which she also sleeps with).
  6. Cassie05

    Cassie05 Well-Known Member

    Stephen calls his bankey...though the other day as plain as day he informed my mom it was his blanket. Dont know why he doesnt say it normally for me though. THe girls dont have blankets yet, so we shall see
  7. Moms2NTwins

    Moms2NTwins Well-Known Member

    Katie calls hers "blankie" she started this herself lol I havent a clue where she heard the word, just like her toes, they are "toe toes" again no clue where she got it but it sure is cute
  8. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    Mine both call theirs a "babo" and each have a special one they sleep with. :)
  9. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    Alyssa doesn't have a blanket-she sucks her thumb, which she sometimes refers to as "sucky". Bryony, Naomi and Luke all use muslin cloths for their blankets (they have lots and are happy with any one). Bryony calls hers "snuggle", I guess because of us talking about snuggling down to sleep, and Naomi and Luke call theirs "rag" which their father started.
  10. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    Mine call theirs "numma-num". This is a name they came up with on their own. The ones I let them carry around are the little blankets with stuffed animal heads although any blanket with a satin edge is a numma-num.
  11. mbcrox

    mbcrox Well-Known Member

    Mine call theirs "snuglis". They have a several of them. They are not the size of a full size blanket. Much smaller. They like to chew on them so I bought more so I would be able to give them to them clean each day.
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