We're sick, HELP!!!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by 2peasNApod, Feb 4, 2007.

  1. 2peasNApod

    2peasNApod Well-Known Member

    I thought it was just allergies because it started with a clear runny nose. It has moved into a slight cough for DD and severe congestion for both. It was so bad that last night I had to sleep sitting up with DD with the cool mist because she was so congested.

    I tried the saline drops with bulb syringe 3 or 4 times during the night but it only seemed to relieve her stuffy nose for about 5 minutes at a time.

    So my question is, what types of medication have you given your 9-10 month olds with cold/allergy symptoms and how much was the dosage?

    This is the first time my kids have been sick, so Tylenol is the only thing I have given them. Here is what I have in my medicine cabinet, but most say if under 2 to ask a doctor. DD is 18 lbs and DS is 24 lbs.

    Get Better Bear (homeopathic)
    Triamentic Stuffy Nose strips
    Tylenol Cough and Cold concentrated liquid drops
    Little Colds Multi symptom formula
  2. 2peasNApod

    2peasNApod Well-Known Member

    I thought it was just allergies because it started with a clear runny nose. It has moved into a slight cough for DD and severe congestion for both. It was so bad that last night I had to sleep sitting up with DD with the cool mist because she was so congested.

    I tried the saline drops with bulb syringe 3 or 4 times during the night but it only seemed to relieve her stuffy nose for about 5 minutes at a time.

    So my question is, what types of medication have you given your 9-10 month olds with cold/allergy symptoms and how much was the dosage?

    This is the first time my kids have been sick, so Tylenol is the only thing I have given them. Here is what I have in my medicine cabinet, but most say if under 2 to ask a doctor. DD is 18 lbs and DS is 24 lbs.

    Get Better Bear (homeopathic)
    Triamentic Stuffy Nose strips
    Tylenol Cough and Cold concentrated liquid drops
    Little Colds Multi symptom formula
  3. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    [​IMG]s, sorry they are sick....here is a link to Dr. Sears' site, that has dosages for lots of over the counter meds. Good luck! [​IMG]
  4. 2peasNApod

    2peasNApod Well-Known Member

    Thank you so much!!
  5. steph-andy

    steph-andy Well-Known Member

    Ours just got over their first colds too! We just happened to have a well baby (weight check) visit the day they woke up sick. Our Dr. said no meds to treat symptoms, just bulb suction, warm mist vaporizer and I also put wedge used to elevate for reflux back in crib - she moves so much that I don't know that it helped much. HTH. Stephanie
  6. 2peasNApod

    2peasNApod Well-Known Member

    Thanks Stephanie,
    I tried to elevate DD last night but she just couldn't get comfy so I ended up holding her in the rocker all night...of course, now I am congested with a runny nose - WONDERFUL! Hopefully this passes soon and she can sleep tonight! Did you find that using saline/bulb helped you? It didn't seem to help us much. How long were yours sick?
  7. steph-andy

    steph-andy Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by 2peasNApod:
    Thanks Stephanie,
    I tried to elevate DD last night but she just couldn't get comfy so I ended up holding her in the rocker all night...of course, now I am congested with a runny nose - WONDERFUL! Hopefully this passes soon and she can sleep tonight! Did you find that using saline/bulb helped you? It didn't seem to help us much. How long were yours sick?

    You know, I didn't really use the saline...she didn't have it running out of her nose very much, but she was always very snotty (wet), so it just didn't seem like she needed it??? They both slept terrible the first couple of nights, but then she (the snotty one) slept better than she has in 2 months for the next four nights. Exhausted maybe. I would say that it lasted about 5 or 6 days total for snotty DD and 3 or 4 for other DD who was just a little congested and had a cough. I actually brought it home (I don't get out much, so not sure where I got it!), and I had it alot worse than they did and for longer! I can only hope their immune systems are stonger [​IMG]

    I hope yours are better soon and hopefully you all get some rest tonight (and last night, too)Stephanie
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