Weight/ Growth Issues

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twinboys07, Dec 16, 2008.

  1. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    I am so frustrated by the appt we had today. I wasn't thrilled with the doc we saw today in general. However, most concerning to me was that she expressed major concern over Jacob's weight. He was 21.4 lbs (not 21 lb 4 oz), which I realize is slight, but I honestly think he is fine. She acted very concerned, as he was below the 3rd percentile (previously up to the 10th %ile).... and told us to use whatever means necessary to get calories in him-- ice cream, cake, whatever. He has a billion food allergies and eats one of the world's healthiest diets, rich in organic produce, beans/legumes, whole grains, healthy fats such as olive oil, occasional lean meats & junk foods very sparingly. I just can't see loading his diet with junk in order to put pounds on him.

    I am going to make an effort to offer a vanilla-almond shake to him on a daily basis, which is made with a hypoallergenic protein powder & almond butter. Otherwise, I just can't justify making many changes. Jacob is bright, active, and very social. There are no other signs of even mild malnutrition other than the weight.

    The kid eats like a pig (literally-- the biggest eater in the house). He just got over roseola 2 days ago, so being sick could have taken off a few ounces or a pound, maybe. The sperm donor was 5'10" and 130 lbs, and I have a brother who is 5'8" and 110 lbs soaking wet. Skinny genes abound!

    I will try not to worry, but it always sucks when a new medical provider chastises you and makes you feel like you are not doing a very good job.

    Thanks for letting me vent. :)
  2. Chillers

    Chillers Well-Known Member

    :hug: Erin!

    That does stink when they make you feel like that. I say go with your mommy instincts! I truly believe genetics plays a huge factor. Not necessarily the only one, but definitely a large part!

  3. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    I seriously wouldn't worry about it...my pedi would be more worried if he wasn't showing any signs of being active, healthy and bright....my DD was just 20 lbs at 2 years old and is now maybe 23 soaking wet...but she's active, she sings, dances, laughs and interacts - which is what the pedi is most concerned about...

    oh and DD barely made the weight charts at 2 in the 1st percentile - yes that means that 99% of children are larger than her...
  4. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    Oh Erin, that stinks. I hate it when pediatricians expect you to substitute their judgment for yours. You know your boys better than everyone else, and if you know he's healthy and growing, that's all that matters. I could expect a pediatrician to tell you there's cause for alarm if one of your boys went from 50% to 3%, but 10% to 3% is such a small difference. Have you ever looked at the growth charts? The difference between 3% and 10% at this age is ounces. So yeah, if he was sick recently, or had a really big wet diaper right before hand, he could easily have weighed in lower than expected.
  5. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    I would be absolutely THRILLED with a weight like that. My boys are only 18 lbs. I wouldn't get as concerned as she sounds, unless he doesn't continue to gain or looses weight or slows his gain greatly.
  6. tmschefke

    tmschefke Well-Known Member

    My boys have always been at the bottom of the growth chart. My doctor says it is the genes. I would'nt worry about it. My kids are all great eaters and are as skinny as can be.
  7. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    I would ask to not see that pediatrician again, that is just not right. My pediatrician barely looks at their height and weight, he looks at THEM. He asks me how they are doing, how they are eating. Both of mine are bean poles, over 95% in height and around 10-30% for weight. Dd may even be lower now in percentiles, but she is still shooting up in height. Today she ate 2 waffles, 1 link of sausage, 16oz's milk, whole PBJ, cup of yogurt, 1/2 cup cranberries, 1 cup fruit, 1/2 c rice, 1/2 banana and some crackers. I am not going to stuff her with ice cream or other "bad" foods, that will just create issues later. I know she is perfect just the way she is, though I get comments on how skinny she is:

    I think you know he is fine!!!
  8. Ericka B

    Ericka B Well-Known Member

    I just wanted to tell you that my little Jack has a lot of food allergies and he only gained 1/4 pound in the last 2 months. The ped wasn't concerned at all, she said their weight gain drops off dramatically at this age.
  9. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    :hug: I agree with not loading him with junk just to pack on the pounds. My girls are small, but so am I. Thankfully our pedi isn't concerned and they eat pretty healthy (occassional treat here and there, but mostly just good food). As long as he is thriving and active and eating, I think follow your mommy instincts.
  10. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    I should have said last night that is it typical to get suggestions of those types of food. I hestitate somewhat also, but.....it really does help to get their weight up. Often weight is the first indicator of growth issues. Our boys are hopefully on the up swing of things. Their weight was the first to be affected, then their height, then their head circumference. Their heads finally grew and got back on the charts at the 10%, but they are no where near the charts for either height or weight.

