My son and daughter are about to turn one (May 1st). I was just curious what was your twins vocabulary at this age? My daughter says: Hey Mama Dada Yay My son says: Mama (only when he is crying). What is normal for them to say at this time? I am scared that I do no talk to them long enough or work with them well enough. How did you teach your kids different words?
Dada Mama Hi Bye Whats that They try to say ball, I know what they are saying but someone else wouldn't. They don't make any animal noises yet, but do make a noise for cars. They are both now saying hat, they are about to turn 13 months. They both know a few signs...more,eat,milk,all done...they seemed to pick those up a lot easier than regular words. Dianna
Mine didn't say much at a year. Momma, Dada (sometimes in context), Bella (the sitter's dog), UhOh!!, and a few others. A little OT: I was actually really concerned because Meara had a lot more words that Ana and Ana hardly spoke. Well apparently Ana was waiting until she could pronounce them perfectly and in sentences. Around 18 months she exploded with language and hasn't shut up since
Mine didn't say much at a year either: Mama, Dada, cat, Pop-Pop was what they could say at a year. Now DD says: Mama, dada, Daddy, Pop-Pop, meow, cat, baby, has said one of our cat's names once, barks like a dog, meows like a cat, says "see", and can point stuff out to you if you ask her too, also says uh-oh DS: Mama, Dada, baby, Pop-Pop, see, barks like a dog, says uh-oh all the time and can point stuff out to you if you ask.
My boys say nothing...They CAN say mamama and dadada...but I am not all convinced it's in the right context-and it certainly was not at 12 months. However-they can point to anything and everything you ask them their receptive language is amazing. Expressive is the issue... EI is coming on Monday and we are starting the evaluation process. BTW they are 17 months old.
I still remember our Ped being concerned that my duo weren't saying "Mama" or "Dada" at 12 mos. But, they CONSTANTLY said "Uh Oh" & were also saying "Hi", "Bye bye", "Get Down" (think they heard that a lot? I have climbers!), & "kitty". They started saying "Daddy" around 14 mos, but "Mama" didn't come til almost 16-17 mos! STINKERS! At 20 mos, I couldn't even write out their vocab. They talk non stop, learning new things every day. It's crazy. They're working on 3 word sentences now & are really perfecting their pronunciations. Talking was one thing I never worried much about, I knew they'd talk in time. Our Ped had mentioned ST at one point & I said I'd wait...and now look!
There's a wide range of normal. Most babies make sounds like dada mama at 12 months, and it sounds like yours are right on track. At 12 months one of mine had about 4 words other than mama dada and the other only had dada. Our pediatrician reassured me at our 12 month that it's all normal Do you use signs? Mine have about 20 signs now at 13 months and it is awesome! They can ask for specific foods, comment on their favorite things (trucks, airplanes, birds, dog, etc). I'm blown away by how much they understand, that I never would have known if we didn't sign. We went to a class on infant language and sign and they said the best thing you can do is talk to them about everything--what they're doing, what you're doing, what they're looking at (with descriptive words that you know they won't understand yet), and read books The more natural the better.
well at 13 months mine say: DD - mama, dada, hi, bye, down, done, breakfast, lyla (our dog) DS- mama, dada, at 13 months they sign: DD - all done, eat, drink, more, milk, bath, baby, up, phone DS- all done, eat, drink, more, milk, change, up we're working on thank-you, night-night, cracker are you signing at all?
Hey Melissa - our kids are the same age! May 1st for us, too. Mine say mama, dada, Bella ("beh-ah" or just "eh-ah") and Matthew says kick. That's it and my pedi said they were very advanced verbally, so I wouldn't worry. Happy Birthday!
QUOTE(eechy @ Apr 4 2009, 11:38 AM) [snapback]1258909[/snapback] Hey Melissa - our kids are the same age! May 1st for us, too. Mine say mama, dada, Bella ("beh-ah" or just "eh-ah") and Matthew says kick. That's it and my pedi said they were very advanced verbally, so I wouldn't worry. Happy Birthday! AWWW, I finally found a set of twins w/ the same b-day! What are your plans for their first birthday? I can't wait to have our first year appointment. I just worry, especially about my son. He doesn't even babble, but he is a great thinker. He puts the rings on the ring stacker, and he tries to put the shapes in the shape sorter, where my daughter won't even try to attempt either, but she babbles a lot!
