We're Having.......

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Angelluv728, Nov 8, 2011.

  1. Angelluv728

    Angelluv728 Member

    With 3 boys at home and this being our last try for the girl.... Baby A is Boy #4......... Baby B...let's say B stands for "Bonus" for sure because if I weren't having twins I wouldn't have Finally gotten our GIRL!!!!

    We are very happy and feel very blessed for these two bundles!!

    Now I need help! Lol we have the girls name picked it's Shealeigh:). We cannot agree on a boy name!! So I'm looking for suggestions! We started with Seamus but it got vetoed. I'm thinking Reagan might be a consideration. Our older boys are Aiden, Liam and Kiernyn.

    Thanks in advance!!!

    1 person likes this.
  2. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Congratulations!!! I like all the names you've chosen for your children. :wub:
  3. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Sounds like a lot of Irish names are favored. What about Sean or Patrick? I'll think of more later. :)
  4. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Cillian, Egan, Maddock?
  5. Angelluv728

    Angelluv728 Member

    Yes Irish is the one common nationality between my husband and me so we've chosen to name them all that way! Patrick is Aiden's middle name....lol and Sean was just so common, though I did like Shauna for a girl name hubby didn't:( lol
  6. Angelluv728

    Angelluv728 Member

    I'm jotting them all down:)
  7. Angelluv728

    Angelluv728 Member

    Thank you:)
  8. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Aww I love your kids names! We went irish too, Sean (boy), Kaelyn (girl), Liam (boy) and Rylee (girl) :)

    Connor, Riley/Rylee/Rylie, Kaihl (my cousin named his little guy this and I love it). Around here Irish names aren't very common so naming our first Sean was far from common, we still get strange looks when we spell it out ;)
  9. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    Congrats! Hmm for boys names, they are so HARD. Donevan is Irish :p Connor, Colin, Dillon, Kevin/Kevan, Quinlan/Quinn, Callahan, Callum, Finlay, Flynn, Garrett, Kellen, Keller, Lennon, Logan, Mckinley, Nolan, Owen, Rogan, Sullivan, William
  10. Angelluv728

    Angelluv728 Member

    Lol I love your kids names!! Riley was up in the air as well. I do love the name Sean but the other reason is its already in the family..my nephew.....when you add in all those Irish names it makes it crazier...lol:)
  11. Angelluv728

    Angelluv728 Member

    Oh those are some good ones!! This is such a pain I've been through so many sites but no names have popped at me this time!
  12. 3under2!

    3under2! Well-Known Member

    Congrats!! No good ideas for you, but I do like the name Flynn
  13. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :Clap: Congrats on a boy and a girl!!
  14. SuzyHolland

    SuzyHolland Well-Known Member

    congrats !!!
    I have a Keagan

    have fun finding a great name
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