What age did you stop bathing your kids?

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by E&Msmom, Oct 22, 2010.

  1. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    My DH and I were having a difference in opinion on how long WE as parents need to physically wash our children. So Im here to ask the experts....At what age can they shower/bathe alone? When do you stop helping them wash?
  2. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Mine started taking showers just before 4. I stopped helping them about 6 months later--now I just inspect to make sure all the shampoo is washed out.
  3. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    My girls are taking showers and have for a while now. They wash themselves but I still wash their hair and then make sure all soap is off of them. I think they have been washing themselves for almost a year or more but they are just lazy with their hair and with Kira's really long hair she has trouble washing and then putting conditioner in. My son is 4 and still loves his baths and he still gets washed (he tries to do it himself but still misses areas).
  4. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine are 4.5 years old and we still wash them. My oldset DD started taking a shower around 5.5-6 years old, she could not wash her hair alone before them as it's very thick.
  5. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    Mine are 6 yrs old and I still wash them. They both have thick hair .. sort of long too .. and I like to make sure they get the shampoo all out. Plus, for me, it's still one of those motherly bonding experiences. When they let me know that they are uncomfortable or ask to do it on their own .. then I will. :)
  6. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    Mine are 7 just been taking showers for about a year. One is more independent, so one does and one doesn't. For the more independent one I just make sure all soap rinsed out. They still have a bath once a week then I usually wash them, just to make sure they have got everywhere
  7. Chrissy Nelson

    Chrissy Nelson Well-Known Member

    Mine are 7 and they like baths better than showers. I am still so paranoid they are giong to drown that I sit in there with them. I let them wash themselves but double check and make them wash their armpits in front of me, just in case they forgot. I swear my girls get BO so easy.
  8. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Mine are almost 5 and I still wash them, mostly. Even when they take showers (like after swimming), their version of washing their hair would be to smear some shampoo on a few inches of it and leave it there. :laughing: Sarah has short hair and it should be pretty easy, but although she loves standing under the water, she hates putting her head under it. So I have to dump a bucket over her head to get the shampoo out.

    In the bathtub, I will squeeze some liquid soap on a washcloth and let them wash themselves, but I still wash their bottoms, hair, and any other part that I feel is actually dirty. They sort of swipe the washcloth over the rest of their bodies, but if they get clean, it's mostly just from being in contact with warm water.

    So, in short -- I will probably keep washing them at least for several more months. I'd like to start training them to wash themselves well, because it's not a job I really enjoy (except for seeing their little naked bodies in the tub -- I like that part), but the more I push the more they resist, so I'm just waiting it out.
  9. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    At 5 I still do everything. I guess I should start letting them share in the responsibility so they learn. No showers yet.
  10. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    Mine have taken showers rather than baths for a really long time now, like since before they were 3. I lather up their bath puffs and they wash themselves and they have done that since at least 4. When I was very pregnant and had a tiny baby they washed their own hair (and they still do sometimes on the weekends) but they weren't rinsing the shampoo out well and their hair suffered from serious neglect during those months so now that the baby is more stable I've gone back to washing their hair.
    They get in the shower together, one gets wet, I hand her the soapy bath puff and she washes while I wash her hair, meanwhile the other gets wet, then the first rinses while I repeat the process on the second. The whole thing goes pretty fast that way.
  11. Katheros

    Katheros Well-Known Member

    My boys started washing themselves in the bath around 4 and then taking showers all by themselves around 5.
  12. allgood2000

    allgood2000 Well-Known Member

    Around 5ish they were independent with everything. I still check hair to make sure it's rinsed out for my twins (age 7). I imagine that with my girl, I'll have to help with hair for longer, but I think around 4.5-5 is a pretty good age for them to wash themselves.
  13. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    at almost 5 we still do their hair (Abby's needs conditioner because its really dry) but we lather up the poufs and they pretty much wash/rinse their own bodies...lately its been showers but up until the last week or so they were still taking long baths so they could play with their toys...
  14. Sandsam

    Sandsam Well-Known Member

    My girls are 6. They have been showering with increasing levels of independance since age 4. These days I spray them down in the shower, put the shampoo in their hands, and let them wash. I put in the conditioner, let them rinse. It's 50/50 who washes their body. I actually do get in the shower with them - but leave on my clothes.

    After swimming, they do everything themselves and I just supervise.
  15. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    My boys around 5, but they had very short hair, it was nothing for them to wash it. My girls have very long hair and can't get it rinsed out properly (they are almost 8) and so I do still wash their hair--but we only wash hair 2 or 3 times a week.
  16. hudsonfour

    hudsonfour Well-Known Member

    Mine are 5.5 and 4. We are a shower family 90% of the time. I get in the shower w/all 3 and make sure everyone is washed down and hair is done to my standards. Most of the time I lather up the sponge with soap and let them soap up. I haven't let them do their own hair yet. I am sure that they could handle the shower on their own (we have done it a few times) but if I am in there it gets done quickly and they are clean.
  17. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    The boys have been taking a shower alone since they were 4. They call me in there to make sure the shampoo is all out.
  18. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    My oldest has been taking a shower since 3. He thought it would delay bedtime if he told me he wanted a shower. I was thrilled because of how quick it was. I think he was annoyed. He's been going in alone since 4. He has an all in one shampoo/body wash and there isn't much for him to mess up so we let him do it on his own.
  19. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    I love that stuff !
  20. Stacy A.

    Stacy A. Well-Known Member

    Can I just say that I want your showers? There is now way I could fit in the shower with one of mine (much less 2 more!) without getting soaked! Sometimes DD will hop in my shower after I'm done washing or DS will hop in with DH, but that is the only time we are in the shower together.

    My kids (5yo)will shower, but love taking baths and playing in there. Showers are quicker, but as long as we aren't in a hurry, I let them take a bath. They wash their bodies, but I wash their hair. I have a feeling I will be doing that with DD for years to come since it is down to her waist.
  21. blessed momma

    blessed momma Well-Known Member

    Well, my son was able to shower or bath himself much quicker than the girls, but only because of the hair. My girls all have long hair and have needed extra help making sure all the shampoo/conditioner is out. My twins are almost 9 and currently shower together. One soaps while the other enjoys the water. Then they switch places. The other soaps while the first one washes all the soap off. Then they switch again and one shampoos. They just continue switching places. It's great because they help each other out with shampoo/conditioner. They let each other know if they need to rinse more, etc. It's pretty cute! My youngest is 7 and still prefers baths over showers. She really likes to play in the bath. She soaps herself and then I do her hair. Her hair is nearly at her waist.
  22. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    About 4 years old for washing their body.
    At 5 years old I am still washing and rinsing their hair.
  23. Deb C

    Deb C Well-Known Member

    They do it all themselves, but I do supervise for the hair and to make sure they wash everywhere. If I don't help when it comes to Paige putting the conditioner in, it isn't good. She will use too much & will not rinse it out well enough and it will take forever to dry her hair because of it. Otherwise, they would be ok by themselves. When it comes to independence with showers, boys are so much easier than girls! LOL
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