weird rash/hive on belly?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by newtothis, Nov 17, 2009.

  1. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    on of my LO's has a hive on his belly (or what looks like a hive) with redness around it.
    what can it be?
  2. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Bug bite?
  3. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Lots of viruses cause rashes. Any sickness?
  4. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    they are getting over colds
  5. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    My guess would be a viral rash then. I would watch it. If it gets worse I would call the Ped.
  6. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    If it's just one hive & it stays just in that one place, I would say bug bite. If he gets a lot of them, I would say viral rash. There are tons of childhood viruses that cause rashes. The bonus is, usually by the time the rash appears, the virus is almost over.
  7. shannon713

    shannon713 Active Member

    I dont know where the rash is but one of my boys has very sensitive skin and will get a red rash over his entire abdomen right below his belly button every now and then from where his diaper rubs against his tummy.Maybe give it a day, rub some lotion or even desitin over the area and see if it gets better.
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