what causes a simple diaper rash

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Saramcc, Jun 13, 2008.

  1. Saramcc

    Saramcc Well-Known Member

    to get really really rashy?

    It's always been that as soon as we start seeing that either one getting a rash we put on Butt Paste. We found that certain diaper brands or wipes gives them rashes.

    DS's rash was starting to fade, now it's gotten soooo much worse. I mean red all around his bottom and on his testies. I hate wiping him, it hurts me I think more than him. I'm taking him into the docs, but it's just bizarre how it can go from getting better to much much worse in a day or so.
  2. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    If you are feeding solids that might do it. SOmethings they eat react and can cause it pretty quickly. It might be worth writing what you feed each day and see if you see a pattern.
  3. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    When my girls get a rash like that, I goop them up much more than necessary. For us, it seems to be lots of poops in a day that causes it to go from a little to a HUGE rash quickly.
  4. Saramcc

    Saramcc Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(LV twinmama @ Jun 13 2008, 10:02 AM) [snapback]825143[/snapback]
    If you are feeding solids that might do it. SOmethings they eat react and can cause it pretty quickly. It might be worth writing what you feed each day and see if you see a pattern.

    Interesting. We've been trying them on rice cereal w/watered apple juice in it. He's the only one who seemed to eat more of it.
  5. TFine

    TFine Well-Known Member

    For us it is too many poops in one day.

    Our PED has us use about a 1/4 cup of vaseline with every single diaper change. We go through a ton of it, but it provides a really nice barrier and stops the poop from getting on her skin.

    We have pretty much had a rash for 3 months and as soon as it is almost gone she poops at night and it starts all over again. It is awful!

    When it is really bad we get an antibiotic cream from the PED.

    Good Luck!
  6. brlowe

    brlowe Well-Known Member

    We've been having this same issue with Olivia. We seem to get it under control and then she poops and it gets really bad again. We saw the pedi yesterday and she gave us some Rx cream for it. Hopefully that will help! Hope it gets better soon!
  7. xavier2001

    xavier2001 Well-Known Member

    DS gets it whenever he poops in the middle of the night, it doesn't wake him up so we don't catch it until the morning. When he has a rash we use Desitin creamy at every diaper change and every night we slather on a TON of desitin extra strength, usually that clears it up in 2 or 3 days. I also avoid giving poop provoking foods (peaches, prunes, apricots) any time after breakfast.
  8. markl

    markl Active Member

    we read somewhere that diaper rash (not an alergic reaction to certain diapers-- true diaper rash) is from mixing of #1 and #2. Our kids are still on formula and I have heard from my sisters it is potentially worse with solid foods, but we make sure that as soon as we smell something, we change. The kids are pretty regular, so I know that I can get a 'feeling' as to when a poop may be coming so I make sure that I put Dr. B's butt paste on, and then again after. So far so good.

    We did have a day when DD went a while with a dirty diaper, and she started to get a rash. We made sure that we changed more often, and used more paste but also made sure that her bum was dry before we put a new diaper on her.

    We are dreading the day when a full on diaper rash strikes, so we are trying to prevent as much as possible.....
  9. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member

    We just went through this whole nightmare with DS. His would get better and then worse within a day and this went on for a month with numerous doctor appts (regular, after hours and a dermatologist) Here are a few things I learned. Of course you should get yours checked to see what it is but I am sharing with you the things we did.

    First of all, DS had a yeast infection that turned into eczema too!

    We don't use wipes if it is just pee anymore, just for poopy diapers and that has helped tons. I resorted to making my own wipes and they do help tremendously cut down on the irritation. Let them dry completely before putting on a new diaper (and you may even have to switch the type of diaper you use). We would use the new diaper as a fan to speed up the drying process and he thought it was funny. If it gets so severe you can switch to cloth diapers for a while. Although they are a mess you are allowing more air into them. Of course if you have the opportunity to leave the diaper off completely that is the best solution. If they give you a cream that is medicated, use a non medicated diaper cream or vaseline over it as a barrier so it doesn't just wipe off in the diaper.

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