What are your nicknames?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by teamturner, Jul 11, 2010.

  1. teamturner

    teamturner Well-Known Member

    My husband and friends and I were talking about how random our kids' nicknames can be... For example, we call one of our daughters Pi. Her name is Aya, so we started calling her Aya Papaya, then it became just Papaya, then Pi Pi, and now it's just Pi. Funny thing is, we'd originally intended to call her by her middle name, but we switched back to her first name when she was 3 weeks old. The poor kid is only 4 months old and she's been called by several names! Our other daughter is Coco and we call her Coco Bean or Coco Bean Bean. We named our little ones in utero, in other words we decided which name was for which baby, and we couldn't have picked more appropriately. Aya is so chilll and Coco is so outgoing.

    Anyhow, just curious as to your little ones' nicknames and how they originated!
  2. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    You know, I really don't have nicknames for the kids. Sometimes it bothers me too! LOL! I think because it varies on the mood I am in! I would call Annabella-Bella Bean. Or Principessa(princess in Italian). Or Annabella straciatella... Or Bella(I try not to though...).

    Nicholas is "NiNi" and Anthony is "ToTo." Because the boys couldn't say their names, or each others, that's the nickname we came up with. DH is Anthony, and he was known as "ToTo(it's said really quick, with a hard T sound-NOT like the dog in Wizard of Oz!). When we were in Italy, DH's uncle called Nicholas "NiNi" because it was easier for him to pronounce. So when the boys were starting to talk finally-we gave them those nicknames!
  3. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    Kitten & monkey! Cause she's so adorable and sweet and he is all over the place.
  4. daisie31

    daisie31 Member

    We call one mama because she looks just like my mom and the other is tootie, started as Ruby toot because she is very gassy and now it's just tootie or toots. Poor things. We call my son bean or little one which is funny since he is now the big one of the three.
  5. Shohenadel

    Shohenadel Well-Known Member

    At first we called Sarah, "Baby Bird" because she was so tiny and looked like a little bird opening and closing her mouth. We called Rachael, "Turtle" because she had a little round head and would stick her neck out like a turtle. Now we just call Sarah by her name...and we call Rachael, "Trouble with a capital T" because she gets into so much trouble on a daily basis! I know we need to stop that though before she's old enough to get a complex and/or understand!

  6. piccologirl

    piccologirl Well-Known Member

    we have tons of nicknames for jacob and owen. the most frequently used are probably buggaboo (owen) and boogetyboo (jacob) or o-bags and joe-bags. our most complicated nicknames are jake'n'bake & easy bake owen :crazy:

    shannon - i'm sara and my sister's name is rachel so clearly you have superior taste in names! :D
  7. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    Nathaniel usually gets Nate, or Chunks from the Goonies, because he is a chunkey monkey. William gets Will, or Will-Will, he also gets turtle, because he looked like one as a newborn, he also get The Screamer, he is my demanding one. My oldest Donevan gets D
  8. k2daho

    k2daho Well-Known Member

    LOL our nicknames are quite silly.

    Our little guy Jacob is "Huffy Pufferson" because he huffs and puffs when he starts to get upset or wants to eat.

    Katelyn is "The Hiphopopotamus" which is from Flight of the Conchords originally, but was given to her because she loves to jump in her jumperoo and she makes beat box noises with her mouth!
  9. twinmom2dana

    twinmom2dana Well-Known Member

    Isaiah's middle name is Joseph so I started calling him Pepito early on since that is a spanish variation of Joseph. That has now become Peeto. His brother I call Peezu which is a sort of match to his brothers nickname and came from me singing a made up song which involved the word "peezy". Those are the main nicknames that I have although I also call them mocha and vanilla latte because of their differnce in skin color :laughing:
  10. ssb2e

    ssb2e Well-Known Member

    My poor children will have no idea what their name is, I call them something different all of the time! Camdyn is Cami, sissy, princess, peanut (from the NICU because they were several days old before they had names and she was so tiny), coo coo cami, or crazy cami (those two speak for themselves - she is crazy!!), cami whammy, ..... Ansen doesn't get quite as many names. Antsy Pantsy (or Antsy Pants) - hope that doesn't stick! :FIFblush: Sometimes that gets shortended to just pants. Both are called monkey quite often.
  11. jromkey

