Were your babies in uncomfortable positions?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by kesterl, May 27, 2009.

  1. kesterl

    kesterl Member

    So far my wife's pregnancy has gone pretty good. She did start to have a thinning cervix at 27 weeks which led to steroid shots. But that so far was the only complication. Yesterday we went in for our bi-weekly visit to the specialist and there are a few things that are popping up. The good news is her cervix didn't shorten much (1.4 down from 1.5) but Baby A still hasn't gotten out of what looks like a very uncomfortable position. Her head is as low as it can go (pressing on the cervix) but the way her body is situated her chin is resting on her chest almost. And she's been like this for the last 3 months. She moves fine, her little mouth and tongue were going crazy. And she can move everything else just fine. But we're just worried because unlike her sister she's never been out of that upside down position. Did anybody else have this happen?
    Baby A's weight is also coming up as an issue. Two weeks ago there weights were A-2.6lbs, B-2.7lbs. Yesterday they said baby A was 2.9lbs and B was 3.4lbs. This was after we had to have two technicians try to get baby A's stomach size because it was behind B! I know ultrasound weight measurements aren't 100% but that was easier to swallow when they were both on par together. I know these issues sound like small potatoes compared to so many others but as first time parent’s panic mode is only a small issue away :eek:
  2. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    Did your Dr say that he/she was worried about the babies position, or are you and your DW concerned about it? There were several times my girls looked like they were in extremely uncomfortable positions, but everything turned out just fine!

    I am so glad to hear that your DW got the steroid shots! I strongly believe that those made all the difference in the world when it came to my girls!

    U/s measurements can be way off. If you think about it, just a little movement in any direction once they "mark" it could cause a variation. My girls were born at 28 weeks 1 day and you can see their stats in my siggy. Their weights were different as well. Try and remember that they are 2 different people and they are not going to be exactly the same.
  3. littletwinstars

    littletwinstars Well-Known Member

    I did not have the exact situation that you are speaking of, but my children did have a significant weight difference. Our DD was diagnosed with a velamentous cord insertion (basically her umbilical cord was not inserted directly in the middle of the placenta - which is ideal). In fact hers was a few millimeters from the edge. We later discovered that in addition to hers being on the edge, she was basically getting her nutrition from whatever was left over from our DS. (i.e. their umbilical cords were positioned so that the nutrition was not equally divided) As a result, her weight and height were always less than her brother. Unfortunately, I do not have their weights during the pregnancy with me at this time...but I can tell you that at birth, she was 4 lbs. 6 oz. and he was exactly 6lbs. It was scary during the pregnancy and it was considered high risk (due to the velamentous cord insertion), but we had a scheduled C-section and after a few weeks in the NICU...they are perfectly fine! :)

    We were told during the pregnancy that as long as she continued to grow (despite the weight and height difference with her brother)...it's a very good sign. I know this can be a stressful time so we're sending you some :hug: . Also, just wanted to add that our DD was supposed to be Baby B (due to her position), but at delivery...right when our OB-GYN went to reach for our DS, our DD moved and positioned herself right in front of her brother. Therefore, she no longer was the little sister...she became the big sister and was born first! To this day our children continue to have the 2 lb. difference, but they are both very happy and healthy.
  4. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Alice (Baby A) was always squished. Always. She came out with a flat head. Not bad enough for a helmet, but bad enough for people to ask what happened to her. I always told them that she was squished by her brother.
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It always looked like from the u/s that our baby A (Sophia) was uncomfortable in there but not sure if she was or not. Baby B was quite the mover and kicker and we would think she was probably in there and getting tired of it! From our understanding, Sophia was in the same position all pregnancy, breech.
    It is totally normal to worry about these things, my DH and I are first time parents and we worried a lot too. Like Krystyn said, U/S measurements can be off and are not exact. When we had our last U/S before birth, they had each twin 1 lb heavier then what their birth weights turned out to be. Good luck to you and your DW!
  6. kesterl

    kesterl Member

    We were happy with the steriod shots as well. I've just read so many posts on here and how the outcome seemed better than if there were no shots.

    The doctor didn't necessarily seemed concerned with baby A's position at first, but when we reminded him that she's been like that for so many months he said he would have liked to seen her move from that position. He looked closely at her spin and everything seems to check out. So all he did was make a note of it in our charts. But that does little to comfort me and DW. He was more concerned that baby A's body didn't grow much.

    But I'm very grateful to hear that others have seen something similar to this and had positive outcomes. Me and DW are on here just about every day checking the forums and gaining so much information. So thank you for all the encouraging stories, keep'em coming :D
  7. Kaelan

    Kaelan Well-Known Member

    Baby B was vertex all the way down in the pelvis, with the rest of him curled up like he was folded in half almost. baby A was laying sideways, taking up all of his side, and most of his brothers, so there was no way that B could move anywhere. The only small issue that came from it after they were born was that B had been in the same position for so long that the muscles in his neck had begun to stiffen and we had to do exercises to loosen them up again so he had a full range of motion.

    Kenneth- 6lbs 14oz
    Ian 8lbs 4oz
  8. tiff12080

    tiff12080 Well-Known Member

    My son Colten was pushed way down on my cervix. The poor kid came out with a black eye and a bruise on his cheek from where his knuckle was stuck. The nurses called him Rocky :rofl: .
  9. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :hug: Sorry you and your wife are worrying. :hug:

    My son (baby A) was in the uncomfortable position you mentioned and besides a flatter head and torticollis (which has gone away now) he is perfectly fine. :good: Their blood doesn't rush to their heads when in the upside position as it would for us, and they're bodies are very flexible, so I'm sure she's fine. Did your doctor mention anything? As far as their weights go, are they ID or fraternal? If they are fraternal, then I wouldn't worry about their weight differences. My two were always a lb or so from each other.
  10. kesterl

    kesterl Member

    Wow, it's sooooo good to hear these stories of healthy babies. Our situation sounds so much like indisbelief's. Vertex and cramed in there.

    According to the doctor they can't tell if there identical or fraternal. They have seperate sacks but the membrane between them is too thin/or thick to tell. He gave us odds of 75%fraternal and 25%identical. So we'll see when there born. To be honest I think the DW and I just want these last weeks to go by quickly.

    What is this torticollis you mentioned?
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