we're still doing 3 naps

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by allgrace, Jan 22, 2007.

  1. allgrace

    allgrace Well-Known Member

    they are just 8 months old- we are still doing 3 naps but it seems like they are fighting me on the last one the past few days-

    our last nap starts at 1pm and they eat at 230- with another nap at 430ish.. we can't go much later then that.. cause they eat at 630 and bed at 7-730pm.

    so if you are still doing 3 naps what time is your last one at?

    do i fight it or not?
  2. allgrace

    allgrace Well-Known Member

    they are just 8 months old- we are still doing 3 naps but it seems like they are fighting me on the last one the past few days-

    our last nap starts at 1pm and they eat at 230- with another nap at 430ish.. we can't go much later then that.. cause they eat at 630 and bed at 7-730pm.

    so if you are still doing 3 naps what time is your last one at?

    do i fight it or not?
  3. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    I'm a little confused. When are the naps?

    When my girls had 3 naps, we always did the third nap "on the go". Which meant they slept in carseat or stroller if needed. If not, they didn't nap.

    If you drop the 3rd nap, you might want to move up their bedtime a little earlier for awhile.

    Also, we rarely let them sleep past 4pm to preserve the 7pm bedtime.
  4. Gilbert_Mommy

    Gilbert_Mommy Well-Known Member

    We are still doing 3 naps, occassionally they'll take 2, but rarely. They still eat every 3 hours and nap for about an hour to hour and a half before they eat. They're naps are usually 8:30 to 10:00, 12:00 to 1:30, and 3:30 to 4:30 or something like that. They go to bed anywhere from 6:30 to 7:30, depending on what we're doing at home. I usually don't let them sleep past 5:30. They've been sick lately, so they've kind been off schedule a bit, they still take 3 naps, but they're usually only about an hour each. I just haven't been able to stretch them to 2 naps. They get way too tired during the day.
  5. doubledownmom

    doubledownmom Well-Known Member

    maybe you should try putting them to bed earlier. I am the same as "safari" - they only get a third nap if we are "on the go" meaning they are in their carseats or stroller b/c I had an errand that I had to run. Otherwise, I don't let them take the third nap and they go to bed earlier than yours at about 6:30pm; but tonight they actually went to bed at 6:15pm b/c they were so tired. They will sleep until 7am-7:30am usually. Their am nap is around 9am-10:30ish and pm is around 1pm-??.....
  6. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine took 3 naps up until the beginning of last month, so they dropped the third one at 9 months. Their last nap was from 4:45-5:30 and it was here at home, they just could nap make it from 3-7:30 (I have to wake them from their second nap at 3 to get my oldest DD from school). That third nap was a pain as I was always trying to get dinner started at that time. They just started taking too long to fall asleep and then would only sleep at most 30 min., so I figured it was not worth it and stopped putting them down. It took awhile, especially for DS, to adjust to not having that nap. In fact he still could probably go down around 6 if I let him, but I don't. If you think they are ready to give it up, try it and see how they do, give it a few days though.
  7. Melis

    Melis Well-Known Member

    My girls still take 3 naps.

    9:30 to 10:30/11
    1:30 to 2:30/3
    and a small catnap at 5
    They go to bed at 7:30/8:00/

    Hope that Helps!
  8. allgrace

    allgrace Well-Known Member

    our naps are at 9am, 1pm, and 430pm bedtime between 7 and 730pm
  9. 2peasNApod

    2peasNApod Well-Known Member

    We nap at 9am, 1pm and then sometimes at 4:30. The last nap never lasts more than 45 minutes (not because I wake them, that's just how it is). We only take the last nap if the two earlier are 30-45 minutes. We usually get a least one of the earlier naps that lasts 1.5 to 2 hours. Also, our bedtime is between 7:30 to 8pm, sometimes as late as 8:30. Mine sleep through the night (recently, YAY!) until 7:15-7:30am. HTH!
  10. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    Mine still have a 3rd nap most days. I usually get them up between 4:30 -5:00 so they are ready for bed. If they don't take it, they cry/whine until bed.
  11. Sara26

    Sara26 Well-Known Member

    My girls started fighting the third nap, which was usually around 3:30 or 4, at about 8 1/2 months. But I think they were about 9 1/2 months before they had completely dropped it. It was a long transition period - some days they took the nap, some days they didn't. And for quite a while if they didn't take it they were crabby until bedtime. Now at 11 months old they are fine with being awake from about 2:30 until 6 or 6:30, when they go to bed.
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