    jromkey Well-Known Member

    We have lots of nicknames for our LOs - Ava gets called Avesey Wavesey (puddin' n' pie) quite a lot. They both get called bubelah as well. Viv is Peanut because she is small but she is also very strong and active so more recently we've been calling her Mighty Mite. Both are referred to as Miss Smileypants or Miss Poopypants depending on their moods. They have also been referred to as Mary Tooter (as in Tudor - get it?!) when they were more gassy. There are so many others that I say throughout the course of the day that I don't necessarily remember. I love nicknames and foresee that I will be making up nicknames for them for a long time to come. I consider it to be a form of endearment.
  12. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    JT is "crazy pants" and Jack is "cookoo brains" haha, both are monkeys and twinkies and to go with the Twinkies in the house we have started calling Hannah..."Hannah Banana Cupcake":) Or Cupcake for short:) Yes I should work in a bakery;)
  13. hsddc

    hsddc Well-Known Member

    Annie is "The Squidge" because she squidges around all over the place. We basically never call her Annie, Squidgey totally suits her.
    Harrison is the Little Man or Mister Man because he's so serious. Lately I've also been calling him Pauly Walnuts because his cheeks have filled out big-time and it looks like he's carrying around walnuts in there like a squirrel.
    DH also calls them "A-Bomb" and "H-Bomb".
    And, like most others it seems, we call both of them monkey a lot.
  14. Gigantor

    Gigantor Well-Known Member

    My daughter's nick name is B, Bius, Baboci. Oliver is Ogi and Edmund is Peanut or Gangster...
  15. teamturner

    teamturner Well-Known Member

    I've been meaning to reply saying that I love all these cute nicknames. And, that I always call my girls the twinkies, which I picked up from this site.

    I'm sure all of our kids will go through various nicknames as they grow up!
  16. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    Zoe we call Zoe Bean, Zo Zo, or Zoe Bear. I just realized we don't call Jude much besides her name...I will call her Peanut from time to time. Her head is like a little Peanut, and since Zoe is bald, in the morning I always say, "I see one Peanut and one Potato." I just love getting them up in the mornings...they are so excited to see mommy. Sigh. :FIFblush:
  17. babyhopes09

    babyhopes09 Well-Known Member

    What a fun topic! We call Avery "Avie" or "Ava" and I'm seriously afraid that poor Bryn will go to kindergarten thinking that her real name is "Bryn-bear" or "Bryn-bug!"
  18. lalique

    lalique Well-Known Member

    Nevaeh gets Vaeh alot, more than anything else, but I also call her minnie mouse, & booboos, & occationally piglet. She's also been called bubblegum by some other relations & friends, because she had a cleft lip & it made her gum look like it had a bubble in it. I devert away from this nickname though, I think its kind of mean. (even now after her lip is fixed & she has no "bubblegum").

    Avaria has several nicknames, I call her aria, my mom calls her ria. My soon-to-be-husband calls her Yoda (cuz her hair stands up like yoda), I also call her avaria-supperbaby ALOT. & when I'm writing about her i call her ava cuz its easy to type!
  19. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    DD is Sassy and DS is Buggy. Our nicknames have stuck and that's what they usually call each other. (Usually they had "my" in front though! So cute! My sassy and my buggy :wub: )

    I can't even remember how they started anymore. Just little things I started calling them and now here we are at 2.5.

    We also shorten their names from Reagan to Rea (Ray) and from Jason to J.
  20. BubbleDragon

    BubbleDragon Well-Known Member

    I love this thread!!

    Ours are Peanut for Kepler. Sometimes this is "Mr. Peanut" or "Peanut Butt" or sometimes even "Mr. Butt" and other plays like "Peanuttle"
    Tycho we call "Hambone" because he was a little chunkier (but still small!)? This we sometimes shorten to "Hammy."
  21. Deyra Mavrides

    Deyra Mavrides Well-Known Member

    We have alot of names for the twins -
    I call them both Bubblegum - monks (as in monkeys) - and Boo-bears.

    most often usually refer to them as Bubbles and Beats - Daxon is bubbles because he usually has a mouth full of spit bubbles, and Danae is Beats because she has a few little issues with her heart -- and the "beats" just seemed appropriate.

    My husband likes to call Danae - Goudou - or "the girl" and Daxon is Bing.
  22. fmcquinn

    fmcquinn Well-Known Member

    I usually call them by shortened names--Lillian is Lillie and Danielle is Dani. But Lillie has become Lillie-Locke because we swear when she screams she's thinking "Don't tell me what I can't do!" or I sometimes call her Squirmy Worm or just Lil. Dani is Slobber Worm or Dan and sometimes Dani Monster if she's having a screaming fit. :D

    Seriously, our girls won't know their real names either! :D
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