We're done.

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by MNTwinSquared, Sep 10, 2007.

  1. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Wow! 25½ months! I NEVER thought I'd be nursing them this long!!! Last night was our last session. I weaned them with 2 week intervals. Hopefully I won't be too uncomfortable because of this. Tonight is going to be hard not pulling out the pillow. They love that pillow! I tucked it away up in my closet for the next set!! lol I still have a hard time saying that! Who would have thought!! :) Just thought I'd share!
  2. Kristi F.

    Kristi F. Well-Known Member

    Aww Jackie, I am sure it was bittersweet for you. I am so proud of you for breastfeeding them as long as you did. That is wonderful. I am just so excited for you on your new additions!! :yahoo:
  3. takeluck

    takeluck Well-Known Member

    Didn't get the chance to comment on your other posts... AMAZING, two sets! Congratulations on weaning your 2-year-olds. You'll always remember the special time!!!

    I have a friend that weaned her twins by hiding the nursing pillow. Isn't that wild? Ever since they were born, she had used that pillow at every feeding. When they wanted to nurse, her twins would both go over, grab the pillow, and bring it to her. When the pillow was gone, neither twin thought about nursing or asked to nurse in any other way.
  4. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    You did such an amazing thing nursing them for so long :bow2: :clapping: You have always been an inspiration to me!!!
  5. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    Congratulations! I have really appreciated your wonderful (non-judgmental!) support these last few months -- you are very inspiring!
  6. Melis

    Melis Well-Known Member

    Way to go Jackie!!!! :banana: I too can't believe you are having another set :bow2: Just think you will get to experience it all over again. Your an ol pro! WTG for going as long as you did . What a great mama. Our last session will be Friday!
  7. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    WTG Jackie! Congratulations :) Now you have 7 months to rest! ;)
  8. pdxpeach

    pdxpeach Well-Known Member

    Congrats. I know how bittersweet it can be as I nursed my son until 27 months. Way to go for keeping up so long.
  9. greymom

    greymom Well-Known Member

    Jackie, you ROCK! :bow2: 25+ months is off-the-charts amazing!! Congratulations!!!

    And you are so lucky you get to nurse another two! :)

  10. stacyann_1

    stacyann_1 Well-Known Member

    Congrats Jackie!! Over 2 years.. wow! Let us know how the next few weeks go. I'll definitely need some tips when we get there.

  11. MommyMeleah

    MommyMeleah Well-Known Member

    You are my idol and hero!
    CONGRATULATIONS and best of luck on this new stage in their lives.

  12. Dielle

    Dielle Well-Known Member

    When I weaned my oldest, I was sad. But it wasn't too bad because I was pregnant with baby #2, and I knew that soon I'd be nursing another baby. How fun that you have all that, times 2. I'm at 21+ months with my girls and still going strong. Thanks for being such a great example!
  13. titania

    titania Well-Known Member

    oh jackie, congrats on such a wonderful accomplishment. you really are an inspiration for so many. im sure you have learned a lot and will be able to use that knowledge in just a few short months!
  14. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    Jackie, I just wanted to tell you how impressed I am with what you have accomplished also. :Clap: I really wish I could have done what you did for my kids and I am amazed by it. Congratulations. I hope you are feeling well.
  15. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    :wub: thanks everyone! I couldn't have done it without this forum!! Everyone here deserves a huge round of applause!!! :clapping:
    I was comfortable for about 3 days. After that *OUCH*! I tried the tight sports bra.. that really didn't help and I did try taking one pill of sudafed in the evening right before bed. Three nights I was in agony but I can now say that I am feeling pretty good. Next time I'll remember where my car plug in is for my pump and will relieve some pressure when needed. Self-expressing just doesn't work for me! LOL thanks again everyone!
  16. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    25.5 months - that is amazing! You rock. :bow2:

    Hope you're past the worst of the engorgement, and that pregnancy isn't treating you too bad.
  17. Phia713

    Phia713 Well-Known Member

    You are definitely an inspiration!!!! Way to Go!!! :banana: :clapping: :bow2:
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