were they easier as infants or toddlers??

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Heathermomof5, Feb 28, 2007.

  1. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    My Mil asked me if I thought the girls were easier now or if they would be as toddlers - I figure we'll trade some of the hard stuff now like not sleeping for easier things but also there will be more difficult things ahead such as walking!! so I told her my plan is to just enjoy every day! and I would let her know once I have experienced both ages!! what do you think?
  2. Crystal74

    Crystal74 Well-Known Member

    Easier as infants!!! The toddler stage is hard, once they start walking. Just make sure you have your running shoes dusted off [​IMG]

  3. kma13

    kma13 Well-Known Member

    Easier as toddlers it sucks when they are infants [​IMG]. Walking has made my life easier! I tihnk it might depend on your personality!!
  4. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    I've enjoyed BOTH stages so far. Infant stage was GREAT for us. Mine slept through the night at 11 weeks and never turned back. The ONLY time they've awoke in the middle of the night since then has beeen if they are ill. My girls are serious sleepers and LOVE their cribs! We had no major problems as infants. Sure, we had a few eating issues (reagan didn't like the spoon I tried to feed her from for about a good 6 weeks), etc. But all in all, I loved all the cuddles and holding time I got when they were infants that I don't get now.

    However, as toddlers, I love this stage too! They are becoming so independent adn are really each other's little friend! It's so fun watching them love on each other, tackle each other, run around the house chasing each ohter, playing together, etc. It's great!

    So, each stage has it's own challenges, but I have really liked both so far!
  5. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    People ask me a similar question: "Is it easier as the grow?"
    I say yes and no. Easier because you get in a routine of doing two of everything. But harder in that they do not sleep all day like an infant and are getting very mobile. But I think soon when they can both walk it will get a bit easier. I think there are tradeoffs, like now I sleep all night but run around all day. [​IMG]
  6. LouCee

    LouCee Well-Known Member

    Good question. However, I don't have a good answer. [​IMG]

    It's hard to say because we were extremely fortunate that the boys were such easy infants.

    I also love this stage because they're more active and can do more. I also find this stage harder because they're more active and can do more. [​IMG]
  7. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    We had pretty easy infants, as far as infants go, but I still did not like that stage one bit. I am so much happier now. There may be some things that are harder, and things are definitely more complicated, but I am enjoying my children, which makes everything seem easier.

    Also, FWIW, walking has been nothing but good for us. Even though they can get into more stuff, they can also walk places on their own two feet when I used to have to haul them everywhere (but they are still small enough that I can haul them if I have to -- like if they just won't GO!). Best of both worlds IMO. [​IMG]
  8. allgood2000

    allgood2000 Well-Known Member

    I thought the easier stage was infancy - after nursing was well established and they were on some sort of normal schedule. Once they started walking (well, running), life got really crazy for about 18 months! Besides always going in opposite directions, they were almost continually hurting each other. It was a very hard stage for me. So, for me, the most difficult stage so far has been from about 20 months to 3 years old. Once they turned 3, things got REALLY easy! [​IMG]
  9. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    Both stages have been fairly easy in our house. But looking back the infant stage was easier for us-- no whining, tantrums, opinions and negotiating going on! [​IMG]
  10. CapeBretoner123

    CapeBretoner123 Well-Known Member

    There are challenges with both ages.
    You couldn't pay me to go back to newborn to 3months age(colic, NO SLEEP, no memories of that age other then crying ).
    At a little over 3 there like toys that the batteries never stop.
  11. pam2baby

    pam2baby Well-Known Member

    we were watching old video of the girls last night and I couldn't believe how easy our lives were then...and the house was so quiet~
    yup, I'm voting that infants are easier! p [​IMG]
  12. logansmommy7

    logansmommy7 Well-Known Member

    My vote is for the INFANTS....ours were pretty easy outside of a few sleeping issues for ds...but otherwise, went smoothly. The toddler stage is a different story..they are climbing on everything, screaming, yelling, and demanding as all get out....I still love them so much and this has to be the CUTEST age of all. They are sweet all the way around for sure...
  13. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    I really enjoyed both stages and miss alot of things from when they were little but toddlerhood has really been easier. They can feed themselves, they tell me when they are hungry or when they need diaper changes, they lay down and nap by themselves, they can walk.
  14. Lillybelly

