What baby gates do you have?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by tamaras, Oct 14, 2008.

  1. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    I need to buy some gates this week for a couple of doorways and for the top/bottom of the stairs...I didn't realize just how many options there are out there!
    I am considering the pressure mounted kind only because they wont require drilling into the walls and seems easier if we decide we want to change the location of them in our downstairs area - thoughts?
    Any input on what you like/don't like would be great :good:
  2. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    I think that they don't recommend the pressure mounted ones for the top of the stairs - just in case they don't hold. Also because they often have a bar of some type at the bottom (if they have a gate), and that can be a tripping hazard. Other then that, its just whatever works for your space. We have a few different ones ourselves, and they both work well. I would suggest getting one with a gate though, so you don't have to hop over it all the time.
  3. nymom4

    nymom4 Well-Known Member

    I bought the Evenflow mesh pressure mounted gate. It's really works & keep my twins out of the kitchen. One of the twins is 23 pnds. & he leans against it, chews on the top of it & it's been very sturdy. Although, I don't think I would put at the top of your stairs ~ I don't think it's safe enough for that. I like the pressure mounted gates too. They are easy to set up, looks nice & contain my little monkeys like I wanted! I did a lot of research on gates & you're right there are millions out there! The Evenflow is cheaper ( wow, there are some expensive ones :eek: ) and works just as well as the overpriced ones. I don't have stairs to worry about ...phew! I would say use the Evenflow for the lower level of your home & check out saftey 1st or possibly kiddiegaurd gates ( they are pricey though) for your stairs. I hope this helps a little!
  4. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I'm still looking too... We got some high ones that have a small cat door in them, but our dogs put their head in there and then pull the whole thing down... We'll probably use them with the door closed eventually anyway, but yeah in my experience pressure mounted gates are not quite enough against 55 and 80lb dogs.
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Just a warning about the pressure mounted ones, we have one and took some of the paint off of our wall. What really worked well for us and this is because this is how our house is laid out, is getting one of those super gates, it's three panels long and we can use to block off the stairs that lead down to our door and the stairs that go upstairs. It can be hooked to a wall if need be, but we did not do that. The gate is too heavy for the babies to move, which is good.
  6. twinmuffin

    twinmuffin Well-Known Member

    I have 2 superyards + one extension. 6 panels go in front of our television, block off the stairs, and slide behind the couch. 4 panels slide behind chairs in the kitchen/dining, and then slide behind my bakers rack to block off the entrance to the kitchen, this way, the babies can crawl around in my dining room, which they like because of the linoleum. Then I have another 4 panels, that block off the fish tank. If I close the bathroom door, and my bedroom door, then the babies can crawl into their bedrooms, all over the living room, the hall and the dining room. I would not put a pressure mounted gate at the top of the stairs. The superyards were the best options for us, because we wanted to be able to block them from the entertainment center, and the fish tank, and there are no walls to mount to keep them out of the kitchen. Although our house is alot like an obstacle course right now.
  7. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone for your input!
    I do have a superyard that someone just gave us & I guess I never really thought about splitting it apart! I can definitely now use that for all our areas downstairs (though having one w/ a gate door would be nice...)
    And I will get something safe & secure for the top of the stairs.
    I guess I need one for the bottom of the stairs too??
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