What can I expect from twin 2.5 year old's

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by jendisney8, Aug 3, 2010.

  1. jendisney8

    jendisney8 Member

    Hi Everyone!!

    I wasn't sure where to post this topic so I'll start here. Right now our twins girls are almost 23 months. DH and I planned on having more but I wanted to wait until the girls were a little more independent, especially if I need another C-section as we don't really have anyone to help me. I just discovered I'm 7 weeks pregnant. I'm in a little shock as I had not planned this and wasn't ready. The baby's not due until March 25, 2011, so we obviously have a little time to adjust, as well as for the girls to mature a little.

    My question is for those of you who have 31 month old's or remember what yours was like at around that age. How independant are they? Do they get out of carseat's by themselves? Do they dress themselves at all? Do they still need to be in a stroller/cart when going grocery shopping or will they walk with you? Can they walk into stores with you w/out trying to run away? Do they listen when you say no? Are they able to communicate what they need better?

    I know it depends on the child, tempermant, parents, environment, etc., but any basic answers anyone can give me would be so appreciated. Right now the girls are such a handful ALL the time that I think I would lose it if I had a newborn now! I don't know how some of you do it! I'm glad I have a little while to figure it out.

    Thank you so much for your time!
  2. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    Do they get out of carseat's by themselves?
    Mine can't undo the buckles but once I undo them they can get out on their own. They also can get into them alone but again I have to do the buckles.

    Do they dress themselves at all?
    Mine are just starting to really dress themselves. My daughter can get her pants on and off but she does have trouble with her shirts and my ds doesn't even try to put his shirt on. They both can take their clothes off on their own.

    Do they still need to be in a stroller/cart when going grocery shopping or will they walk with you?
    Since I have a little one this was BIG for us and yes they can walk with us. I say "hand" and they both grab my hand and we can walk for a long time that way. I'm working on saying "stroller" and having them grab on to the stroller, but that's still a work in progress.

    Can they walk into stores with you w/out trying to run away?
    Not without holding my hand. If they aren't holding my hand then they are running in different directions.

    Do they listen when you say no?
    This is hard because it depends on the day :laughing: They do know what "no" means and if they don't listen they get put in time out, but they don't always listen...

    Are they able to communicate what they need better?
    FOR SURE!!! There has been such a huge leap of communication in the last 6 months!! It isn't perfect and they do still have melt downs but they can normally tell us what they want and what's wrong.

    I wouldn't worry too much, I think it's a great age to add another! Congrats on your pregnancy!
  3. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    Congrats on the new baby! It will all work out.

    ETA: My replies are in with your questions in the quoted part.
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Congrats on your pregnancy! :banana:
    Carseats: Mine cannot undo the buckles but they can get out on their own if they want to. I usually just do it though.
    Dressing: DD can take her clothes off with no problem. We are working putting them on. My DS can get out of clothes with a little help and is learning to put them on himself.
    Strollers/Carts: I just have the two and it depends on what kind of trip I am making, if it's a quick trip then they stay in the stroller or cart, so we can get in and out but if we've got time to wander and go slow, I'll let them walk and they are usually pretty good staying with me.
    Walking into stores: Mine are usually pretty good with this, most of the time, they stay with me. We still have times where they will try and run off in separate directions.
    Listening to no: Again, I would say that is most of the time but sometimes it depends on the place we are (at the playground or anything kid friendly, they are less likely to listen to no).
    Communication: Yes, both of mine communicate very well what they want and what's wrong. They still have some meltdowns but it's not as bad as it was a year ago (at 17-19 months).
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