    Lillybelly Well-Known Member

    So far, it's easier for me the older everyone gets. I know it's horrible to say but I hate (yes hate) the baby stage. I can't deal with the no sleep and when they can't tell you what is wrong. I love my toddlers. There are problems, but usually now when someone cries I can easily figure out why. They can play with each other and don't always need to be held. At toddler stage is when I begin to feel like I have my life back.
  15. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by NicoleT:
    Both stages have been fairly easy in our house. But looking back the infant stage was easier for us-- no whining, tantrums, opinions and negotiating going on! [​IMG]

    I totally agree. I miss the infant stage.
  16. sharon_with_j_and_n

    sharon_with_j_and_n Well-Known Member

    For me the infant stage is a blurr or exhaustion, colic, and endless transitions. When they became toddlers it was like I was suddenly meeting my girls for the first time. They were so entertaining...so curious, so much fun. For me it's no contest...from toddlerhood on it has been blissful. My girls have pretty even temperments so we didn't really have any terrible two's to deal with either. Hats off to those who had good babies. I hardly had a chance to catch my breath the whole first year.

  17. MommyofThreeBoys

    MommyofThreeBoys Well-Known Member

    Thinking back and thinking of my life now....I would say they are easier as INFANTS. Yes, you have to feed and change them all the time but other than that, they were mostly happy. TODDLERS - You have to do all that PLUS they get into EVERYTHING!! I am constantly chasing my around and trying to get them away from something and they only have free roam in the living room and 2 bedrooms.
  18. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Each stage has it's advantages. My two were not the easiest infants. Right now they are so much fun, but I do more running.
  19. hanknbeans

    hanknbeans Well-Known Member

    We had miserable infants with reflux. I don't really remember that stage all that well. I think 18-24 months is HARD, but not as hard as 0-3 months!!
  20. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    For me it's TODDLERS, hands down!!

    I had very difficult infants. They are tough toddlers too, but I feel I can talk to them now, so for me it's easier. I can barely even read the "oh, both stages were easy for us..." as I totally cannot relate. Love my kids to death though!
  21. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Each stage had its challenges. So far though, I think that this stage is more tiring for me. They just don't stop, and since they get frustrated easily they often whine and cry. They were really easy babies. With that said though, I am having a blast and I actually am really enjoying this stage. So yes, they are harder, but it is much more rewarding!
  22. team_double.trouble

    team_double.trouble Well-Known Member

    I know my twins are toddlers, but they arnt walking yet, so its still quite easy, its definatly easier than when they were little babies, needing alot of care and being so tiny you think you will hurt them if you touched them hehe.
  23. crazybabies

    crazybabies Well-Known Member

    I miss cuddling babies & they were easier to shop with etc, but the lack of sleep thin gis a deal breaker for me.
    I can accomplish so much mor eon a full night's sleep.
    I think each age has it's challenges & rewards...... that's God's plan for talking us into having more kids!!
    My babies are so funny now, my oldest son goes out the door @ 8 am to school, then it's us, but they count down until he get's home.
    It's a crazy day, but I'm not sure when I accomplished more..... sleep deprived or chasing the messes of 2- two year olds!!
    Either way, I am happy to be onthe roller coaster!!
  24. ~Peta~

    ~Peta~ New Member

    Infants???????? I can hardly remember what mine looked like I was sooooooooooooo tired. Lol.
  25. RNjaime

    RNjaime Well-Known Member

    My DH and I agree, 1000% easier as toddlers!!! Having two infants without family help was terrible for us. Jackson has just now (at near 18 months) consistently slept through the night. Nursing was hard too, that's all I did. It's also just been recently that we've gotten any kind of napping schedule. The first year was absolutely HORRIBLE, I'd never do it again!
    Toddler is so fun. I started enjoying it when they started walking. They stay together, and don't really get into too much. Maybe we baby proofed the house early. My guys are super good, I'm loving every minute with them.
  26. 2for1

    2for1 Well-Known Member

    Infants! [​IMG]
  27. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    I definitely thought the infant stage was harder. It was so nice when they became mobile and could go get the things they wanted, even when it was something they shouldn't be getting. [​IMG] 18-24 months old was one of my favorite ages because they had the ability to communicate pretty well, played together, and could get things for themselves. I felt like a "Super Mommy" at that time. [​IMG]
  28. handsfull&lovinit

    handsfull&lovinit Well-Known Member

    Now is definitely way easier. The first year is a complete blur to me of bottles, diapers, and rocking. Now they are much happier, they feed themselves,and they can entertain themselves for short periods of time. I do NOT want to go back to the infant stages of twins! That's why we had a tubal!
  29. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    I've always said that it doesn't get harder it just changes. You have pros and cons at every stage. I do miss then they were infants though. Yeah, there was less sleep but they weren't mobile yet and just so squishy. I love babies!

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