What are/were your 10 months ols favorite toys?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by w101ttd, Feb 14, 2011.

  1. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    My twins are getting into everything around the house. They have many many toys, all kinds of toys. But they arent interested in toys anymore. They like crawling around the house and mess things up lol. they crawl in my office, take my doc papers/books off the bottom shelves, crawl in the kitchen open the cabinet, take stuff out, take DVDs out from TV stand, hit DVD player with some toys, crawl into laundry room, sit on top dirty clothes pipe then crawl back down (lol this is the good one),oh and pull out all the drawers,crawl in bathroom and pull up on toilet...Man i am so exhauted to chase them around. So what do/did you do to keep them sit and play lol i dont know if thats possible? We have a superyard. But i just use it to fence up around the fireplace. They even tried to take it down too lol. Should I just clean up all of bottom shelves, cabinet,.. and add their toys in there? I have been gated up everywhere, but they definitely dont like that. We just removed some of their toys and added tents and tunnel in their playroom. They played with those for 1-2 days now back to getting into everything again.

    Oh another question. how do you keep your babies from getting hurt? mine like to pull up, cruise around furnitures and let go. I really consider helmets lol.

  2. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    In my opinion, the best thing you can do is put the things you don't want them to mess with out of their reach. If you don't want them in the office or laundry room or wherever, either keep the doors closed or put up gates. Our living room and dining room are open - we have gates that keep them out of the kitchen and a gate that keeps them from going down the hall. Basically the living room and dining room is the safe area - I've cleared out, blocked off, or locked up pretty much anything I don't want them mess with. Otherwise I would be totally exhausted keeping up with them! Yes, they may not like the gates. Sometimes our boys hold onto them and cry because they want to go through, but that is just tough. :laughing: They need to stay in their safe area for my sanity!
  3. lisagayle

    lisagayle Well-Known Member

    I'm in the same boat! It seems like everything that's off limits is exactly what they want. We bought them a few new toys to try to keep them entertained, but mostly I let them roam. I have a gate set up to keep them out of older DS's room (he's VERY protective of his things around them) and we have cabinet locks on the kitchen cabinet doors. But other than that they get free roam. As long as they can't get into anything (chemicals under the kitchen sink, dog food, electrical outlets, etc I let them explore. Right now they are at an age where being able to move and touch all these really cool things they've seen their whole lives but never been able to touch is so cool!

    :) Hang in there!
  4. tracilynn

    tracilynn Well-Known Member

    Yes this is the age when they begin EXPLORING and that is WAYYY more fun than any and every fancy toy ever made. May as well babyproof now because this is a battle you can't win. Haha. Very true though.
  5. mandywellman

    mandywellman Well-Known Member

    We have gated off our kitchen and and the saftey zone in our house is the dinning room(not really dinning rooom now a play room) and then den ( that is full of toys) but i know what you mean they want everything that is NOT theirs!! They have so many fun toys and they rather chew on the channel charger or my cell phne! eh! The second that gate comes open they are in the toilet! (hands in the toilet) and chewing on the TP roll! so the gate does not come open often! BABY SECURE their area and gate them in and they will learn they can not come out! Designate a room! THtas what we do!

    As for them getting hurt,, they just have to learn, as long as its "safe" for them they are going to fall thats how they learn! Its hard i know, bth my girls are walkming everywhere so we have are bumps and bruises and I hate TO see them fall, but I guess it does get easier.

    goood luck!
  6. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    If you don't want them to get into it-either gate the area off, or get rid of the stuff that is on their destruction path. My boys pretty much had free reign of the house. I closed the doors to the bathroom and basement. And there was a gate at the stairs so they couldn't go up there. I did have a gate put in between our living room and kitchen/dining room. I could keep them contained in there when they outgrew the superyard.

    As for the getting hurt, it's just part of life! It's awful to watch them climb up and cruise...and then fall to the ground. They will learn. The more they do it, the steadier they become! I always tried to be near them during this phase if it was possible, but accidents are going to happen, whether we are there or not!

    Good luck!
  7. MrsBirch

    MrsBirch Well-Known Member

    We keep ours pretty much in the living room, we've removed our coffee table and the floor is covered with those interlocking foam numbers and letters to protect from falls and it's easier for us to sit on. They are blocked in by a chair and the play pen. We let them roam when it's time for lunch and time for naps. They (more me though I think) love to play in their room too so we go up about 30 minutes before nap/night time and play up there for a bit.

    TOYS: Uh they want whatever the other has right now. DD wants what DS has, pulls his sock to distract him, he drops the toy to play with sock, she grabs the toy and crawls away. It was hilarious. The remotes - they know which one is ours and even though we've given an old DVD remote to them they only want our remote, the phones, the diaper rash cream, the wipes container, water bottles, etc.

    But this stage is so fun! Exhausting but fun!
  8. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    yeah, their play room is 12x25. but our kitchen, playroom, living room, office are kindda opened space, but divided. so they have full access to the kitchen, living room,.. we close bathroom door and gate the stairs kitchen sometimes when its messy. i'll give up the bottom kitchen cabinets and bottom book shelves for them. im looking for wall shelves for dvd player. we have to hang tv and tv stand on the wall soon lol. now tv stand is thier play station. i think they will take down entire system soon hehe. thanks Ladies!

    i totally agree this stage is so fun, but crazy though lol. i love it. we still have things need improved. but dont we always do?
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