what are you looking forward to the most once they are born?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by haleystar, Jul 7, 2009.

  1. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    Top 10 Things you are looking forward to once your babies are born.....
    1. hearing their lungs and wailing a huge cry of health
    2. seeing their faces and holding them for the fist time
    3. that first smile
    4. the first time they respond with a giggle
    5. when they want to hug you but can't reach your waist so they hug your legs
    6. the first refrigerator picture
    7. the first words
    8. the first time they hug eachother
    9. when they just can't giggling from excitement
    10. that first moment when they grab and hold on to you as if to say "you are mine and i love you"

    there is my list, i could add more and more but i thought 10 was a good number to start...so what are you ladies looking forward to??
  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    Great list. :wub: Number 10 is the best. :cry: :cry:
  3. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    1. Seeing what they really look like
    2. Their personalities
    3. The first time I hear "mama" in stereo
  4. faerieprncs

    faerieprncs Well-Known Member

    1. Seeing two milky smiles.
    2. SLEEPING ON MY TUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. pittmane

    pittmane Well-Known Member

    Carrying them around on the outside (i.e., being able to put them down!).
    That's a great list, by the way. I can't wait to see what they look like - hair color, do they look like me or my DH, etc. But the biggest thing, by far, is being able to cuddle and hold them.
  6. sparkle77

    sparkle77 Well-Known Member

    1. The look on my husband's face when he sees and holds them for the first time (I swear I got pregnant just so I could see his face).

    2. The first bath and having those two sweet smelling babies to hug and cuddle (I am a fiend for fresh baby smell).

    3. Daytime naps with all of us in bed together and waking up with them next to me.
  7. mes_00

    mes_00 Well-Known Member

    1. Hearing the dr's and nurses say they are healthy!
    2. Seeing the look on their daddys face when it really hits him.
    3. Getting to bring them home from the hospital and we can begin our lives.
    4. Their first words/steps.
    5. Rocking them to sleep.
    6. Messy meals and food fights. Sorry, my dad was a bad influence! He loved it. LOL
    7. Bath time!
    8. Taking them to the park.
    9. Mud pies. Yup. I loved getting dirty as a kid and even now. Can't garden properly without mud!
    10. Watching them with their Dad as they grow up.

    Darnit now I'm crying! Blasted hormones!
  8. watersurfers

    watersurfers Well-Known Member

    Great lists!

    Kristine, the first time my daughter said "I lub you" and when she wanted me to pick her up and "hold her all the way".... was pretty much the best moment ever.

    36 weeks 1 day
  9. chicagomama

    chicagomama Well-Known Member

    Great poll idea!!! I have to answer this first then go back and read others. Here they are, not in any order, just as came to mind:

    1) introducing them to my daughter
    2) breastfeeding tandum (if I can!!)
    3) first smiles
    4) lots of cuddle time
    5) stroller walks (once I am healed!)
    6) cute boy outfits
    7) *selfish bit* getting my body back!!
    8) seeing their eyes & hair
    9) watching them sleep swaddled together
    10) feeling immense pride in my babies and my body that bore them
  10. lorileahb

    lorileahb Well-Known Member

    1. Having happy, healthy babies
    2. Watching their big brother with them
    3. Not feeling like this anymore!
  11. Pitbullzz

    Pitbullzz Well-Known Member

    Not in any particular order...

    1. Holding them
    2. Them looking me in the eye
    3. The relief on DW face
    4. Introducing them to their other 3 sisters (dogs)
    5. Starting on nursery
    6. Being able to tell DW..."Beat It! I got this. Go to a Spa, go shopping, relax...whatever. You held them in for months, now I am ACTUALLY able to give you a break"
    7. Hearing them laugh
    8. Waking up in the middle of the night to change and or feed them. (May sound wierd, but I am actually looking forward to that. I don't really sleep anyways)
    9. Dressing them up in outfits they will hate me for later
    10. Taking them out on the town...
  12. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    i LOVE your list....especially the kicking DW out (can you come teach my hubby that trick) and the diaper changing....it just made me smile and crack me up. You're gonna be a great daddy! :)
  13. Pitbullzz

    Pitbullzz Well-Known Member

    Ha...maybe I just have Identity Issues...LOL

    Nope...NO WAY would I want to go through what she is going through. I can't, so the least I can do is let her sleep through the nitely feedings and changings when I am home and boot her out of the house for "mommy alone" time. She IS spoiled...that's a fact. The only thing now, is that she is going to have to share that spoiling 3 ways...Ha. She will probably pout worse than the kids...
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