We're taking the plunge this weekend!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by JoyX2, Jun 26, 2008.

  1. JoyX2

    JoyX2 Well-Known Member

    Well we are finally moving our babies to their big boy beds this weekend so baby sister will have a crib when she comes. We made a big outing out of going to pick out bedding for their new beds. They picked out Spiderman. the beds are going to be really cute. But, frankly I'm a nervous wreck about the whole not being confined in the crib anymore thing.

    I need input from other moms who have transitioned...was it a really hard adjustment or was it not that bad? Are they up and down all night long? (that's what I'm afraid of!). Did they wake up crying the first few nights, forgetting where they were? Do they get up and trash their room in the middle of the night when they can't sleep? All of these are fears/concerns that I have. And also naptime. That will probably be a thing of the past too from what I've read. :cray:

    ...But it needs to be done. And I'm so proud of them for reaching this milestone. Just a little nervous.

  2. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Good luck to you. I think it is neat that you let them help pick it out, it makes it more real for them then. I've only done it one kid at a time, with my oldest DD and now Emilie (Trevor is still in a crib). But I didn't have any trouble with them not sleeping. It was mostly the falling asleep part. For my oldest DD it took a week or so to get her used to falling asleep in her bed. With Emilie after the first day she was fine. So I really think it just depends on the kid too. Now Trevor, on the other hand, I think will take a lot longer to do. :laughing:

    Emilie naps just fine, in fact she asks to go to bed. My oldest DD napped fine in her bed too. Nap time has not been a problem with beds so far. Hopefully it won't be for you either. Lots of luck.
  3. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Good luck! My piece of advice is to talk 'big' about it. Really talk them up and say what big kids they are and keep repeating how they will stay in them. Good luck! :)
  4. Jen620

    Jen620 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I had no problem moving any of my girls into a toddler bed, but like Amy, I did it one at a time. Joey and Ellie do share a room though, and they still fall asleep fairly quickly without much up and down. Good luck!
  5. littletwinstars

    littletwinstars Well-Known Member

    Our DD and DS moved to their big beds about a month ago. We had tried at 18 months and they refused. This time they were really excited and we've had no problems. We have locks on all their drawers and closets so the temptation of playing with their toys is minimized. They do have a toybox in their rooms, but not a lot of toys inside. It's funny because if they are not tired during their nap time our DD will just stay on her bed and sing songs. Meanwhile our DS will get out of bed and walk around. We've told both of them to stay in bed and they are each in different rooms so they are unaware of what the other is doing. So luckily our DD has no idea what her brother is doing. We did take them shopping to buy new "big bed" sheets and we really played it up so they got excited. Good luck!
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