weird schedule

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by *Sully*, Mar 12, 2009.

  1. *Sully*

    *Sully* Well-Known Member

    Since the time change we've got a weird schedule. They get up a bit later around 7:30-45, but still need breakfast around 8. Snack at 10 am with milk that takes them about an hour to finish (sometimes DD doesn't finish it). So now they don't want to go down for their nap until around 12-12:30, but they don't want lunch before. I have tried feeding them at 11:30 and they just are not interested in lunch and by 12 they are too tired to eat. They take about a two hour nap, which means they aren't eating lunch until 2:30-3. That seems late! They have a small snack with milk around 4ish. We've pushed dinner back to 5:30, but not later than 6. DS is not eating much at dinner. Even favorites like fruit, yogurt and bread. Bedtime can still be as early as 7, but usually closer to 7:30.

    What do you think? Should I try to adjust it and get them to eat before napping? I'm not sold on going right to nap after lunch on a full stomach. Should I just leave well enough alone and get DS two good meals and snacks in before dinner and not worry about how little he eats at dinner? Is the late lunch bad?
  2. Merijo

    Merijo Well-Known Member

    As long as it works for you and them I'd just go with the flow. Also, as long as they seem chubby and healthy then no worries. They'll probably go through a different "phase" in the near future and then change their schedule all over again.
    Good Luck!
  3. Chillers

    Chillers Well-Known Member

    Depending on the flow of our day I sometimes skip snacks or give a very abbreviated version of their regular snack.

    Our schedule is pretty similar to yours and if the girls haven't eaten a great bf (only a banana vs a banana, a waffle and/or oatmeal...!) they'll get snack, but if they had a significant bf, I don't usually offer one. If they ask, I'll grab them something. Then they're ready for lunch at 12, nap at 1 - 1:30 and then depending on how long nap runs, they'll get an afternoon snack and dinner at 5:30.
  4. *Sully*

    *Sully* Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Chillers @ Mar 12 2009, 09:38 PM) [snapback]1225874[/snapback]
    Depending on the flow of our day I sometimes skip snacks or give a very abbreviated version of their regular snack.

    Our schedule is pretty similar to yours and if the girls haven't eaten a great bf (only a banana vs a banana, a waffle and/or oatmeal...!) they'll get snack, but if they had a significant bf, I don't usually offer one. If they ask, I'll grab them something. Then they're ready for lunch at 12, nap at 1 - 1:30 and then depending on how long nap runs, they'll get an afternoon snack and dinner at 5:30.

    I skipped the morning snack this morning, gave them something to drink only and then had lunch at 11:30. They ate well, played afterward and then went down for nap at 12:30 no problem. They are still sleeping. This is good!
  5. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    I was also going to suggest skipping morning snack...glad to hear it worked! All of mine eat (or have eaten) breakfast about 8 and lunch at about 12 with no morning snack. We only do/did an afternoon snack because there are more than four hours between lunch and dinner...usually about 6hrs so they get a light snack around 3. In your case, I'd also move the milk to right after the meal rather than with snack. That should help them be more hungry for the meal. Until about 2ish, we gave the milk after they were cleaned up from eating. Now they get it about halfway through the meal. I love that it's light later, but I hate how the time change messes with the schedule!
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