What did you do with your baby gear?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by plattsandra103, Mar 23, 2009.


What did you do with your infant carriers?

  1. nothing yet/haven't decided

    0 vote(s)
  2. sold them

    0 vote(s)
  3. gave them away

    0 vote(s)
  4. kept them for future kids

    0 vote(s)
  5. other

    0 vote(s)
  1. plattsandra103

    plattsandra103 Well-Known Member

    I was just wondering what you all have done with all your baby stuff. it seems we had SO many bulky items and i plan to keep them just in case my DH changes his mind and decides to go for a 3rd (which i really want). but i'm wondering if i'm just a nut for holding on to it all....even clothes have been hard for me to toss, but i'm such a pack rat it's no wonder :D and even though i want one more, i have kept both carriers because you never know if it turns out to be 2!! lol TOLD you i'm a pack rat....

    i basically just included the "big stuff". and our bouncers, we had 3, but 2 convert to rocking chairs and they still use them. our jumperoo DH lent to a coworker so i don't think i'll see it again, but it's his problem because he's the one that bought it and loved it.

    so, how about you? and when did you get rid of it?
  2. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Well, we probably won't have another child and we're short on room, so we've been selling everything. I gave the bouncers and one of the swings away but they were bought used already and were probably 5 year old.
  3. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    We kept ours because I knew I wanted another child. At this point though we are done ( :cry: ) so I have tagged it all to sell at a garage sale at the school. Hopefully it ALL goes! I did have to answer 'nothing yet' because nothing is sold yet. I have sold a crib and some misc. baby stuff though.
  4. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have kept everything for future kids. It feels like the house is being over-run by baby stuff but I would like to save it for either my future kids or if a very close friend or family member gets pg.
  5. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Even though we have 4 embryos in the freezer (and we aren't sure what we are going to do yet), I gave everything away. DH said "If we decide to have more kids, I will personally buy the 4 onesies that kid will need" hahaha! Honestly we didn't have room to keep all that stuff and I really doubt we'll have more kids.
  6. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    I was going to do my local MOM sale this last weekend & get rid of everything, but when I found out how much they tag stuff for & that the club takes 25% I decided to have my own garage sale in a couple months & also try to sell the big items (jumparoo etc) on Craigslist.
    If it doesnt sell there then I have a childrens consignment shop that I can take it to :good:
  7. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I sold everything either through our mom's club or through a yard sale once they were out of it. We knew we were done having kids, so there was no reason to keep it around.
  8. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I gave everything away. But we knew we were done, so it wasn't a hard decision. Plus, my SIL conveniently had twins exactly two years after I did, so there was no doubt about who to give it all to!

    There are a few things we were still using when her kids were born (cribs, PNP, etc.) that I'll try to sell at the twins club sale or through Craigslist. If I can't get enough money for them to make it worth the hassle, I'll just freecycle them.
  9. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    We have given away everything to family and friends who have had babies or who babies on the way. The only thing we have sold is the Graco Duo Glide and trying to sell the double snap n' go. The bouncy seats they actually still use for their bottle before bed.

  10. babymOmmax2

    babymOmmax2 Well-Known Member

    I've sold just about everything on the craigslist with the exception of clothing which I gave to a friend in need :)
  11. caba

    caba Banned

    I voted gave everything away ... but we haven't, yet. I held onto everything single thing since my sister was trying to get pregnant. Now that I'm preg with her twinkies, she will be getting every single thing I have!! She can't wait to get it, and I can't wait to get it out of my basement!
  12. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    I gave it all away to various co-workers and the clothes (with the exception of their coming home outfits and a few other things) went to the Salvation Army...
  13. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We have not done it yet, but we will be giving away the car seats, swing, bouncy, exersaucer, and jumparoo to one of my BF's who has a surprise pregnancy with baby #3. She was very generous in giving us her baby stuff since she was not planning on anymore and we have decided to return the favor in giving her our stuff, which is newer and less used.
  14. jdio33

    jdio33 Well-Known Member

    We have saved a lot of the stuff for 1 more baby! (I hope JUST 1!) My basement is becoming very full!!!
  15. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    I thought I never would have another infant, then I thought maybe I would want to again... then we decided it won't realistically happen for a long time, if at all. So, depending on which phase I was in, that's what happened to the infant stuff at the time. One thing I heard from a fireman that I never would have thought about is that if you have infant car seats, they need to be stored in a controlled climate. Extreme heat or cold can damage the plastic and render it less effective if you were in a crash in the future. Even just one summer of sitting in a garage can destroy the integrity of the plastic. I live in Phoenix, where it is VERY hot. I am not sure what your climate is like, but that might be something to keep in mind.
  16. plattsandra103

    plattsandra103 Well-Known Member

    yeah, our climate is pretty much like phoenix, but i don't have a closed garage, so they are indoors in a storage closet, and they are taking up all kinds of space!!!
  17. stefwebb

    stefwebb Well-Known Member

    I was keeping the things I really liked, but now we will probably be relocating before the end of the year so that's up for grabs too. A very close friend got pg soon after I had the boys. I gave her one of the papasan chairs, regular bouncy's, and the infant carriers among other things. We are trying to sell things on craigslist but aren't getting much response. We did finally get rid of the bath seats, swing and jumperoo along with some lower priced items like big baby toys and a playpen thingy. I still have breast pump, bottles, walkers, stage, exersaucer, double snap n go, twin pack n play, boppies, twin nursing pillow, and lots of small baby toys that need to go somewhere. It will all get listed on criagslist and if it can't be sold it will be donated. If DH doesn't get busy with the listings it may get donated anyway.