    If you need to add calories and don't want to let them get used to junk food, I'd try cream in his milk (if he tolerates milk and that isn't one of his allergies). But meat is a great way to add calories without sacrificing nutritional value. You can add olive oil to his veggies too. My two don't like butter at all, so that's off the list for us. Also pediasure is great. I don't like giving it instead of milk, because it's sweetened. So I mix it with milk and only give it once or twice a day. You can add carnation instant breakfast to his milk also.

    HTH, I understand the frustration of having babies not gaining. HUGS!!!
  11. azmomto2

    azmomto2 Well-Known Member

    I agree with Kristi, ask not to see that ped again because he just sounds ridiculous. You have healthy and happy kids who keep a very healthy diet, please don't let him make you worry for nothing.

    I don't know what part of Phoenix you live in but I finally found a ped's practice that I just love. When I had the boys I felt that my doctor was very condescending and I made a change to Northwest Clinic for Children when Bailey was born. I have seen all five doctors and really loved them all.

    Either way, good for you for doing what YOU know is best for your kids.
  12. Jen620

    Jen620 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    18mo and 21 pounds? Nothing wrong with that. In my house that would be a GREAT weight. Ellie will be 3 in February, just about 30mo now, and she's probably under 25 pounds and wears size 18mo clothes. This morning for breakfast she had a whole toaster struedel and a bowl of Cheerios.

    My ped is more concerned that my girls stay on their growth curve rather than their actual weights.

    I agree that you should see a different ped, and trust yourself--you know your kids better than the doctor!
  13. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I totally hear you, I was told the same thing at my girls 12 month appointment. I felt like such a failure for not getting Lily to eat more and I bought into the whole "stuff her with junk food" idea for a couple of weeks. After stressing at every meal and feeding her fried chicken, ice cream, pizza, etc, I realized that it doesn't matter what I give her, she is only going to eat until she is full and there is nothing wrong with that. Besides, both DH and I have no problem putting on weight so I'm sure with Lily it's a temporary thing and eating only junk food is a terrible habit to teach your kids. So I stopped the junk food diet and instead what I tried is offering Lily 5 small meals a day, b/c she just doesn't have the attention span to seat and eat for a long period of time. I also started to always have milk and water available to both girls. I keep fresh milk and water and a healthy snack on our coffee table to they can graze during the day. Last month when I took her to the pedi she'd put on 2 pounds in only 1 month. Now I think the person who weighed her at 12 months just was dumb and didn't weigh her correctly and a big deal was made over nothing.

    Try not to worry, I stressed myself out over it and my baby is fine. Babies are all different sizes, the same as adults.
  14. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    No doctor should tell you to feed your child junk food. I think you should be asking to see a new one. Babies weight tends to equal out at that age because they are walking and being more active. Sophie only weighs 26 lbs now and she is 2 years 7 months. She is a very picky eater and doesnt like trying new foods. She does like ice cream ,crisps ,sweets and all that junk but it doesnt help her put on weight and of course it is not very good for her. She is more advanced in her development than her brother who is 3 inches taller and 8lbs heavier. I would ask for a second opinion from another doctor and see what they have to say x
  15. MrsBQ02

    MrsBQ02 Well-Known Member

    I agree! My guys are 20 months now, and for awhile I was getting worried about how much skinnier B is than J. I'm sure part of it is because he can't have dairy, but we saw a dietician, who said his diet was great, and it's just his genes catching up to him. I'm 100lbs on a good day (5'3") and DH is 6'5" and 155 lbs. We're just skinny folks! DH and I are constantly being told we're "underweight" based on Drs' charts, but there's nothing we can do about it! (Though give us a few more years, and I have a feeling we won't always have this "problem.") Don't worry about it- he's eating, which is great. I suppose I'd worry if all he was eating was crackers and juice... but it sounds like he has a very healthy appetite!
  16. JessiePlus2

    JessiePlus2 Well-Known Member

    My son is right around 22 lbs also. I wouldn't give him tons of junk as the ped suggested. I think your plan of adding a healthy high-calorie shake every day is a good one. You can also offer snacks every few hours so that he always has the opportunity to eat.
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