What an evening!! Gross

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Angie26, Feb 15, 2007.

  1. Angie26

    Angie26 Well-Known Member

    DH went to see his buddies this evening, so I gave the kids their bath. Everything was going good until they got out....

    They were both running around naked and I grabbed Kaylee to get lotion on her. Look up and Kelby is pooping on the floor. Our dog jumps up and comes over and eats the 1st turd. [​IMG] He kept pooping. Luckily I had a towel and stuck it on his butt and caught some of it. I take him to go and get cleaned up, come back out and where is Kaylee???

    She is hiding behind the chair with the Destin eating it and has it all over her hair, face, and chair. Kelby in the mean time rips his diaper off and is running around naked again laughing. [​IMG] It was so not funny at the time, but looking back it is now. [​IMG] Oh I should mention that this a.m. I heard Kelby in bed gagging. I go in and he has the Destin in bed with him and he was eating it and it was all over his bed. He reached it on the changing table from his crib.

    I guess I know what to get them if they won't eat a bottle of Destin!!
  2. Angie26

    Angie26 Well-Known Member

    DH went to see his buddies this evening, so I gave the kids their bath. Everything was going good until they got out....

    They were both running around naked and I grabbed Kaylee to get lotion on her. Look up and Kelby is pooping on the floor. Our dog jumps up and comes over and eats the 1st turd. [​IMG] He kept pooping. Luckily I had a towel and stuck it on his butt and caught some of it. I take him to go and get cleaned up, come back out and where is Kaylee???

    She is hiding behind the chair with the Destin eating it and has it all over her hair, face, and chair. Kelby in the mean time rips his diaper off and is running around naked again laughing. [​IMG] It was so not funny at the time, but looking back it is now. [​IMG] Oh I should mention that this a.m. I heard Kelby in bed gagging. I go in and he has the Destin in bed with him and he was eating it and it was all over his bed. He reached it on the changing table from his crib.

    I guess I know what to get them if they won't eat a bottle of Destin!!
  3. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Oh yuck [​IMG]

    Was it regular or creamy desitin? My sister's son ate creamy desitin and poison control told her he would get diarrhea, but regular desitin is worse b/c the % of medication in it is higher! You might want to call the pedi if you think they ate very much!
  4. Angie26

    Angie26 Well-Known Member

    It was creamy destin. Actually Kaylee ate some before and I freaked out and called DH's sister who is pharmacist and she wasn't too concerned. Kelby is fine, from eating it this a.m. Kaylee I think she mostly got it in her hair and all over her face. I don't think she ate too much of it.
  5. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    That's gross but funny at the same time. Sorry..

    Here's to a much less messier day tomorrow... [​IMG] (Desitin Daquiris)
  6. Seacon05

    Seacon05 Well-Known Member

    Thats HYSTERICAL!!! Thank you for making me smile!
  7. cowgirl

    cowgirl Well-Known Member

    I am wondering what the poor dog will get eatting the poop. That has got to be worse than eatting Desitin. [​IMG]

  8. tulip1981

    tulip1981 Well-Known Member

    OMG, that's too funny - gross and stressful for you, but so funny!
  9. 4jsinPA

    4jsinPA Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    OMG!!!! Those are the days you realize just how much fun twins are!!!! So glad you can laugh about it now!!!! I bet the desitin was hard to get out of their hair?
  10. LmSjt915

    LmSjt915 Well-Known Member

    Sounds like my girls! I swear they have been SO busy lately. Sophia's diaper was stuck in her pantleg the other day with poop in it, and they figured out how to open the oven now and they try climbing in. Oy! It must be the age...
  11. Angie26

    Angie26 Well-Known Member

    To be honest the Destin wasn't that bad to get out of the hair. It was worse getting it off MY BRAND NEW CHAIR.... Anyways...Yes looking back it is quite funny, but I just want you all to know that after the kids went to bed I had a beer. It went down really fast. [​IMG]
  12. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    That is hilarious!! Mine are obsessed with the Desitin tube too, but they've never actually eaten it. I don't give the twins a bath too often by myself...but when I do, I make sure they are at least diapered BEFORE we leave the bathroom so there aren't' any accidents. When DH is here to help me, we will take them downstairs in their towels and diaper them there. There has been too many times where they have peed on the floor after they get cold when the towel is unwrapped. Thankfully, we've NEVER had any poo messes [​IMG]
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