We've transitioned to 1 nap a day

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Monika2006Twins, Sep 1, 2007.

  1. Monika2006Twins

    Monika2006Twins Well-Known Member

    Sparked by my more energetic girl, it seems the days of 2 naps are now over. Luckily my other daughter is very adaptable and seems fine with the new schedule. I'm just surprised it happened so early, and I'm a little unsure that it's the right thing to do - but they both seem happy and although a little sleepy at 9 when the nap used to be they get past it and do well. I don't know how to force 2 naps if it's not working, and since I need to get out of the house for my own sanity and they don't sleep well outside of their cribs, this seems to be the way to do it. In a way it's nice because we have a lot more time to do things now.

    Our day starts around 6:30AM and they go to bed at 6PM. Nap around 11 now but I'll try to inch it closer to noon over the next month or so.

    Just wondering if anyone else out there moved to 1 nap so early and how it went.
  2. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    We are still on 2 naps somedays, depending on how late they will be up. Late for them is 730, they normally go to bed at 630. But, if it's working for you and you have happy babies and a happy momma...go with it!
  3. jessben81

    jessben81 Well-Known Member

    I was told that when babies don't need a nap anymore they won't take it, so, that said..... Enjoy your time out of the house! :)
  4. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    I think it's too early. Most children drop their morning nap at 15-18 months. I had many friends who thought the morning nap was gone at 12 months and in the end they had to start one again, b/c it just didn't work. Just keep an eye on them and be prepared that they may need it again (soon). It's good that they have an early bed time to compensate, but that still is a long afternoon for them. Even my oldest who has been on 1 nap since 18 months, still wakes up at 3 pm from her nap and goes back down at 7.00/7.30 pm and needs that. They're so active.
  5. Trillian

    Trillian Well-Known Member

    No, I don't think you're nuts. My DD has dropped one of her naps too. Occasionally she'll take two but usually not. DS still takes his two naps so I let him sleep, but I'm just upset that I lose one of my precious 'break times'
    Oh well, we do what we have to, right?
  6. Monika2006Twins

    Monika2006Twins Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the feedback everyone! I'm still so unsure about it - I really don't want them to be sleep deprived, then again, they sleep between 12-14 hours at night so maybe they really don't need to sleep as much during the day. I try to give them "mellow time" where I read to them, or I dim the lights and give them a massage, or we go for a drive, or a stroller walk so they can zone out. I'll just go day by day and see if things change. It may be that once the novelty of crawling wears off she'll be ready to nap more...but then the whole walking thing might become exciting.?
  7. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    At 10 months, I put my girls down at 10am and then again at 2pm for nap. they slept from 8:00 pm to 630 am. naps were about 60-90 min long. I would wake them from both naps. i crashed them into a one nap schedule at 14 months.

    When the 2-3-4 schedule doesnt work, try a 3-4-5 schedule. Wake at 630, nap at 930 or 10, then nap again around 2or 3, then bed around 730 or 8.

    Edit to change 8P to 8:00
  8. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    I think that each baby and momma know what they need. It's not crazy if your two are thriving on a one nap a day schedule. I put mine on a one nap a day a few weeks ago and it was good for about a week and a half, now we are doing two naps most days. Seems they like to just go a little longer in the morning but still get two, sort of what the pp said about going from 2-3-4 to 3-4-5. Either way, good luck!! :)
  9. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    my kids have NEVER taken 2 naps a day - they take one nap usually between 10 and noon (depending on how early they get up - if its a work/go to grandmas day they get up at 6:30 otherwise I let them go - they generally don't get up later than 8 am)...and they sleep for approximately 2 hours...
  10. Julie

    Julie Well-Known Member

    My girls went to one nap a day at 11 months. They got up at 8:00am, went down to nap from 1:00pm-4:00pm and went to bed between 8 and 8:30pm. It was great. They did this from 11 months until 3.5 years old when the naps ended.
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