    Clothes are a different story. I've had enough trouble going through them for sizes. I haven't even attempted to get rid of any. They go in a tub with the size on the side and into the attic as they are outgrown. The next sizes up are sitting in the corner in our den. The really special things and mommy's favorites are in the cedar chest.
  18. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    I'm finally getting rid of it now -- slowly selling things on Craig's List, or giving them away as needed. I'm so excited to be clearing out the space in our basement! But, there's no question that we're done having kids -- I'm in a different position because we already had Nadia, of course.

    Let me tell you, though, all the stuff I had with her SO came in handy with K&K! I had a bumbo, exersaucer, jumperoo, two single strollers, two Britax Roundabouts, a bouncy, all kinds of things. I saved a ton of money on gear this time around....and, I was crazy buying Hanna and Gymboree for Nadia, so Karina has a great wardrobe now. Poor kid has barely gotten a new piece of clothing in the last year, LOL.
  19. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    We are done having kids so I sold all my baby stuff at a MoM sale.
  20. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    We were given a lot of our stuff. If it was given to us, I gave it away. If I bought it on Craigslist cheap, I sold it for the same price. We had to toss our car seats b/c they were given to us and expired when we stopped using them. I gave the car seats that the hospital gave us to a friend to sell at a sale to raise $ for cancer. The only things we have left are the two bouncy chairs which I'm saving for my next set. :p I'm trying to talk DH into having "just one more", but am afraid it will be two. Also, the bouncy chairs are different and I love them both for different reasons. They both look like new.
  21. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    No more kids for me, so I've been selling everything on Craigs List. Just recently, in 3 days I made $130. Before that I made $175.

    I get rid of there things as soon as I see they are no longer interested it it. I still have all their clothes. I might do a garage sale this year. I also belong to a twins club and may do their sale this summer.
  22. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I gave everything away. Selling takes too much time and energy and for the amount of money that I could get, it honestly wouldn't be worth me taking the time off from work, so I either donate it to another MoM or just random people having babies, or freecycle. My house is cluttered enough without two jumperoos and two bouncers and two bumbos, etc.
  23. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    the only carriers we had were car seats, which we sold (along w/one of the swings). we gave the other swing to a friend, and donated the bouncies (4 of them). they still play w/the baby gym like it's a tent:).... as for the exersaucer and jumperoo--i was going to give them away until i realized how great they are for helping me get the boys shoes on! now they are the last stop before we leave for anywhere.... a big help!
  24. Cindy H

    Cindy H Well-Known Member

    I am definitely in the minority. I never had an excersaucer or play gym because I knew they took up so much space. I thought why buy on when they use them for such a short time and they take up so much space!!

    As for my infant carrier, my sisters are still having babies so I keep it around for when they come to visit. I live by grandma.

    The swing I got cheap at a garage sale and then gave it away. Most of my baby stuff is gone now. Mostly given away.

  25. twins2008

    twins2008 Well-Known Member

    We are done having babies now so I have been selling whatever I can on Craigslist as soon as they lose interest. I don't know anyone who is having babies most of my friends are either done having kids or don't want any and no one else in my family is having kids as I am the youngest . My dh's niece is pregnant with twins but she lives in Texas so it would be silly and expensive to get all of the stuff to her. Besides, she probably will get a ton of stuff from her family down there. A lot of the big stuff like swings, bouncers and jumperoos are gone. I have one exersaucer type thing left that I have been trying to sell and that is the last of the newborn stuff other than boppies that we still use. I still have the more recent clothes to sell but the newborn sizes are gone. I think I have a couple 3 month items and the rest are 6 and 6/9 and a few 12 months. Now I have the playpen, playyard, ball crawl, changing tables, high chairs, toys and inflatable duck tub on the main floor of the house. It is kind of sad but I almost look forward to when these big things are gone. I am really enjoying watching them develop and move past these infant things.

  26. debbie_long83

    debbie_long83 Well-Known Member

    We haven't done anything yet but I plan to sell them. IF we have more kids they will be well into the future and I just don't have anywhere to put all that stuff. I want a new double stroller and hope to get enough to buy a nice one. :)
  27. snowmom

    snowmom Well-Known Member

    I've kept almost everything, because we are going to try for another, and my sister is trying also. I figure if one of us has a girl and the other a boy, I can outfit both babies in everything they need :)
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