There is a wide range of normal, so do not worry! Some kids don't say anything until 2 and are still fine. I think at 12 months, mine said ball, duck, mama, and more (the word). Maybe a couple of others but not many. Now, they have so many words I can't even begin to keep track!
not much. they probably ewre just doing ma-ma at 12 months. They were slow starters. I agree that at 12 months they are just doing fine.
Mine are 13 months and can say : Mama, Dada, Come Back, Grandpa (gam-pa), Baba (bottle). I think yours are doing fine & have plenty of time!
[SIZE=10pt]Hmmm ~ at 12 months they were saying Mama & Dada. They're now almost 22 months and they're still saying Mama & Dada and DD recently started with Poppa (my dad) and the occassional cracker. Other than that....NOTHING!! Although they do communicate really well with each other ardon: There are some days that I worry that they are behind/delayed. However they know what we're saying to them, can understand directions and do sign some. Our PEDI isn't concerned either. As pp's mentioned...all lil ones are different and their voices/vocabulary all come at different times. April [/SIZE]
I don't think it's late at all to start signing. I read that you can start when they wave bye bye because they should have the motor skills to perform some signs. I probably started only a couple months before you, and really I started with just "more." It was around 11 months that they started to use 'eat,' and 'drink' also, and I think, 'hat' (they love hats), but only in the last month have they learned a bunch of new ones. Do you have a couple baby sign books? They're a good place to start, or you can just look up signs for things they're interested in. Those are the only signs mine have learned, those that they want to say!!! Good luck
QUOTE(Melissatwins84 @ Apr 4 2009, 08:32 AM) [snapback]1258902[/snapback] thanks everyone. No I am not signing at all. Would it be too late to start? NOT AT ALL!!!! I signed when they were younger but they coudlnt sign back so I got discouraged and quit. When they hit around 10/11 months I started again and its really just taken off since they turned 12/13 months. They are picking up new signs daily. THeres a lot of pretty simple ones. If you have any interest at all I think you should try!!!
That is about what mine were saying at that age and now it is over 50 at least (maybe more) and about 25 signs. It is never too late with the sign language. Just incorporate it as much as you learn with everyday and everything you do. Mine were doing it so much they would say the word and the sign at the same time. Still makes me chuckle when they do that. As far as words we got these great word books with one picture/word per page and I would just say them over and over again to them and one day they just started repeating the words and now they learned to listen to my sentences and pick up words from there. We just went to the pedi and on the back of our status page it says that a 15 month old should say about 10 words so it sounds like you are on track!
mine can't say a thing in context (they babble all the time and say many sounds. they even say mama, dada and hey, also. but they say them all day long!). i'm a teacher and i'm not worried, though i know they are a little late in this area.
For sign language I use these sites I have a dvd set my mom bought me, but so far just looking up words on these sites is much easier. Dianna
my girls are 13 months old. They say mum mum, dadad, bub bub, night night, ta (thanks), and nanna grandma) and thats about it. They are still kinda babbling.
My girls are 15 months (13 months adjusted) and they say NOTHING. They babble all the time. We hear mama, dada, baba, etc., but none of it seems to mean anything yet.
My boys are 15 months old and they say mama, mummy, dada, daddy, lala (lara), wuff wuff, quack quack, ball, brush (max loves brushes!) bye bye, hello, hi, hi dear (max), yum yum - of course not as clear as you and me but not bad!
At 12months all ours said was mama and dada - but not always in the right context. They did get mamama right when they were mad or upset though. Now at 14months they say babab for ball, and bibi for bib, and bu-bu for bye-bye. I am not worried, we talk to them and read them books, and when they are ready they will speak more.
Hey Melissa - yeah, so fun that we have kids the same exact age! I really wouldn't worry. Especially if you can see he's figuring things out so well. FWIW, my brother was silent until age 2 and then it came out in full sentences. He hasn't stopped talking since. Definitely try the signing, though. I do "more" with mine, but I'm not so good with teaching them new ones. I should try harder. Join me, won't you! We're just having a family party for their 1st. It's growing a bit, so we'll probably have around 50 people. Yikes. I haven't actually seen that in writing yet. Looks awfully scary. But the party itself will be fairly low key. I hope! How are you going to celebrate?