Weight Gain Between 12-15 Months

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twinboys07, Sep 2, 2008.

  1. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    It seems like my boys have slowed in weight gain considerably recently. Our 15 month check up is in 2 weeks and I am almost nervous because I don't think Jacob has gained any weight. Jack has... but not a ton. I think Jacob is about 19 lbs, and Jack is 24+.

    Since the 12 month mark, the boys have almost stopped breastfeeding (only once per day now) and have started walking all over the place, so those 2 reasons alone could explain it... but still, I am ever-so-slightly concerned. They do eat a ton, but their diet is limited by allergies so they don't get any milk except for almond milk which is very low in calories. I think they get adequate nutrition and they act healthy... but I still know they are not gaining much weight.

    I did buy my boys a special hypo-allergenic nutritional drink that has higher calories and vitamins/minerals, etc. to offset their lack of milk drinking. They just started it today, though.

    Anyway, did any of your DC's experience a similar drop in weight gain around this time and/or these milsetones?

    Thanks for any input!! :)
  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    My ds gained about a lb between his 12 month visit {which was actually at 14 months :blush:} and my dd went down a few ounces. My ped. was not concerned at all because between these visits they had started walking. :good: Even within the last year, they only went up a few lbs. They eat like a normal toddler does :rolleyes: but are very active. I would suggest you don't worry unless your ped. gives you a reason to worry. :hug: {I know that is easier said then done}
  3. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Weight gain does slow down during the second year. I agree with Liz, unless the pedi is concerned I wouldn't worry about it since they sound very healthy!
  4. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    I just had to look it up. From 12-15 month my girls gained 2lbs and 1lb but between 12months to 24months they only gained about 6lbs each. So, there is definately a major slow down. There will be months where they gain very little or quite possibly nothing and it's normal. As they get more active (crawling and then walking) they will start to burn off what they are eating faster. At almost 2.5, Lorien has gained no more weight and Arwen has gained about 3 lbs. So in a year and a half, Arwen has gained 9lbs and and Lorien has gained 5lbs. It's totally normal. You only need to be worried I believe when they are losing weight but if they are eating as normal and not gaining weight then I would say they are right where they should be.
  5. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Mine gained very, very little between 9-15 months, then it took off again. My pedi said that is totally normal, they are getting more active but not yet eating a whole lot of food.
  6. mich17

    mich17 Well-Known Member

    All my boys slow down started at 9 months. This is when they got very active & didn't want to stop & eat. I think it is very normal. My twins are picky eaters, but Cody eats & ton & still hasn't gained much in the last 2 months.
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