What are their names for things?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by kristie75, Nov 25, 2007.

  1. kristie75

    kristie75 Well-Known Member

    I think it's so funny how toddlers make up names for things. My dd named her paci her "na na." My other dd named her blanket her "ba ba." All dogs they see are "go ga" which is their version of "Georgia," our beagle. "Horse" is also "na na" (a variation from "neigh neigh"). Milk is "mo". Banana is also "na na." (Na na is a popular word in our house!). :D Balloon is "bip".

    What are yours?
  2. Monika2006Twins

    Monika2006Twins Well-Known Member

    They are just starting to have words, but they say "woo-woo" for dog, "brrrrr" for car and for zipper, and one says "t-t-t-" for clock and the other says "kl-kl-kl" for clock (as in, tick-tock). Their only other word is "dow" for down (while pointing down). I think it's pretty cute too, but when I tell people without kids what they say they look at me like I'm nuts ;0

    QUOTE(krisx2 @ Nov 26 2007, 02:36 AM) [snapback]508442[/snapback]
    I think it's so funny how toddlers make up names for things. My dd named her paci her "na na." My other dd named her blanket her "ba ba." All dogs they see are "go ga" which is their version of "Georgia," our beagle. "Horse" is also "na na" (a variation from "neigh neigh"). Milk is "mo". Banana is also "na na." (Na na is a popular word in our house!). :D Balloon is "bip".

    What are yours?
  3. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Amy likes to sleep with little drool bibs (they're sort of her lovey), and when she first started talking, she called them "beeesss" instead of "bib." I don't know where that S sound came from.

    She also loves fire trucks but had trouble with the consonants at first, so it came out sounding like "baddy sock." Took me days of her saying it every time we saw one before I figured out what she meant!

    Sarah is just getting the hang of putting more than one consonant in any given word -- still, most things are "ba," "bee," "daaa," etc. But just tonight "milk" went from "muh" to "moowwk."

    The scary thing is when I find myself using their words -- like, "No, we are not eating any more nanas now, because it's time to put on your jamas and go nigh-night."
  4. Pookeysue

    Pookeysue Well-Known Member

    We call kisses, huga-huga's. I dont know how or why we started that. They are funny, cause if you ask for just a hug, you get one if you ask for a hugahuga you get a kiss.

    At our house a Na-Na is our bottle.

    It is funny the names that they come up with for some things.
  5. Jen620

    Jen620 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    When Joey and Ellie play with Annie's FP camera, they call it their cheese. As in "That's my cheese!" They got it from hearing people say "Say Cheese" as they were getting their pictures taken.

    Even at 4, Annie sometimes gets her words jumbled A calendar is a candle-er'
  6. EMc2

    EMc2 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Minette @ Nov 26 2007, 03:32 AM) [snapback]508524[/snapback]
    The scary thing is when I find myself using their words -- like, "No, we are not eating any more nanas now, because it's time to put on your jamas and go nigh-night."

    That's so funny, cause it happens more often here than I care to admit. It's comforting to know there are others out there like us!

    Bananas are a big word around here too, but they call them, "Nah nan nahs", "owl" for towel, "ba ba" for baby or blanket. And "bow ide" for outside.

    I can remember before kids when I would have NO clue what a 2 year old was saying and was actually scared to be left in a room alone with one that was babbling. Now, I'm like what was I so worried about?! But I'm thinking I'd probably only be able to interpret my own. My two are 18.5 mo old.
  7. kristie75

    kristie75 Well-Known Member

    These are so funny. I catch myself using their words too! I realized this morning that I haven't said the word banana properly in quite some time!
  8. Pookeysue

    Pookeysue Well-Known Member

    my neice said candle-er for a long time and sometimes I have to stop and think about how to say it correctly. We use to all call it a candle-er.
  9. 4jsinPA

    4jsinPA Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mitchell has always called his blankey "ganky" and now we all do too.
    Sippy cups are tippy's.
    One of my favorites is when Kenna wants to go with me to take my oldest to gymnastics. She tries so hard to say the work but always says "gmtastik".
    Mitchell drinks pediasure's every day and for a while he was so grumpy in the morning before he would get his pediasure that I started calling it his "cup of Joe". Eventually he caught on and now whenever he wants one he says "I have cuppey Joe please"...that one is my favorite and other people have no clue what he is talking about!

    There are tons of others that I can't for the life of me remember. Sometimes we sit and laugh about what my oldest used to call things...I miss that and can't believe how fast they seem to outgrow that stage!
  10. li li

    li li Well-Known Member

    I love their funny words for things. I must write them down before they learn the right words! There's so many, but the funniest two are:
    The both call pigs "la la la"s - after Sandra Boynton's wonderful book Moo Baa La La La. Maia has always called a balloon a "bug*er", I have no idea why, it's the only word we've actively tried to teach her the correct word for but she persists (and we give secret smiles to one another).
  11. girlsxtwo

    girlsxtwo Well-Known Member

    My girls call the pedi their "bump-bump" because when he listens to their heart it goes bump bump. So, therefore, the hospital is the bump-bump house. I thought that was pretty imaginative on their part.
  12. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    My favorite current is one of DD's. When we are in the van, and she wants to hear her favorite- Old Macdonald, she says "E-I-E-I-O??". Multiply this by 50 or until I can get it in the CD player, whichever comes first. :wub:
  13. djpizzuti

    djpizzuti Well-Known Member

    My son was speech delayed, but this summer he came up with "baby soup", for bathing suit of course! Peoples reactions are funny when we are out shopping and Nicholas starts asking for new baby soup :lol:

  14. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Our newest is "Ga-Ga." It means Grandma!!! LOL
  15. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    DD says Manga for Mickey :huh:
    She calls her brother Anthony, Annie

    The other words they mess up are in Romanian, so it wouldn't be too funny! Other then to me! :D
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