What causes your water to break?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by lharrison1, Dec 20, 2007.

  1. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I know it doesnt always happen, or it can just happen at anytime but does anyone know what makes it happen? Are there hormonal changes, or is it contractions, or the baby just out grows the sac? Maybe a stupid question...I am on bed rest and have a lot of time to think about things.
  2. cheriek

    cheriek Well-Known Member

    not a dumb question at all! im sure there are many reasons for the water breaking; i would think the baby's head is pushing down getting into postion:) :lol: u can google it to get the technical answers-i had my water broken twice by the OB; never on its own.
  3. 3greysandamutt

    3greysandamutt Well-Known Member

    With my first pg, my water broke with an audible "snap!" After DD came out, and I saw how sharp her little fingernails were, I got this image in my head of her popping the sac with a fingertip! :lol: Probably impossible...??? but that's how I've always pictured it! :D

    (I think after 34 wks with this pg, I'm not leaving the house! My fluids gushed out, and continued gushing for quite a while... I really don't want to be stuck with DD and a cart full of groceries when (if) it happens this time! :D )
  4. nanhancan

    nanhancan Well-Known Member

    My water broke on its own with both of my pregnancies. That's how I knew it was time to go to the hospital. My water breaking is preceded by contractions- not painful- just bh. I think my dd1 just wanted out b/c I wouldn't stop running my entire pregnancy. In fact, I ran 6 miles the day my water broke with her. One of my twins broke her water to put me out of my misery (huge, bedrested, pregnant mess).
    I have read that it's really pretty rare to have your water break before you are in active labor, but it's happened to me twice. Go figure.
    Rest up!
  5. natasha163

    natasha163 Well-Known Member

    first time round my water broke mid labor, right before pushing. Think it was the head breaking them.

    2nd time round it broke in the middle of the night as i was rolling over, just felt like i'd wet myself at first, so i went to the loo (only a little mustve come out) then an hour later , rolling over in bed it came out like a a dam had burst! strangly enough i didnt go into labor, only a few minor irregular contractions. I called hosp next morn, went in, sat around all day waiting for contractions to start...nothing, they induced me at 4 pm and by 6pm he was out (ouch) Don't know why my waters broke as he did need some persuding to come!
  6. amybucalo

    amybucalo Well-Known Member

    With my DD, I had begun active labor but was still at home waiting the early part out - the contractions were about 5 min apart, getting progressively stronger, then BAM! I felt like she must have attempted a 40 yard field goal because she kicked or punched and it HURT, with an immediate GUSH of blood and fluid. I went to the BR, looked at the mess, and said "Ok, we're out of here!" That was around 11pm, she arrived at 10:58 the next am.

    My guess is with my scenario, active labor just pushes and pushes until something gives.
  7. Terrebeth1

    Terrebeth1 Well-Known Member

    With my daughter I was just sitting on the couch at 12:15 am playing around with my laptop. All of a sudden I felt like I was peeing myself. All of a sudden it came to me that my water broke and I ran to the bathroom. I am not sure exactly what makes your water break though. It is an interesting thought. I had no contractions before and none for a few hours after. Hmmmmmm....
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