Weird Fear of Mine

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Tracy5780, Aug 23, 2010.

  1. Tracy5780

    Tracy5780 Well-Known Member

    My girls are still drinking 4 6 oz bottles per day. My pedi has suggested that the girls be completely off thier bottles and pacis by 15 months. I have tried to transition into sippie cups but they do not drink as much(Pedi told me this would happen) For some reason i just feel like they NEED all this i stopped trying the sippies--

    I just feel like with formula i knew ABOUT how much they should be getting a day
    When they transitioned to baby food in a jar it was already measured out to ABOUT how much they should be having at each meal
    Now that they are on Human food i have no idea about how much they should be eating, so i guess i am over obsessing that they drink a lot of milk to make up for it incase they are not eating enough solids??

    Am i totally nuts?
  2. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    nope, sounds pretty normal. :hug:

    i would definitely work on trusting your kiddos to eat what they need though. keep in mind that now that they're toddlers they simply won't be growing at the rate they were as babies and so don't need the same level of calories.
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  3. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    You are totally *not* nuts; I went through the exact same mental contortions!! The transition from milk/formula to solid foods was really tough for me because it was so ill-defined. Peds are all about "babies need X ounces per day", and then magically at 12 months you're supposed to trust them to eat enough solids without any strict guidelines. It does get easier as they get older; you're just in a time of flux where you and your LOs are learning how to move from being babies to being toddlers.

    It took me a few months, but I did learn that I had to trust my guys to eat what they needed to get by, and to drink as much as necessary. I did some "topping up" with baby food for a few months after they turned 12 months, but I was so glad to get rid of bottles that I gave 'em sippies and didn't look back. ;)

    A wise person here on TS said that after 12 months, milk is just a calcium supplement, not a main source of nutrition. Keep offering solids at regular intervals (I did and still do 3 meals and 2-3 snacks per day) and transition to sippies if you're comfortable. My guys really ramped up on eating "human food" once their milk intake went down. :good:
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  4. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It's a tough transition.. I micromanaged everything that went into the twins and then all of a sudden I was just supposed to rely on them??? :gah: But, we made the transition.. they did great, it's much easier, and they're thriving, so you just have to take the leap of faith and keep an eye on their growth.
  5. sruth

    sruth Well-Known Member

    A wise person here on TS said that after 12 months, milk is just a calcium supplement, not a main source of nutrition. Keep offering solids at regular intervals (I did and still do 3 meals and 2-3 snacks per day) and transition to sippies if you're comfortable. My guys really ramped up on eating "human food" once their milk intake went down. :good:

    Ditto! It was hard for me too! They need to get to a point where they are eating more than drinking. Food is their main source of nutrition not milk. If they don't drink as much milk (because of the sippy) try to get them to eat more. Eventually milk is just offered during a meal instead being the main course!
  6. SC_Amy

    SC_Amy Well-Known Member

    I get that; it can be a hard transition because your paradigm changes. is a very helpful website to figure out how much your 1-year-olds should be eating, what the normal ranges are, etc. Also, anywhere from 16-24 oz of milk per day is good. (If you can't get them to 16 oz, give them cheese and yogurt to get some more calcium into them.)
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