"What are we doing next? What are we going to do after that?"

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by megkc03, Apr 18, 2011.

  1. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator


    Nicholas does not stop from the time he gets up until he goes to bed. Whether it's his incessant talking, his jumping around all over the place, or his constant back talk-it's all.day.long.

    Now, if we go ANYWHERE... This is a typical situation:

    We park the car.

    N: "Mommy, what are we doing at the mall?"
    Me: "We are getting your glasses fixed."
    N: "Where are we going after we get my glasses fixed?"
    Me: "We are going home to eat dinner."
    N: "I don't want to go home yet!"
    Me: "#*%&*%^()@)!_%* Nicholas, we are going home to eat dinner."
    N: "What are we doing after we eat dinner?"
    Me: "Going to bed."
    N: "What are we doing when we wake up from nap?"

    AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I was at my wit's end with him tonight. I brought him to the eye doctor's...then we came home and picked up his siblings and we went to see my grandmother at the nursing home. He started the "where are we/what are we going/doing" thing while we were there, and proceeded to do it while we were driving. Then we get to the mall and he keeps it up. It's constant. What is the deal of wanting to know what's next? Maybe we do too much so now he expects to be going somewhere or doing something on a regular basis??? I don't know. It's becoming more aggravating as it goes on. Or maybe I just need to relax, or sleep, or take deep breaths. How do you 'fix' something like that?!?!
  2. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    You are describing both Jesse AND Joshua to a T! We can go through "what is after that?" for an entire weeks worth of life! I finally started changing the subject by teaching them the days of the week. So I say today is Monday and when they ask what comes next, I just tell them Tuesday, LOL. It does tend to get on my nerves, but I know this too will pass.

    Edited to add: BTW, they also scream and cry when we tell them we are going home. But they have been doing that for at least 2 years. They LOVE it when we travel. We are "off season" for hockey so we haven't gone on any trips lately. I think they have spring fever and want to get up and leave town, LOL.
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My son does this too and I think it's just because he wants to know what to expect. Kind of like the people who look at spoilers for upcoming episodes of their favorite shows :laughing: My son is a talker too...he pretty much is talking from time he wakes until he takes a nap and then until he goes to bed.
  4. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Yep! My chicks have been doing that for a while. I just started saying "I'm not sure yet" and they would stop. :faint:

    But now we've graduated to them making up their own schedule if I don't have a response. And it usually goes something like this: "Oh, I know! After the mall I'm going to eat jelly beans and watch a movie". Ummm...nope. :nea: :laughing:
  5. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    You need to start with "where do you think we are going?" and "what do we normally do after dinner?" He is at the point where you want to start pushing him to think to the conclusions.
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  6. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Maybe that's why A&R don't do that. I've been making them answer back forever and a day.

    However, I can say something like, "Oh what do you want for dinner tonight?" and they both scream, "it's not night yet!" Or, "Do you want to go to the playground today?" "It's not day yet!"
  7. BaileyandMarleysMom

    BaileyandMarleysMom Well-Known Member

    Marley says "Mommy, I want something new." INCESSANTLY. It's really my fault because when they weren't as verbal, I would constantly redirect them by saying, "Let's go see something new." It totally worked and stopped most melt downs. They were always excited to see "something new" and leave the playground or stop doing whatever. Now, we're totally screwed because after 2 seconds of anything Marley is asking for "something new". OMG! On a daily, minute by minute basis, there is generally nothing new in my house. :unknw: So, my only recourse is trying to find a different toy or something "special" of mommy's around the house. Let me just say, she is not easily fooled and the meltdowns happen in rapid succession when she gets bored and starts looking for "something new".

    Bailey says "Is it good morning, mommy?" INCESSANTLY. Well, as all of you know, sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't. I am honest with her and when it isn't we all brace ourselves for the melt down of all melt downs. Good grief! She absolutely hates "good night". OK...so there isn't much I can do about the passage of time. On Sunday, I taught her what "evening" means. Yesterday evening she asked me again if it was good morning. I told her that it was not. She piped up that it was good evening and was extremely proud of herself. No melt down. Yay to that.

    I said all that to say, I have no advice but I TOTALLY understand how you feel. Good luck. I am on my way to the looney bin with you.
  8. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    Mine just assume that our every next move involves going to the playground. They have this newly found LOVE and OBSESSION with the playground. So our questions are like this

    AVA - where are we going?

    ME - to the grocery store

    AVA - we are going to the park after the store YAY!!

    ME - no, it is 40 degrees and raining, no park today

    ADDISON- but I like the rain

    ME - it is too cold and you will be sick if we play outside today

    AVA - we have jackets and it is not cold to me

    ADDISON - and I like to be sick.

    ME - ( to myself WTF?!)

    ADDISON - we are going to the park after the store YAY

    ME - not today. And the conversation repeats itself.........
  9. ckreh

    ckreh Well-Known Member

    Since we do the grocery shopping on Tuesday or Thursday mornings almost every day I hear "Are we going shopping today?" or "We are going shopping!!!" even when we are not. I am glad to know I am not riding this insanity train alone :ibiggrin: .
  10. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    ohhhh I'm not alone. mine are asking "where is _____" daddy, or whoever. I just told them today that they will see a new doctor next week, and thought we could practice "good morning dr. C, my name is D" etc... what do they do? they just kept repeating "where is dr. C?"!! oh ugh!
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