wetting the bed all of a sudden

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by LB, May 23, 2010.

  1. LB

    LB Well-Known Member

    Last night (and now tonight too) my 3 1/2 yo DS has wet the bed...here is what is happening..We have the same routine..bath, watch tv with snack no drink, go potty, brush teeth have a TINY sip of water, read books sing songs and get in bed..now the twins have been potty trained including nights for about a month now. This DS (he has a brother) is still wearing a diaper at the sitter's 2 1/2 days a week b/c according to her he poops at naptime..He doesn't do this at home but maybe it's b/c he naps later there..who knows..anyway he just went potty but when we say ok it's night time now he lays in the bed sometimes wiggles around (rolls, sits ups etc as he always has) a while and then pees the bed..then he pops up and says I just pee pee my pants. So last night I changed his underwear and pj's, the sheets and he went to bed. Tonight he popped up and said I pee pee the bed you change my sheets) I was so angry and (assuming this has to be behavioral) since it was only a tiny drop in the bed (his underwear and pants were wet) I only changed his pants and underwear, placed a towel over the wet spot and left the room with my DH to deal with him...WHAT IS THIS ALL ABOUT?? All of a sudden he started this? Now we are in the middle of having an addition put on the house and their bathroom is being torn up but we are using the new bathroom that was remodeled so it's not like they have to use a potty on a different floor. I assume it's behavioral but could something medical be going on??
  2. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    I think it's hard to say if it's behavioral after only two nights, he may just go back to 'normal' tomorrow. Does he normally get up and go to the toilet at night or go the whole night without needing to pee?
    From your post I think that perhaps the first night was a total accident and the second time was maybe to see what would happen or because he liked having his pj's/sheets changed or because he realised it delayed bedtime. If he does it again I would try and deal with it in as calm and matter-of-fact way as possible. If he is having genuine accidents (which he could be) you don't want him to feel bad about it, and if he's not you don't want him to continue wettting the bed for your reaction.
    Two nights doesn't really make a pattern but if it does continue it wouldn't hurt to get him checked out by your doctor to make sure there's nothing medical causing it. You could also try putting in a second potty time in your bedtime routine, right at the end after stories and songs, to make sure his bladder's as empty as possible.

    Good luck.
  3. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Is he going through a growth spurt? It is possible that he might pee in the bed just because he is having a growth spurt and his bladder is growing as fast as he is. I agree with pp, give it a few nights and see. With my Sarah we would have weeks of dry then a week or two of accidents in bed. It took several months for her not to pee in the bed at night while Allison rarely had an accident at night from the day she started peeing in the potty.
  4. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Is he drinking more throughout the day? Has he been checked for diabetes or a urinary tract infection? It sounds like he's doing a cause and effect thing with his head (I pee, you change the sheets), but there are legitimate medical reasons for wetting the bed.
  5. LB

    LB Well-Known Member

    I was thinking about the medical reasons too but last night it happened again..Last night he went potty, brushed his teeth, had a SIP of water, we read books then we went BACK to the potty where he basically dribbled into the potty. He went to bed and I told them it was time for bed. Same routine with an extra potty break. I sat in the room as I usually do until at least one of them falls asleep(or they get up and play)...not 5 minutes later of him rolling around or sitting up I tell him to lay down and go to sleep , he pops up and says, "I pee pee the bed!" I told him we don't do that. I took off his pants and underwear which were wet (but not the bed this time) and put a diaper on him. He went to sleep and he woke up to a dry diaper. He doesn't pee in the bed while he's sleeping ..THAT would make sense...he does it when awake..he doesn't ask to go potty (as he shouldn't have to b/c he JUST went) he just pees. It seems like it has to be behavioral but I can't figure out why!!! I just don't want to feed into it or make it worse.
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