We're Here Now

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by sullivanre, Jun 15, 2010.

  1. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    My boys have turned two, so we are in this forum now. Eli and Mark turned 2 on June 13th. I'm not sure what their heights and weights are, but they wear 2 or 3T shirts and 24 month-2T pants

    Eli is the older one :). He's very smart and very stubborn. He's pretty much day potty trained, and is borderline night trained. He knows all of his upper case letters, all of the common shapes, and all of the numbers from 1-10. He's also pretty good about walking along with us and follow directions. He's got amazing motor skills. He runs, jumps and kicks like a much older child and has taught himself to do a forward roll. He loves pizza, milk, ice cream (thanks grammy :) ), and grapes.

    Right now he's working on counting to 20 and recognizing numbers 11-20, which he's almost mastered. We're also tackling phonics, but he only knows a few sounds. Our biggest challenges with Eli and eating and sleeping. He's picky about food and won't even try things if they aren't offered in the way he wants them. :headbang: He also has trouble going down for naps and bed ever since I moved them from cribs.

    Mark is 2 minutes younger. Like his brother he's smart and stubborn. He doesn't have interest in the potty yet, but he has been watching his brother, but when he says go potty he just looks at his penis, trying to figure out why it isn't peeing. :) Mark knows all of his upper case letters, and many of his lower case letters. He can can even draw an circle, and he tries sometimes can draw V's, X's, and M's. He also is pretty good with phonics, recognizing about 10 or so letter sounds. Mark is definitely a people person, he is the huggy kissy one. His motor skills are also good, although he's still mastering the forward roll.

    Right now we are working on sleeping and following directions. we're also working on numbers 18-20, ans saying ABCs. He is very bad about going to bed these days (it's like an hour to hour and a half ordeal). He also runs away from me in public places, and we're trying to stop that. He's doing Ok with eating as long as he doesn't watch his brother. LOL! He likes most foods I give him.
  2. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    Welcome, Rachel! Age 2 is a pretty wild ride! :laughing:

    And wow, your boys are doing a lot of "academic" stuff already! :eek: I won't share the details of my boys' academic interests at this point. :lol:
  3. brookbranplus2

    brookbranplus2 Well-Known Member

    Welcome! Smart little guys you have. They sound a lot like my Dd when she was that age. By 3 she was reading. My boys on the other hand are no where near. We are still working on speach with them. They do know colours, shapes and few letters but very far from where my Dd was (yes I know we shouldn't compared)... every kid has their own strengths and weaknesses. Anyways, enough of my rambling. Welcome to the third year :)
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :welcome: to the 2-4 forum! Sounds like your boys are doing great!
  5. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Always good to have more Rachel's in the forum!! Congrats to you and Happy Birthday to your boys!!
  6. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

  7. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    :welcome: Rachel and :bday: boys!!!
  8. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    Wow, I can't believe they're 2 already! And holy moly, those are some smart little guys. You are going to give me a serious inferiority complex with the amount of work you do with them! :lol:
  9. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the welcome ladies.

    Oh man, my last post was totally full of bad typing. I should not type one handed while feeding an infant. :)

    There can never be too many Rachel's--honestly TS has the most Rachel's I've ever seen in one place.

    It's interesting Holly because my friend Kate said the same thing to me the other day. She watched my boys for two days while I was having Lena, and she said she was amazed at how much they knew at their ages. Honestly, if someone would have told me that both my boys were know their letters, shapes, colors, and numbers to 10 before the age of 2, I would have said no way. I'm so proud of their cognitive and physical development; of course, this is coming from "academic overachiever mom" and "athletic overachiever dad." At this point our main focus, needs to be on emotional and social development the boys need more work in that department.
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