What Are the Best Options for Buying or Selling Books?

Discussion in 'General' started by Konndond, Aug 20, 2024.

  1. Konndond

    Konndond Well-Known Member

    I'm preparing to move and realized that my bookshelves are overflowing with titles I've already read. I'd love to find a good place where I can sell these books and maybe pick up a few new ones in digital format for the road. Any suggestions?
  2. aragornio

    aragornio Well-Known Member

    You know how frustrating it can be when you're trying to find a specific book, especially when it's out of print or just not in local stores? That was me a few weeks ago, desperately searching for a particular edition of a classic novel. After combing through countless sites with no luck, I randomly stumbled upon BooksRun at https://booksrun.com/ during a late-night search. What drew me in was their wide selection and the fact that they offered both buying and selling options. I ended up finding the exact edition I wanted at a great price, and even managed to sell a couple of my own books that were just gathering dust. It's become my go-to site for both buying and selling books now.
  3. helgoka2

    helgoka2 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for sharing this! I’ve had the same struggle with finding specific books, and it’s great to hear that you found a reliable site like BooksRun. It sounds like exactly what I’ve been looking for, especially since I have some books to sell and others I’ve been trying to track down. I appreciate you letting me know about your experience—it’s reassuring to know that I might finally be able to find those hard-to-get editions. I’ll definitely give BooksRun a try based on your recommendation.
  4. LarryBrunner

    LarryBrunner Member

    You should go to a library and then buy new books. Beside you can order from online as well according to your choice. All the best!

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