well, that sucked

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by miss_bossy18, Oct 9, 2010.

  1. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    i've now officially been inducted into the double tantrum in public while solo club. <_< apparently, i caused great offense to my children when i told them we weren't buying the orange bins at Canadian Tire this morning. they then proceeded to let the whole store know that they were pissed off at me. i totally blanked & just kind of stood there & stared at them in horrified fascination (sort of deer in headlights) while they threw themselves on the floor screaming, kicking & flailing. then i just walked away because i couldn't think of what else to do. :pardon: they followed me out of the store, screaming the whole way. when i got them buckled into their seats, i turned around & said "not cool" in the sternest voice i could muster, which set off another round of crying. wooo boy!

    i feel like we should get badges for this sort of thing. although, i will say i'm feeling pretty blessed that it took over two years to earn this one. :laughing:

    so tell me: how do you deal with public tantrums? next time it'll be good to have some tricks up my sleeve. ;)
  2. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    WOW they actually followed you to the car? You got it better than me, LOL
  3. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    sling 'em over my shoulder and take them to the car
  4. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    Just a suggestion: :wine: :laughing:
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  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Actually Rachel, even though you were caught off guard, I think you handled it pretty well. You didn't respond to them and just turned around to go and you didn't let them see how embarrassed/frustrated/mad you were.

    I had it happen once with one child. He freaked out at the Please Touch Museum because we were leaving a water attraction and then spent 10 minutes making everyone miserable. I took him to a quiet spot where no one else was and gave him quiet time and told him we would sit there until he calmed down. He did, thankfully, after a few minutes of sitting there.
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  6. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    Shoot - I've been fortunate enough to not have that happen. When they were younger - I'd try to catch them BEFORE the tantrum started, I'd just snatch their little wrist/arm and pull them close and whisper very sternly "You'd better NOT make a scene in here." for some reason it worked and we've always been lucky when we go out in public.

    The worst we've had (and I know, it's not even bad) is them insisting on NOT sitting in booster seats or high chairs at restaurants, then proceeding to climb all over us AND the table while we attempt to eat - and everyone else just stares in wonderment...
  7. ckreh

    ckreh Well-Known Member

    You handled that probably the way I would. Our tantrums have been in shopping carts or the stroller so far. I usually just look at them and say "Well now everyone knows how unhappy you are" and that creates more crying and screaming. I think anyone with kids knows what it is like and can understand. It is the people who shoot me dirty looks because my child is being loud in a grocery store that bugs me. It's not like I am smacking them around or anything and we are not in a quiet setting like a library or church.
  8. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :good: This is what I do. I have zero tolerance for tantrums... especially in stores. <_<

    I think you handled it great!
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  9. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    EXACTLY what I had to do once when a coin operated ride at a grocery store ended and the both threw a stickin' fit! I got plenty of stares, but luckily I have thick skin. :eek:

    It sounds like you handled it superbly!! :welcome: to the club! :lol:
  10. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    ugh! but I'd say you did it perfectly! I haven't had a fit like that (yet!!)... though there are plenty of times that my dd struggles to the hilt to not get in her carseat... pretty much I don't know what to do besides force her there... ugh! I mean its not a negotiable and it seems there is no reasoning with her sometimes... ugh!
  11. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    There's not much else you can do but leave when they are intent on following you around and screaming at you. I take away a favorite toy when we get home when that kind of tatrum happens, which of course causes another tantrum at home, but at least they know that there will be a consequence to their tantrum.

    Personally, I like Holly's suggestion!! :D
  12. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    I would do the same thing next time
  13. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I agree!! :clapping: I have no patience for tantrums at home or in stores. I figure that most people around there are parents and understand!
  14. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    I am very very very lucky in that my boys have only had double tantrums in public when DH and I have both been there. The worst was at the ice cream parlor. It's next to a busy road, and the boys both wanted to run toward traffic. They completely lost it when we wouldn't let them loose, so we just picked them both up screaming and flailing, strapped them into their carseats (no easy task) and left!

    I think you handled it better than I would have! :lol:
  15. lemongrrl53

    lemongrrl53 Well-Known Member

    I agree, you did great! I am also impressed they followed you out! This happened to me for the first time this past summer (at McDonnalds, did not want to leave the play area). I had to carry one out under my arm and the other I was practically dragging by her hand. Nice work! :acute:
  16. ohtwinmom

    ohtwinmom Well-Known Member

    Well this thread was helpful! We had tantrums two days in a row that were rediculous...but not both kids, WOW! I don't know what I'd do, I couldn't carry both, so I think you did great! My one had a doozy of a tantrum Friday in which he kicked and hit me as I carried him out. It was the first time he's hit me! I was humiliated! Then of course he refused to get in the car...My usual way of dealing is just to scoop him up when I see it's about to happen and get the heck out of wherever we are. I need to get a thicker skin now that I hear that's what you all do as well!
  17. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I think you handled it perfectly! I've only had one throw a fit at a time (I probably just jinxed myself by typing that), and I try to be as calm as possible and pick up the screamer, hold the hand of the other and leave. If I have someone else with me, I will take the screamer to a quiet spot and have a TO to let her calm down so we can try again.
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